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Robbie (Robbie)
Posted on Sunday, November 10, 2002 - 05:56 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

My power steering pump is making some loud moaning/grinding noises, like the bearings are/have gone bad. Steering is still responsive, though at times, slightly stiff. Am ordering a new pump tonight, but would the vehicle be safe to drive for the next couple of days until the pump arrives? It's my only vehicle. Thanks all.

Steve Andrews (Sillybus)
Posted on Monday, November 11, 2002 - 12:49 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Silly question but.... is it maintaining fluid level?

Frode H�bertz Haaland (Discofrode)
Posted on Monday, November 11, 2002 - 02:00 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Shouldn't give any problem. Check the steering intermediate shaft Universal Joints - one of them might be binding/sticking. (it's the shaft from bulkhead to PAS-box).

Robbie (Robbie)
Posted on Monday, November 11, 2002 - 08:28 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Level is being maintained, and there does not seem to be any major leakage (no more than usual). Driving it in to work this morning, and there did not seem to be any binding whatsoever. Just the pump bearings making a loud racket. Ordered the pump, so hopefully driving it the next couple of days till I get it and install it will be fine.

Paul T. Schram (Paulschram)
Posted on Monday, November 11, 2002 - 08:35 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

I feel for you... Your only risk is if the pump decides to seize up and stop turning. It will turn into a dirty smoking mess quickly.

You didn't say what year your truck is. If it's a pre-95, with multiple v-belts, you may be able to pull that belt off and go manual steering if it seizes up, however, if you have the serpentine belt and it seizes up, you're in for a long walk home.

Someday, I'll have a Saginaw pump on my truck.

Robbie (Robbie)
Posted on Monday, November 11, 2002 - 08:48 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

yeah, it's a 95 with the serp belt. Well i ordered from Dap and told them to rush it, so hopefully will not live with it for too long (knock wood). if it did seize up while i was in a turn or moving quickly down the road, would i be screwed?

Marc Ingham (Marcingham)
Posted on Monday, November 11, 2002 - 08:55 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Paul- what do you know about a saginaw conversion?

Paul T. Schram (Paulschram)
Posted on Monday, November 11, 2002 - 10:00 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

I have all of the parts made up to do it, but haven't made the final step. Having just bought a Series IIA, it has moved even further down the list of priorities. Right now, I need to get some sleep (12 hours to drive 345 miles through tornados and 60 MPH winds with the trailer and a Series IIA on it), and then, unload the trailer and hide the new truck so the neighbors don't see it and complain to the neighborhood Nazis.

I have a flange from a ZF pump so I can run the ZF pulley (thanx Blue!). I have a three piece mount that bolts to the block, the pump, and an intermediary (hey, it's a prototype!), and was pleasantly surprised to find that the hoses will be compatible, with the exception that the Rover uses a larger diameter return line.

I for one don't really see the ZF pump as being easy, or worth the time to try to rebuild.

ZF does somethings very well and in this case, they did a good job of making a very inexpensive hydraulic pump.

Rob Davison (Pokerob)
Posted on Monday, November 11, 2002 - 10:02 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

i would have a concern of damaging the PS box, with pcs of busted pump. thats even bigger money ($300)

i've driven my Range Rover about 1 mile with barely and fuid in the system and it fel like no PS assistance., it was EXTREEMLY DIFFICULT to steer. luckily it was a striagh shot to my house. i would not recomend it and would not want to loose it on a bend.


Robbie (Robbie)
Posted on Monday, November 11, 2002 - 10:24 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

thanks Rob. at this point got no choice. guess i will just be very careful.

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