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Posted on Thursday, November 14, 2002 - 06:15 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

I purchased an EW for the larger items, 3-year/60K, Covered items listed, company was Buyer�s Choice(BC).
With my busted CV joint and chewed-up half shaft, this is what I went through to get it fixed. Note I was working through a dealer to get his addressed, so they contributed to these issues.
Week �1 Monday, Item was listed as covered, however BC denied covering the half-shaft, only CV itself. Tuesday, I called and BC representative was rude/nasty and basically said no-way after dealer and I called explaining the CV was an assembly with half-shaft as part. I asked for Supervisor but was told, we need to send inspector-out. Wednesday � inspector denied claim due to missing CV parts, which I threw away in trash at camp, requiring 6 hours of driving/dumpster diving to locate and bring to dealer. Thursday � dealer called and said we have parts, BC said inspector will be out shortly. Friday � Inspector arrives, inspects, departs. Week � 2, Monday, dealer called and said claim denied for all parts now. I call BC, they told me the claims adjuster is now on vacation for a week, wait until he returns. I played to sob-story to one BC rep, she forwarded my story to Supervisor. Tuesday � even though they promised to return my calls, I had to call again, claim denied due to missing CV boot plus CV parts inspected were not from my truck. Wednesday � after recouping from my stroke, I made another call to BC, sob-story again, got me no where. Somehow got supervisor�s voicemail, explained how long I have been with my truck, CV is internal thus no boot and half-shaft is part of CV assembly. Thursday � no word. Friday- BC finally said covered.

This is a summary of the events, but what stress I had to endure, the nasty attitudes of BC reps, the anguish they put me through with bullshit lines of why coverage was denied, not returning calls, on and on it goes.

I would recommend to anyone considering an extended warranty �
1 � Stay away from BUYERS CHOICE, they are difficult to deal with, poor service, etc. (THANKS A LOT HAL)
2 � If you field repair, keep your broken parts to show as proof
3 � look in fine print to see if you can purchase your own parts, fix the issue and get reimbursed
4 � ask about tolerance to off-road usage, common claim denial language used by many
5 � look for language about replacing parts before catastrophic failure occurs
6 � There are lots or other items to consider, inclusive versus exclusive approaches, but match your rig to your warranty based on your ability to fix minor issues and history of your rig�s past failure of parts.
7 � Most importantly, STAY AWAY FROM buyers choice, AGAIN THEY ARE A POOR SERVICE PROVIDER.

This effort on my part was only to pursue the principle of the EW. I would have been far better off replacing this myself, cost me a bit more, but the STRESS I would have saved myself was by far more important than the $$$.

I think the business plan for BC is to collect all and deny all. For those that accept the first NO, BC wins! For those who are persistent, they will string you along hoping to wear you down and some will drop off, again BC wins! I was not going to take NO for an answer at any cost. I was about ready to take a road trip and personal visit. Would this have been the wiser financial or possibly legal approach, absolutely not, but once you piss me off, I will go through extremes, says my wife, to get satisfaction.

So, 12 business days without my truck. I have it back and I am whole again. YEAH!

Oh, did I say, BUYERS CHOICE is a crappy choice?



Blue (Bluegill)
Posted on Thursday, November 14, 2002 - 06:25 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post


I think the business plan for BC is to collect all and deny all.

welcome to the world of insurance

Pugsly (Pugsly)
Posted on Thursday, November 14, 2002 - 08:08 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Hey Bruce -

Sorry to hear about your nightmare. Just curious, in your message you say 'THANKS A LOT HAL'. Is this someone we should be staying away from?

Posted on Friday, November 15, 2002 - 11:22 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Hmmm...Same plan I have, same person. My repair shop had to jump throught the same hoops with BC just to replace the lifters in my 96. My truck was out of service for 3 weeks because of Buyers Choices' poor service. My shop, on the other hand, is AWESOME.


