DII rear door hinge failure!!! Log Out | Topics | Search
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DiscoWeb Bulletin Board » Message Archives » 2002 Archives - Technical » Discovery » DII rear door hinge failure!!! « Previous Next »

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Jack Quinlan (Jsq)
Posted on Wednesday, November 27, 2002 - 02:30 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

My father has a 2000 DII which was caravaning along with my DI to AZ yesterday and he ran into a bit of a crisis. He stopped to let his two labs out of the back and the wind caught the door and blew it wide open. It hyper-extended and the lower bracke for the hinge (U-shaped jobbie with three bolts) bent inwards. The door is ajar and hangs about 3 inches low on the opposite corner when you try to close it. His labs piled in with mine and he used a tow strap to rig his door closed. My questions are these:
1)Has this ever happened to anyone else? We've all got the same doors, but I would think one with out ridiculous weight e.g. huge tire and hi lift, shouldn't fail.
2)Is there any reason not to get a pipe wrench and some leverage to straighten the sucker back out so we can at least close it?
3)Should LRNA stand by their hinge? Should they take care of it, or will he have to pay?
4)If they won't pay, can I just get a salvage piece and pop off the door backing to replace it?

thanks for your help DWEBbers
happy trails

p.s. I told him it was just his truck complaining that he hadn't bought lift, tires, rack, lights, bumper, diffguards, ladder, shovel, etc. etc. etc. for it like I had, and my DI would never be so ungrateful as to have that sort of problem like his stock DII

Gil Stevens (Gil)
Posted on Wednesday, November 27, 2002 - 02:42 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

hinge failure on a D2 is not at all uncommon. Usually, the door is just very difficult to open, but I have seen 3 "hyperextensions" just during November alone. If a hinge is bent by strong wind for example, that wouldnt be covered under warranty. If the hinges fail in that the door will not open, that is covered by warranty. maybe that helps.

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