I posted this last night and it was cut Log Out | Topics | Search
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Serious squealelwood11-03-02  06:48 pm
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Posted on Saturday, November 02, 2002 - 11:46 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Where did this string Discoweb Team


Axel Haakonsen (Axel)
Posted on Saturday, November 02, 2002 - 12:04 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Relax, man - If we didn't want you to post, you would have been banned long ago. I don't even recall reading the thread you are talking about. But I did archive a ton of threads last night and this morning, so the thread probably got moved to the archives. When it moves, the link to it will change.

Of course if you have a problem with how this site is run, you are free to start your own site and run it whichever way you like.

Posted on Saturday, November 02, 2002 - 12:21 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Axel I enjoy you site and I appreciate your efforts. It just seems a bit odd when the facts were posted along with all the positive responses to support the claims I made its conviently archived. You know I do support your site with product purchases, I don�t just talk shit and move on, also I have given discounts to members of this community.

I dont think ill start my own ill just hang out someplace else

Axel Haakonsen (Axel)
Posted on Saturday, November 02, 2002 - 12:50 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

I still don't know which thread you are talking about. I don't always have time to read each one, so I resent the accusation that you are being singled out. About 10,000 messages were archived between last night and this morning. Archived messages are not deleted by the way, they are just moved. If I was cencoring you, do you think this thread would still be here?

If this diff guard thread or whatever it was about got archived, start another one. I won't be archiving again for a few weeks, anyway.

And yes, I do know that you have bought DW items to support the site, and that is appreciated. I wish more people would do the same.

This is just a misunderstanding anyway. Forget about it, and move on.

Peter Carey (Pcarey)
Posted on Saturday, November 02, 2002 - 01:25 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

The discussion isn't in the archive, meaning someone deleted it. It wasn't an old thread so it wouldn't have been archived. I did a search of my posts and couldn't find it anywhere on the site.

I'm thinking Kyle probably killed it after the "fuck you" posting :). Just curious why?
My guess was we were picking on MV personally. Oh well. Life goes on.


Axel Haakonsen (Axel)
Posted on Saturday, November 02, 2002 - 02:05 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

If Kyle did delete it, he had a good reason. I never read the thread in the first place, so I wouldn't know what the reason was.

Chris von Czoernig (Chrisvonc)
Posted on Saturday, November 02, 2002 - 03:39 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post


I'm sorry, but I gotta say that you really made yourself out like a jackass in that thread and it looks like your off to a start here again. Thank god you at least finally posted useful information which you should have done from the very beginning. This whole damn fight was started by YOUR claim on how much better your product is and then proceeded to have hissy fits when anyone simply asked you to back it up with info on how you came to that claim. You ponied up the statement so YOU obligated yourself as a vendor to answer the question regardless of who was asking it. What was the problem with posting that info 40000 posts ago? Why did it matter who the fuck asked for it? Posting that info up opens you up to more potential customers who may like the specs and in-depth descriptions of your product and may now buy yours because of it. You have nothing to lose by posting that if you so strongly stand behind your product and should have after you were first asked to back up the claim.

This is not your first fucking day on this board Dee so knock the lame-duck routine shit off. You know damn well how the readers are and how vendors get responded to when they make a claim like that and not back it up. Why should you be different? No one was challenging the reliability of your product or trying to disclaim the great feedback that you get from your current customer but none of that answers or backs up your claim or makes it right when you are challenged and dance around the issue. I honestly cant really recall anyone saying a bad thing about the performance of your guards since you have been making them and that was not the issue which you managed to pull it towards and highjack the thread into a promotional venue for your product as if you don't pimp your stuff here, cost free, like mad to begin with. The thread started with someone asking for input on guards and as soon as someone mentioned another vendor after 2 kudos to you, you played lame duck which you again are starting here, and then later sadly tried to back pedal out of it when asked to explain how in gods name you thought that was a slam to you and to explain your claim. Like I just said, your off at it again with your opening statement of "Was it cut because the select few can talk trash then when the fact's and truth were posted to substantiate my claim you cut it..." which you know damn well took you forever to FINALLY address. It took a damn fight to get you to finally respond intelligently. If you want to post that your product is better than some one else's, that's cool, but be prepared to back that up intelligently and to the point without using smoke and mirrors to avoid the issue and then get bent when you are called on it. If you want to be a vendor, act like one.