Posted on Friday, November 15, 2002 - 11:56 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

I think Hal is an independant broker however, If I was a broker and one of my offerings was getting bad reviews, I think I would make changes to salvage my reputation. I was told that Buyers Choice was strong and provides good service. That is simply BS. Oh and I almost forgot to mention again, that BC = BS, so stay away from the evil light little children! My retinas are now burned beyond repair...
If there is anything you can think of to warn others of the BC evil ways, let me know and I will pursue.

Posted on Friday, November 15, 2002 - 12:09 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

And another thing...
I have talked with others regarding their experiences with EW companies and they are either deceitful about their great service, or they are getting the service they expect. I expect when I plunk-down $$$ to cover unknown future repairs and the repairs are listed within the agreement as covered, that the company should eagerly approve the repair with the same vigor as they accepted my $$$ in the first place.
Am I asking for too much? Hell no! There needs to be some sort of mechanism in place to remedy these disputes versus the ordeal that I had to go through, but then again, more time on my part to execute such a mechanism..., you know the rest of the story.
The REAL nugget is, once they have your money, they have you by the genitalia and will push back until you start to make noise, so choose wisely. I thought I had, but I did not do a search on complaints regarding BC.
Oh yes, new idea just popped-up, a BBB complaint is on it�s way.


Hal Moses
Posted on Friday, November 15, 2002 - 01:51 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

I just contacted Bruce and spoke to him for the first time since he had a problem. As I explained, I am always here to assist my customers should they need my help, but I need to be notified that there is a problem. I have 10's of thousands of active contracts out there and though I would love to say that we never have a problem, every once in a while someone is not 100% satisfied. I can tell you however that though Buyer's Choice is not perfect, they offer excellent coverage for a warranty so reasonably priced.

Hal Moses
Auto Advantage Inc.

Posted on Friday, November 15, 2002 - 02:38 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Well Hal,
I'm waiting for my $1200.00 I invested with Hal and buyier choice. I had problem with BC and was eventually tolded they drop me for lack of payment. Somehow they could not charge my credit card account after 9/11/01. Sure fire method of charge went to hell and I think I was covered for 6 months. I want my money back A.S.A.P. Hal!!!
You sold the policy and got the refund and it belongs to me.

Alan P.S. You know how to contact me!

gp (Garrett)
Posted on Friday, November 15, 2002 - 03:09 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

just to show there some of us had good luck with Hal i have had 2 warranties through him.......API and Buyers Choice. both of which i have had no issues with and had claims with both.
but i am sure there are those out there with nightmares likes bruces.

Dana G
Posted on Friday, November 15, 2002 - 03:20 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post


I think your credibility is stretched a little thin. There are 3 unhappy customers on this thread alone. If you had a total of 3 dissatisfied customers out of tens of thousands that would be one thing, but 3 out of what must be a VERY small percentage of your overall contracts is pretty damaging. FWIW, I'll never consider doing business with you or Buyer's Choice based solely on what I've seen here, and I'll be sure to mention this thread to anyone I know considering doing so, such that they may make a more educated decision.

Blue (Bluegill)
Posted on Friday, November 15, 2002 - 03:38 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Hal, are you going to do the right thing and hook up Bruce and Alan?

Inquiring minds with multiple vehicles in need of extended warranties want to know...

Posted on Friday, November 15, 2002 - 03:51 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

It is for all the above reasons why I abhor warranties. Ostensibly, you purchase a warranty to have peace of mind. BUT, if you should ever be audacious enough to actually attempt to make a claim you're guaranteed to be denied, ignored, insulted, accused, infuriated and enraged. If you can tolerate all that for an extended period of time (while your vehicle is in little pieces in a garage somewhere) then you'll receive your ultimate reward and they'll grudgingly cover the repair: Which is nothing more than what you were promised when you were talked into buying the warranty.

I have no warranty on my vehicle. When it breaks I fix it. And I don't have to explain how it came to be broken 20 times to 20 different people. Now THAT my friends, is peace of mind - and it's free.

Just say no to Hal, drugs, hookers and all other destructive addictions.


