Milemarker question - attn: Muskyman Log Out | Topics | Search
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Marc Ingham (Marcingham)
Posted on Thursday, November 07, 2002 - 11:20 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Muskyman, you seem to be the resident MM expert. I came across this pump
and am curious, if rigged as a dedicated pump,
1) would it allow you to use the MM with the engine off?
2) would it work well/better than the stock ps pump?

Marc Ingham (Marcingham)
Posted on Thursday, November 07, 2002 - 01:04 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post


Posted on Thursday, November 07, 2002 - 06:34 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

i also checked into that type pump to get around the one possible problem with the hydralic winch (engine has to be running). in a dicussion with the manufacture, they indicated the pump is basically a starter motor attached to a pump and tank combination (same as used on hydralic car lifts). it will allow the winch to work with out the engine running, but will drain the battery similar to a electric winch. they said it was designed for short run time only and you would have to allow cool down time for the run (i think they said 6 minutes cool down for every 10 minutes running). it could be used as a back up system. check out northern hydralic...they have the same systems and so does haldex hydralics.

Posted on Thursday, November 07, 2002 - 11:17 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

yes I'd say that you could run it with that. and if you ran it at a reduced pressure the run time/duty cycle would also increase.

but I would say that its overkill as a backup unless you really plan on doing alot of deep water crossings or plan on rolling your truck over alot.

as a primary unit I think you end up back in the same boat as the lil smoker winches with that unit. if you dont want to use the power steering pump then you should either use a pto system or a pulley driven pump so you have the power you want and the duty cycle you need

Marc Ingham (Marcingham)
Posted on Friday, November 08, 2002 - 08:10 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

how do you feel about the stock ps pump? Is it capable of running the mm winch well?

Posted on Friday, November 08, 2002 - 08:37 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

the stock pump should do an ok job ,but make sure to tell MM that you are planning to use the stock pump so they can match the correct driven pump to it.

the ZF pump dosent produce as much presure as say a saginaw 125 or saginaw 300 series does so you will lose some total pulling power and the reduced flow of the smaller pump will slow down the line speed in the low range mode some but it will still outpull all the little smokers out there.

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