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James Barrios (Jamesb)
Posted on Wednesday, November 13, 2002 - 08:43 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Just want to say thanks for all who has put in their input about the stereo in the LR. I have a 2001 DII with the factory system with the two subs in the back. I like the way it sounds except for when the bass hits. There is no bass. I have been doing some research on what would be the cheapest way to upgrade the system without gutting it and installing amp and 10"s and a new head unit. (besides it's my wife's LR) I ran into some JL audio subwoofers that I think would fit in the back door. They are 6.5's and come with different impedance's to match the Phillips cheap subs that are in already. I called the dealer to find out the impedance of the speakers.They stated that they did not have those specs and could not help me. I have two questions. How much RMS power does the LR amp produce and what impedance are the Phillips subs in the rear? Here is a link to the subs. They run about $79 bucks each.
I think that if I can get enough power from the amp all I am going to have to do is swap subs and add a little dynomat spray for the back door rattle. If not than I might have to install an amp off the outputs of the sub to run the two JL's. Any information in helping me make this a reality would be great. Thanks

James Barrios (Jamesb)
Posted on Wednesday, November 13, 2002 - 08:51 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Also is there any way to adjust the gains on the LR amp for a better output?

Blake Luse (Muddyrover)
Posted on Wednesday, November 13, 2002 - 08:51 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

That amp probably doesn't push over 15 watts rms and thats being generous. The impedence is probably 8 ohms. This isn't fact but my educated guess. I was big into systems when i was in high school. The amp will push them, just remember that watts aren't all about hitting hard. The more watts you put into your speakers (not going over the speakers limits) the better it will sound. So if you get an amp that is bigger and cut the gain down it will sound better than an amp that is smaller and the gain has to be turned up higher.

thats my .02

Blake Luse (Muddyrover)
Posted on Wednesday, November 13, 2002 - 08:52 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

wow that was good timing lol

James Barrios (Jamesb)
Posted on Wednesday, November 13, 2002 - 08:55 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Is that 8 ohms each to cut it down to 4 ohms?

Ken Tipton (Irish_Nv)
Posted on Wednesday, November 13, 2002 - 09:05 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

I don't know for shure but I would bet they are 4ohms each. Anyway just putting in the new JL,s isn't going to cut it. the easiest way is a amplified sub. they run about $150 and have a matched amp built right in. also you can hook it up with a quick release harness and remove it when you need the extra space. A 8" or 10" is all you need.

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