Blue (Bluegill)
Posted on Friday, November 15, 2002 - 04:06 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

what's wrong with drugs & hookers?

Parrish R. Blackmon (Discoveryfl)
Posted on Friday, November 15, 2002 - 04:43 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

I think Dana is right on. Land Rover owners using this site are a pretty tight-nit bunch. Any one having problems lends a careful ear to the trials and tribulations of others.

todd slater (Toddslater)
Posted on Saturday, November 16, 2002 - 12:26 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

I'm with Jim and Blue.

Hal Moses
Posted on Sunday, November 17, 2002 - 01:46 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

It�s times like these that I wish the currently large and growing number of satisfied customers such as Garrett would actually come on line and participate in these discussion groups. Unfortunately, most of the time the people looking through these message boards either are currently having a problem or are just looking for information. Kind of one sided I think. Regardless, I remain here to help my customers in any way possible.

In regard to Alan�s $1,200.00, his contracts� payment plan was in default, and they therefore terminated his coverage. We were able to obtain his refund last month. So that we could process his refund, we mailed him a request for the current expiration date for the credit card he used to make his purchase but we still have not received a response. Once it is received, we will process his refund immediately.

In closing, please remember that we offer coverage through a number of different warranty providers. When we send out quotes, we try to offer several different priced and coverage alternatives. When you choose a plan, you need to realize that you get what you pay for. Some plans are simply better than others and that is why they are twice as expensive. I try to explain this to my customers but sometimes they are budgeted, so they take the less expensive plan. It is always better to have some type of coverage rather than none. Repairs, especially on Land Rovers, can be frequent and costly.

Hal Moses
Auto Advantage Inc.

Patrick Kullenberg (Kullenberg)
Posted on Sunday, November 17, 2002 - 07:17 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

It occurs to me that one could self insure; ie put away 2 or 3 hundred a month ( that's $3600 a year) which should cover repairs, and if when you upgrade to a newer truck, if you haven't used that fund up you still have the money, whereas if you put that same amount into an extended warranty, if you don't use it, it's gone! My 2c worth

Posted on Monday, November 18, 2002 - 09:23 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Self insurance is my future plan, no other way.

Some plans are better than others and that does indeed drive-up the costs of these plans accordingly. However, let�s be crystal clear on a single point. If the plan says an item is covered, the authorization for repair should be equally as expedient for a �budgeted plan� as the �top of the line� plan. Let�s not muddy the water and infer less money means less service, it just means less items covered and they should all have the same service.

If you do indeed stand up for you clients Hal, then you can help me recover a refund for my warranty just as you helped Alan. In the BBB complaint I have asked for a refund of the policy price, (Plus) 8% annual interest since the purchase date, (Minus) the covered repair price they paid the dealer.

I�ll take the money and seed my own self-insurance plan and not worry about the hassles.

You helped Alan, now help me.
Just do it!

Posted on Monday, November 18, 2002 - 09:44 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

I have a warranty purchased through Hal and I have used it once. Only 6 weeks after it took effect and had no problems with getting covered. My company however is CCC Car care connection. No problems for getting claims paid.

Posted on Tuesday, November 19, 2002 - 06:15 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Glad to hear that you have had no issues. Hal is not the focus of the issue, it is one of the companies that Hal has within his EW portfolio, that would be Buyers Choice.
Hal says he will help out his clients and now I am waiting for Hal to help me.
I have some faith in Hal and some may shake their head at my faith, but this episode is not over yet.

Posted on Tuesday, November 19, 2002 - 06:51 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Ya, Hal help me recover about 500 of my 1200 investment with him and Buyer's Choice. My account was in default because somehow after 9/11 the credit company and Visa stops working together. I nevered received any letters from them or Hal to mention status of account. Funny, write something in this forum and i got a call from Hal on Sunday. Register mail is proof you've tried to contact someone. I was definitely screwed. It won't happen again. Hal is the point man. He sells the warrunties. And seems to me I'm not the only fool to be had. Makes me feel better. Whatever, this sad chapter is over and I do not want to relive it. I warrunty my own LR with self maintance and pocket book.