Chris von C.

Chris von Czoernig (Chrisvonc)
Posted on Saturday, November 02, 2002 - 03:43 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post


Maybe it got cut because what started as a good question, turned into a complete waste of thread and the owners were tired of puking from the stupidity. This is not your first day here either so you know they dont cut posts just because someone is getting picked on.

Chris von C.

Michael Villanueva (Michael)
Posted on Saturday, November 02, 2002 - 04:12 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post


Aside from your usual trademark of entitled, whining, sarcastic bullshit (your last three paragraphs), that is one hell of an excellent description of your diff guards. I mean it: That is cool stuff and to the point.

I appreciate the energy and time you took to put the information in that post together.



Phillip Perkinson (R0ver4x4)
Posted on Saturday, November 02, 2002 - 04:33 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Good advertisement I think I will get your diff gard, they sound superior to everyone elses

Posted on Saturday, November 02, 2002 - 06:17 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

I deleted it. Now wasnt that simple ? I said long ago that it was idiot season and that I would delete at will since things didnt seem to go so well when you all could post what ever you wanted to.
I have to Echo Chris there with the lame Duck crap as well. There was mucho whining in that thread . This thread seems to be going in the same direction quick !!
Dee ?? You have always been as free to post whatever you like just as anyone else. You have actually gotten away with more. I was completely fine with just reading that shit and deleting it until you posted the above crap and ended with "I dont think ill start my own ill just hang out someplace else " . Now that gets on my fucking nerves when people post that shit here.David Gage is the last vendor I recall saying it and I will say the same to you as I did him. Go somewhere else , its only gonna hurt YOUR buisness. You might not like it but this site gets more traffic then any other rover site on the internet. This is "where its at" oddly enough..... Your particiation here benifits you far more then it does us or anyone else , keep that in mind when you post some crap like that.

I was also gonna leave the whole diff guard thing alone cause I kinda dig em. BUT , they aint all that and I imagine the reason the feed back is so good on them is because 99% of the people you sold them too arent really using them at all. This is true of most things sold for these trucks. Some guy will have a tree branch hit one and leave a sap mark on it and the next thing you know he is ranting on about how well his shit was protected. Dont go making claims about how much better your product is then everyone elses if you arent willing to back that up when you get hammered by half the population of the world afterwards. Fact is that your guards will pop off just as a few of the others will. A rock and a few minutes will prove that. Dont tell me about beating them with a hammer and this test and that test. None of your tests were done "Real time". How do we know this ? Because you recently (In some thread with Ho) posted that you havnt been off road in quite some time. This diff guard deal is brand new so taking you at your word means that you really dont know first hand how they will perform on the truck (A 6000 Pound hammer)...
Its becoming more and more mainstream for vendors to start selling shit and raving about it and they really have no clue what the thing will be subjected to. I guess they can say with a clear concious that the thing kicks ass cause it kicks ass on the truck they own that never sees any real trails. You following me here?
Now I am sure you will take this as a giant knock and me as a giant penis for attacking you, but I aint. I am simply stating the obvious after being called out (By you) up top there. I woulda just been satisfied with trashing the thread..


Paul D. Morgan (V22guy)
Posted on Saturday, November 02, 2002 - 10:19 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post


Posted on Saturday, November 02, 2002 - 10:30 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

the force of a 6000lb truck going 5 to 7 mph being stopped by a single unmovable object by one of the diffs with a direct hit is pretty huge.I tend to agree that a hammer or even a 16lb sledge hammer cant even come close to being a test for it.

but that dosent say that Dee's diff gaurds arent first rate. it just says that before a long term market opinion can be generated that he has gone farther to make his as good as he knows how , and that he feels he has improved on some short commings that others suffer from.

but if I'm spending money on diff gaurds I'm striking an arc and making sure they stay in place. grade 8 bolts arent really meant for impact shock loads.

Greg P. (Gparrish)
Posted on Saturday, November 02, 2002 - 10:44 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post


I feel a crapper commin on..........

Posted on Saturday, November 02, 2002 - 11:48 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Chris Von C., It was actually Michael Villanueva who was the "Ass-Maker" As usual.

