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Merle Edington (Gearguywb)
Posted on Wednesday, November 27, 2002 - 06:53 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

I have a 2001 disco with OME springs and shocks with 265/75 tires. Interested in lifting it maybe a couple more inches so that I can add a tire size or two. I don't want to ruin the driveability (I think it handles great right now). Any suggestions.

Carter Simcoe (Carter)
Posted on Wednesday, November 27, 2002 - 10:47 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

don't go more than 2 inches, Old Man Emu and Rovertym are good options look around and you will find some ing contests over the two.

Mike B.
Posted on Thursday, November 28, 2002 - 08:36 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

On a coil sprung vehicle, more lift does not necessarily mean bigger tires. If the springs compress to the same height as the original, then you will still rub. Coil bind (point at which the coil spring is totally compressed) is determined by the wire diameter and by the number of coils.

To prevent rubbing with larger tires, you will need to prevent uptravel. This is done by taller bump stops or increasing the coil bind. A stronger spring (thicker wire diameter) will help, but not aleviate the problem.

I'd be careful about adding bigger meats if you are not prepared to trim.

Mike B.

Dave_Lucas (Dave_Lucas)
Posted on Thursday, November 28, 2002 - 09:26 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post


Do you have a DII?

I have a rovertym 3" lift on my 2001 DII and do not have any driveline vibrations, I also know several people that have the 3" rovertym and are happy with it, however there are some things to take into account if you do decide to go down that path.

1. You will need to move the front cross member down to allow the driveshaft to have enough room to move under articulation.
2. Your caster will be off and it does tend to make the DII handle a little strange.
3. Brake lines will need to be extended.
4. ASB lines need to be extended.

Now with all of that said, I doubt that the gains you would see in the wheel well from a 3� lift VS a 2� lift would be worth the hassle or the $$$$. Have you considered making a body lift or contacting rovertym to see if they can make a body lift for you?

You may also want to consider if your DII will have enough power for you with tires bigger that 265/75, I know personally that my DII is a bit lethargic with 265 75�s and I would not go any larger without changing out my gears.

FWIW, YMMV, IMHO, Yada Yada Yada,

Ron Ward (Ronward)
Posted on Thursday, November 28, 2002 - 10:39 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

My D1 seems to like a certain height in the rear. About 21.5" from hub center to wheel well. I started with 2" RTE (RR1) springs and then added 1" RTE spacers under them and I swear the rear still settles to less than 22". Weird. Is there something preventing me from lifting the rear more (A-arm pivot or something?)?

Ron Ward

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