Dana Giles (Dana_G)
Posted on Tuesday, November 19, 2002 - 09:26 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Ok, my opinion of Hal is coming around, he seems to be making a genuine effort at setting things right. Buyer's Choice, that's another story.

Posted on Tuesday, November 19, 2002 - 11:03 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Hal has always been a great help to me and always assists in the best way possible.

Posted on Wednesday, November 20, 2002 - 07:22 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

I spoke with Hal today and dicussed the process to cancel the policy with Buyers Choice. 3 yr/36k term, they will send balance using either miles or months, what ever is within their best interest, not to mention a fee of $75 to cancel. I am about 50% on months, 65% on miles, so the return of orginal price-tag will be minimal. They got you from the moment you send that money, but I knew about the fee and prorating for cancelations. Hal will help sure, but I wish I knew of his assistance potential before I entered into my claims nightmare.
Yo Hal, maybe you should notify all of your current clients about your powers of intervention before anyone else goes through this BS.
Good luck to those in the future who have to make a claim. If it's with Buyers Choice, best call Hal first ot grease the skids.

Kevin Howell
Posted on Thursday, November 21, 2002 - 09:48 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

all insurance is nothing more than a gamble where you incur the lesser odds in hopes of higher payoff. with life insurance, you're betting you're going to die while your agent is betting you're not. with extended warranties, the agent has the added advantage of betting that you'll fold before they ever have to pay you a nickel. i've owned several of these, including a bumper-to-bumper (what a joke - i doubt it even would've covered the bumpers themselves), before i finally wised up and "self insured" my vehicles. what did it for me was when i had to quote their own policy back to them word for word to prove my timing belt was covered and then still jump through flaming hoops before they finally split the cost with me. i'll never purchase another extended warranty. i could achieve the same experience and satisfaction by using the money for implements of self-torture.

Paul Long
Posted on Saturday, November 30, 2002 - 07:02 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

When I purchased my EW from Hal, it was explained to me as this; a quote from Hal's email ; "An Exclusionary warranty is the same type of Bumper To Bumper coverage that the factory provides when the vehicle is new". The other warranty progam we send will be a Component Type Bumper To Bumper program. It is also quite comprehensive, but it will list out what is covered rather than what is excluded". I purchased the most expensive "Premier" Bumper to Bumper plan, 7 year/100,000 mi. for $1621.00. At 49,800 mi. or so, while definately under factory warranty the dreaded dash light comes on during a long uphill pull. It missed and sputtered a few seconds, then cleared out. I figured I'd start with plugs, since they were still originals.?. It happened again at 52,200. I took it the hour trip to my dealer to have the codes read. I figured, why buy my own code reader if the EW would also pay the diagnostic time? The diagnosis; even with the new style carbon cutter valves they stick during long upgrades. At first 11/21/01, Car Care Connection said it was covered with no problem and I should make the appointment with the dealer of my choice. I returned to the dealer for my scheduled appointment 11/26/01, with a second person following to bring me home. The service manager had to call the warranty co. for the authorization #. This time I was DENIED ! The fine print was qouted as their denial reason "Any Breakdown caused by SLUDGE build up" thats right, sludge. When I explained that it was carbon on the valves, they simply said that was "burned on sludge". I'm fully capeable of tearing my own down, reaming the guides and replacing and or cleaning valves. I even have my own milling machine. I purchased this warranty to NOT have to work on my own ! When I asked the Service Mgr. if it would have been covered with the factory warranty; he said "sure". Now did I buy a "same as the factory warranty provides when the vehicle is new" or not?? Oviously I have purchased my own OBD-2 program and will be doing my own without the hassles. Paul

Posted on Monday, December 02, 2002 - 12:31 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

My.02. I have a BC warranty and have had extensive work done on my Disco. Nothing was covered. I am very curious to find out what IS covered. I have not spent the time to fight them over repairs due to the fact that I needed the vehicle back on the road and could not wait for resolution. They win. Once bitten...

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