Michael Villanueva: You're being a DICK again without being a DICK!

pile of shit
Posted on Saturday, November 02, 2002 - 11:52 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

I guess it is like that movie from the 80's
"WARGAMES" The only winner is the one who does not play the game.

If this is how it is going to be, then FUCK IT,
I'm leavin'!!


Curtis N (Curtis)
Posted on Sunday, November 03, 2002 - 12:01 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Hmmm...something tells me that WILDKNGDM & pileofshit are the same person. Shame too because without knowing who it is I will not know who to mourn when they are gone.


My curiosity is piqued. Any chance of digging up the deleted thread so I can read what started all this meaningless talk about a silly diff guard? I have not been around too much because...well, like you said, it IS "idiot season" :) Still - this has got to be interesting.


Carter Simcoe (Carter)
Posted on Sunday, November 03, 2002 - 12:28 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Its kind of ironic that every time a bull-shit thread gets deleted it is usually the inspiration for an even more bull-shit thread. Just an Observation.

Phillip Perkinson (R0ver4x4)
Posted on Sunday, November 03, 2002 - 02:35 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Yall should listen to the Grateful Dead you would be much happier people.

Posted on Sunday, November 03, 2002 - 03:27 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post


The hammers were just for fun I did perform impact testing. we hit the guards head on and drove over them with a fork lift many times I think it weighed more than 6k pound hammer. and i do belive sufferd more abuse than if used on a CT run I also used the hydraulic press to stress the welds...

The Bolts are side mounted and 2 are used so IMO the impact of a frontal hit should not sheer them but maintain the applied torque. I guess I could use grade 5 if it becomes an issue...

And yes I would run a bead on it also at 3-6-9 o'clock if I was bashing them on a regular basis�.

Thanks for the compliment. I do have to work on the smartass thing I don�t mean to start out that way it just end up typing that way... Not sure on the whine thing I only drink Scotch� Still why the personal attack? I�ve never said one word to or about you prior to this so a self assessment seems in order on your part also�

Man you took that many words to say I�m a Jackass Lame Duck. Yeah It took awhile too respond, but I did and then it was cut� So tell me if you would not have not been pissed off had that happened to you?

Kyle, so 99% of the customers I sold my guards to don�t use them... IMO that sounds about as bad as my first post... I don�t know it looks as though you read what you wanted in that thread

There were real world BETA testers for the Guards. Some of them did post there comments and opinions. And more than tree sap hit the guards. I never claimed there the BEST ones made only better than the ones Dean suggested.

About my comment that got your panties in a bunch How was it bad I replied �Brilliant� You telling all to shut the fuck up several times seemed Brilliant to me.

Or did your memory fade about the urgent email to me a few months back asking for a set of Diff Guards and you said to hold them you would call me from the road... If you ever had called me back I would have sent them to you for free to test on your trip.

As I did the radiator plug.

Those that know me will agree that assessment is un-founded. You seem to have read what you wanted and assume whatever and now try to make several hundred people think I�m fucked up. Hell i can do that on my own.

Now my turn and here is where you will get mad and delete the string but you�re not concerned by my opinion are you?

Chris might be put out not to Lame Duck me again

I never claimed to be a World Athority Self Proclaimed Trail God, some people have that demigod status but not me...

I never slandered you product or your abilities shit I even offered to buy a KVT bumper because I felt at the time it was a good if not better than what I could make but in your own words �they aint all that�

As far as Machine Shop and Welding skills im not sure where you come from and I�m not as arrogant as to to assume as much. But ill bet I was doing this shit when you were in Middle School. You may have me beat in the old better car and Land Rover department so ill concede that to you. I say my mechanical skills are a bit more industrial. You could Impress the fuck out of me and answer back on some of this.

Ever make your own ring and pinion from scratch or a worm gear including the heat treatment or any gear for that matter.

Have you or can you machine new piston liners or Pistons or Conrods?

How about working on Live steam boilers or the main engines such as those found Navy Ships. There a tad more difficult than the Rover 4.0, to work on even harder when the ship is dead in the water and all eyes are looking at you for salvation. Right Dan

How about rebuilding a head unit on a vertical turret lathe including making some gears that grenaded and without a technical drawing its a bit more challenging than rebuilding a differential on a trail..

I know I can you can roll a TF30 into the engine nacelle of an F14 try it in a typhoon at sea.

An easy one how about ground maintenance starting and taxiing a F14, man that was fun. Any one ever trust you with a 45 million dollar aircraft?

Oh how about certify a Fuel Oil Tank in a ship safe for welding, no ones life depended on that one

No bullshit in my boasting, and yes I can back up every word to the letter. But with all my vast mechanical and metallurgical experience

I found it really hard to visualize how a rock can hit a differential cover and determine the protection required.

Your objective to call my stuff crap because it was not tested by someone Like you with superior Off-road skill cracks me up...

Paul T. Schram (Paulschram)
Posted on Sunday, November 03, 2002 - 03:34 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Where the hell you been? There are a couple of heads on the board.

What's your favorite show? Mine was RFK '91. Saw 69 shows before Jerry left us.


Posted on Sunday, November 03, 2002 - 09:44 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Well this one is going to hell in a hand basket just as fast.
"Your objective to call my stuff crap because it was not tested by someone Like you with superior Off-road skill cracks me up... "

Point me to where I said that and I will gladly retract it publicly...

"I found it really hard to visualize how a rock can hit a differential cover and determine the protection required."

Yep , I figure you would , that is pretty much my point. Remember that it can only protect if its still on there... I mentioned that in the post but you must have just been reading what you wanted (Obviously)

"About my comment that got your panties in a bunch How was it bad I replied �Brilliant� You telling all to shut the fuck up several times seemed Brilliant to me."

Again , I gotta wonder what exactly it is that you are reading. I stated very clearly what statement "Got my panties in a bunch" and I addressed it.

"I never slandered you product or your abilities shit I even offered to buy a KVT bumper because I felt at the time it was a good if not better than what I could make but in your own words �they aint all that�"

Dee , yes , you asked about one and I wouldnt make it. As far as what I can see you arent even making something as simple as a diff guard. You are having someone else make it. So , the obvious is that ......It is better then what YOU can make... Are the bumpers "All that" ???? Nope , not at all , just a hunk of steel..

"Or did your memory fade about the urgent email to me a few months back asking for a set of Diff Guards and you said to hold them you would call me from the road... If you ever had called me back I would have sent them to you for free to test on your trip.

As I did the radiator plug."

Yep , I absolutely inquired about 1 diff guard (Not a set) For Findlay as he didnt have a front one for the trip , would have got it but things were a little too hectic and we were out of time. And YEP , I got the radiator "Plugs" (not plug) some time before that. I am not completely sure what that has to do with this post but,,,,OK....(Confused)

NOW , you offer up things for me to address and then you give me shit for addressing them. All the blah blah blah about being in the Navy is just that. So you were in the Navy aboard ship. Yeah , that was the job they gave you and more then likely trained you for. It has absolutely nothing to do with what we are talking about and there is not one single scenario abord ship where it applies.Not that anything you did was not commendable and perhaps spectacular at the time , but.. Were you making diff guards for the intruder and the Tomcats ? Hmm , now that I think of it perhaps you were making them for the "Thuds" , they seemed to need them but I aint sure if that was your era or not...
Alot of ships have a foundry on them and and the machinery to support themselves and the aircraft that they carry , just like a factory. There are Mexicans making 2 dollars an hour standing in a factory right now making a piston and probably some rods...Dont see the relivance of it as they more then likely cant stray from the progaming they were given and "Freestyle" something if they had to....It is still not relivant to the topic as stated above.
As for what I know ? Well , I can blah blah blah on about making things that I was proud of but it would have nothing to do with this thread. What has to to with this thread is diff guards. I have seen em bent , ripped and popped off . Have you ? Again , I dont wanna hear about forklifts and Beta testers. If you are gonna be selling something (I cant say making and selling) and giving it praise. You better damn well get some first hand knowledge of how they will perform.

In all that post above you didnt address the point of my post at all. That tells me and everyone else reading that you either just didnt get it or dont want to acknowledge it. Thats perfectly fine with me as I will more then likely delete this piece of shit as well. But you may wanna go over it again for your own reasons...
Now did everyone reading get the same thing from my post yesterday as Dee got ? Lets have some comentary on that and not another infomercial...


Chris von Czoernig (Chrisvonc)
Posted on Sunday, November 03, 2002 - 10:01 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post


Yes, it took me many words to say that. How many times do you see me come out and slam someone on here? Not that many. I feel that if I am going to slam you or anyone else, I at least owe the curiously to you to tell you why and not just say "Hey your being a jackass".

Would I have been pissed too? Yeah. You obviously took time and effort to prepare that very informative post. But your rational is still wrong. Its like putting on your seat belt AFTER an accident you caused and crying "foul". It was too late. The thread had already long gone to shit. As I said before, if you had made that post back when you were first asked to rather than dancing around it, taking it as an insult that anyone would dare to challenge your word that they are better, the thread might still be going as a good discussion.

"Those that know me will agree that assessment is un-founded. You seem to have read what you wanted and assume whatever and now try to make several hundred people think I�m fucked up"

So does that mean just because I have not bought from you, that I don't know you? I think I know a part of you from your posts here on the BBS and still feel my assessment of you and your actions IN THAT THREAD are 100% right on. If you read my original post carefully, that is what I only addressed, and even now AGAIN, you are trying to pull your customers into this which has nothing to do with the issue. I even specifically addressed your great customer feedback so that so you would understand that was not what the issue was which I tried to make pretty clear if you re-read my 2nd paragraph in my original post. Have I ever come out and slammed you on anything before? Have you and I EVER had any kind of comments to each other before? No. Obviously I don't have a personal beef with you. You handled the thread badly and took it way off base despite people were trying to get you back on track on and addressing the real issues. The point was/is, stay on topic when asked about your products and stop redirecting the issue to things that have nothing to do with it as you did in that last thread.

Chris von C

Rob Davison (Pokerob)
Posted on Sunday, November 03, 2002 - 10:10 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

goddamn kyle, i dont think i';ve ever seen more typing from you , lol


han chung (Hanchung)
Posted on Sunday, November 03, 2002 - 10:25 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

i heard of ip block...

Posted on Sunday, November 03, 2002 - 10:54 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Rob, how quickly you forget! Two words to jog your memory: Boy Scouts. LOL!

Karen ; )

Phillip Perkinson (R0ver4x4)
Posted on Sunday, November 03, 2002 - 11:22 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

I have never been a show for I was to young hen Jerry passed. 69 shows thats awesome thats more than awesome. Not trying to say that I am a head and I am definatley not a "posuer" or anything I just enjoy their music, I have never been to a show however I have an extensive collection of Dicks Picks as well as number of thier shows. What were the dates for the show in 91? I will have to get it, if you want a copy of it and dont have it I can get it to you just let me know.

Posted on Sunday, November 03, 2002 - 12:22 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Very good point Chris I though I did try to get it back on track in the original post.. Thank you for the feedback it did seem 100% more useful this time around.

Yep Han have Ho ban me, also you could have me banned form EE


�Point me to where I said that and I will gladly retract it publicly...�

Here goes ill hold my breath on the retraction


I kinda dig em. BUT , they aint all that�

Sounds to me like your calling them crap to me in your usual manner.

�Dont go making claims about how much better your product is then everyone elses if you arent willing to back that up when you get hammered by half the population of the world afterwards.�

Well after John asked me to did post and so did about a dozen others then you deleted it.

�I imagine the reason the feed back is so good on them is because 99% of the people you sold them too arent really using them at all�

Well the way I read there comments seemed to differ a bit. But according to you I along with them have no knowledge of how them darn things work off-road. Seems to me you suppressed there opinions when you deleted. Hey your site you can do that censorship is a wonderful tool.

Seems one guy was hitting them low tree branches in Moab� must have been in the parking lot at a Motel near by

�Dont tell me about beating them with a hammer and this test and that test. None of your tests were done "Real time". How do we know this ? Because you recently (In some thread with Ho) posted that you havnt been off road in quite some time. This diff guard deal is brand new so taking you at your word means that you really dont know first hand how they will perform on the truck (A 6000 Pound hammer)...�

OK so the only valid testing in your opinion would have been for me to drive all the major technical trails in my Disco and test and evaluate there performance? Um that�s what a Beta test group is for and some did.

So where did I go wrong I did a shit load of in house tests then. Then I gave 10 sets out. But you dismissed there opinions as being bull shit

If you did ever manage to call me I had a set for you id did not give a shit if it was for Findlay or who ever was in your group I was going to send you a set to test.

I guess if you had them and they passed your rigorous real world testing I could stamp its �real world� tested by Kyle Van Tassel on the box man that would rank up there with a Camel trophy tested and approved. It would have been as good and less expensive than a JD Powers endorsement, Sales would skyrocket then�

�Its becoming more and more mainstream for vendors to start selling shit and raving about it and they really have no clue what the thing will be subjected to. I guess they can say with a clear concious that the thing kicks ass cause it kicks ass on the truck they own that never sees any real trails.�

This is where you basically stated I don�t have a clue and should stick to selling spark plug wires and brake pads�

Joshua Weinstein (Untrakd)
Posted on Sunday, November 03, 2002 - 12:42 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Kyle! I didnt get a chance to read it! Is there any way I could get the text, or you could send me a "special" link so I could read it? As for this current thread, goddamn does this sound farmiliar. Granted, it is a bit different scenario, but the bitching and whining is very remincent of a Mr. Butt Cheek (aka Adam Check) over on the POR. Now Dee, I know I've seen you over on the POR, I suggest a thourough reading of what we said their, not a reading of why we said it, but a more in depth reading of ways to avoide it. And also the wonderful explanations as to how to react once something like this has already happened. Looks like we got a case of Drunk Typing here boys! Cant we all just get along? Do I hear temporary IP blockage sir HO?

Phillip Perkinson (R0ver4x4)
Posted on Sunday, November 03, 2002 - 01:42 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

So if a person was "blocked" they couldn't view Disoweb @ all, or would they just not be able to use the BB??

Carter Simcoe (Carter)
Posted on Sunday, November 03, 2002 - 01:44 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

they could still view everything but they couldn't post from the IP adress that was blocked. I supose if they got on a different computer they might have to make a new user-name as well.

Rob Davison (Pokerob)
Posted on Sunday, November 03, 2002 - 02:01 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

karen i didnt follow the boyscout thread, as usuall i make noise at the begining and then get bored.. hehe


Posted on Sunday, November 03, 2002 - 05:35 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

"I kinda dig em. BUT , they aint all that�

Well , no Dee that doesnt say they are crap , it just says that they arent all that , right there in plain english for you to read. If you want to start translating it in different ways then that is your issue (Seems to get you in trouble frequently). I said exactly what I meant , no more , no less.. I think you and everyone else knows that if I thought they were crap I would have said that in very plain English as well..

"Well after John asked me to did post and so did about a dozen others then you deleted it"

Well , NO , ya didnt , you went on the same kinda bullshitfest that you got going with me right now. Only after a few days of it did you post something. And yep , I deleted it along with the other bullshit in the thread.

"Seems one guy was hitting them low tree branches in Moab� must have been in the parking lot at a Motel near by "

Again , this doesnt say much. I have been through damn near all of the trails in Moab , some of them twice with no diff guards at all. I had no incident there. Not having them means I didnt have to stop and put the damn things back on or fish them out between the housing and the pan hard bar when they got drug off on a rock that they were supposed to be "Protecting" me from. I however have not been through anything with your guards and then Rovers North Guards. If I had I could have made a statement about which I thought was better. YOU made the statement that kicked this all off and you (Like me) have not dont that either...

Lets face it , its just a fucking diff guard.. NASA didnt make them to cover the nose on the space shuttle to protect it during re-entry and it aint all that different then anything else out there. You got one more bolt... OH , and its grade 8.... And to be quite honest , I could give two shits less..... My first post addressed what I gave a shit about and you selectively ignore things you dont wanna hear... At the end you post my quote and your response.

�Its becoming more and more mainstream for vendors to start selling shit and raving about it and they really have no clue what the thing will be subjected to. I guess they can say with a clear concious that the thing kicks ass cause it kicks ass on the truck they own that never sees any real trails.�

This is where you basically stated I don�t have a clue and should stick to selling spark plug wires and brake pads�

Again I made a statement that was quite clear and easy to read. AGAIN you translate that into what you think it should be... I dont really see as it benefits anyone to be clear and direct with you because your brain just twists that shit into something else... Do you think I have a fucking problem telling you EXACTLY whats on my mind ??????? If I thought that you should stick to reselling parts I woul say EXACTLY that... What I said is right above and can be read quite easily , I suggest you do so and take it for what it says.


Posted on Sunday, November 03, 2002 - 06:01 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Kyle you hit on the head this time.

We all read what we want and make opinions on that and yes i have tasted my shoe a few times...

The best statement either of us has made..

"Lets face it , its just a fucking diff guard..

Cheers Peace and all that crap

King Rat
Posted on Sunday, November 03, 2002 - 06:20 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Dee - nice diff guards, if I needed some I would buy yours. If someone I see needs some I will send them your way. I think it is great you are making products to meet a need that is hobby related and can make you some $$$ at the same time, Just like that Ho guy is doing with EE by riding dweb coat tails. Based on the text it does seem they moved your stuff and then had a good giggle about it.

Posted on Sunday, November 03, 2002 - 06:40 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

It wasnt "They" , it was me..... And no , I didnt have a giggle... Its a pain in the ass to baby sit...


Joshua Weinstein (Untrakd)
Posted on Sunday, November 03, 2002 - 06:46 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Hey king rat, you dumb shit, Ho, Axel, and Kyle started d-web, so I dont see any way of substatiating a comment such as,"they are riding the coat tails of d-web." If I owned the site, I too would use it to promote a product. In Dee's case, not his site, so he does not make the decisions about what is posted. As Kyle put so eloquently before, Dee can go make his own site, of back the fuck off!

Carter Simcoe (Carter)
Posted on Sunday, November 03, 2002 - 08:03 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

LOL :)

han chung (Hanchung)
Posted on Monday, November 04, 2002 - 10:41 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

what!!!! ho who??? who said ho was my brotha.
u thunk all challi's be brothas? look again sucka.

dee, just let it go... you'v made your point and i think we know who you are by now.
everybody please buy some more shit from this looser so he doens't have enough time to post here... LOL.
life goes on...

Posted on Monday, November 04, 2002 - 11:00 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Got to respect someone who calls someone a looser behind a keyboard. I want to drop it but people like you wont let it go

Paul T. Schram (Paulschram)
Posted on Monday, November 04, 2002 - 11:00 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

What's a Challi?


han chung (Hanchung)
Posted on Monday, November 04, 2002 - 11:19 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

we are all behind keyboards here.
gots to respect someone who begins this kind of thread.
at least you are getting a lot of exposure here... i think you owe dweb something from the extra business you got.
if dweb upgrades their server in the near future... great.
if not... we know who the looser is.
good luck.

Greg P. (Gparrish)
Posted on Monday, November 04, 2002 - 11:26 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post


Posted on Monday, November 04, 2002 - 12:51 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post


I believe Axel said i support DWeb and I�ve bought all the videos and DVD, stickers. I have even asked to buy other items. Also ive been gracious to some of the DWeb members giving reduced rates and some free parts to one of the owners. So leave the looser comment alone call me an asshole if you must

I was about to buy the hole in the wall. How about you?

Posted on Monday, November 04, 2002 - 01:17 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post


A plug from a neutral user:

I've used the aforementioned guards with a minor modificatio to cover the axle length. I have hit em slow, fast, vertically, and any other way you can think of. I've hit em so damn hard I thought the axle was going to snap in two.

They are still there and in good shape.

Posted on Monday, November 04, 2002 - 01:31 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Yeah but I belive you may fall into that 99% group who Kyle belives does not know how to use them Off-Road.

Henry Fox
Posted on Monday, November 04, 2002 - 01:32 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

So what does that have to do with anything?

Henry Fox
Posted on Monday, November 04, 2002 - 01:34 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

dee posts too fast. my post was directed to curquita.

han chung (Hanchung)
Posted on Monday, November 04, 2002 - 01:47 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

ok i won't call you a looser here... and i won't call you an asshole either.

u mean hole in the rock? yeah, dvd format is very nice, just finished watching it last night. damn monsters, inc... seems to be the preference at home... LOL, though my 6 month old didn't mind watching rovers climbing rocks... LOL.


Blue (Bluegill)
Posted on Monday, November 04, 2002 - 02:24 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

monter ink monter ink monter ink


bitch bitch bitch bitch diff guard

is all I seem to hear nowadays. LOL

Jay Hobbs (Jayxd)
Posted on Monday, November 04, 2002 - 03:12 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

too much

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