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Posted on Monday, December 02, 2002 - 03:47 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post


Was looking at a 98 Lse Discovery, 72k Miles,over the weekend. Aside from having the 50 year badge on the rear are they any differnet from the other discos? TIA

Mike Carino (Mikec)
Posted on Monday, December 02, 2002 - 04:07 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

James, the badge on yours was probably put on there by the previous owner. I have a '98 LSE and the only option you could get that signified the 50th yr anniversary was a green color that has a gold tint to it. Come to think of it, the badging may have been part of the paint package as well. I bought my badge when i bought the truck. Other than that, it is just a standard LSE. Hope that helps.


Mike B.
Posted on Monday, December 02, 2002 - 07:00 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

A friend of mine bought a 50th anniversary 98 Disco. It had a white logo affixed to the rear side windows (it may have been etched into the window itself). The 50th anniversary badges are what they gave out at the 50th anniversary party at the dealerships. I still have one in a drawer here someplace.

Mike B.

chris browne
Posted on Monday, December 02, 2002 - 07:05 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

There was also a metal like badge like an old series badge that dealers gave away during the year

Santo Nucifora (Santo)
Posted on Tuesday, December 03, 2002 - 10:20 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Is the 98 not the only year with chrome bumpers and same-as-car painted bumper ends/front grill? I thought that was special. Maybe it was just a trial that didn't go over too well ;)

98 Disco I LSE

Carter Simcoe (Carter)
Posted on Tuesday, December 03, 2002 - 10:56 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

My 98 doesn't have a chrome or same-as-car bumper so if it was the only year they didn't do it on all of them.

Alan Yim (Alan)
Posted on Tuesday, December 03, 2002 - 11:15 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

My 98 has black bumpers. They had LS, LE, LSE and SD models that year so lots of different configurations. At least in Canada anyway.

Will Roeder (Will_Roeder)
Posted on Wednesday, December 04, 2002 - 12:05 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

ive got a 98 LSE with chrome bumpers(originally had chrome anyway), and mirrors/grill/end caps(when i had the end caps...)are painted Whitegold to match the body...
Will Roeder

Andrew Clarke (Aclarke)
Posted on Wednesday, December 04, 2002 - 12:50 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Yeah, I've been wondering where the chrome bumpers on the Discos came from. I saw a few when I was in Canada for the last couple months. And one on a RRC also.

Carter Simcoe (Carter)
Posted on Wednesday, December 04, 2002 - 12:59 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

You've got to be a hard-core pimp like Will to pull off the chrome bumper look though....

Now on a serious note- How do you like the no end-cap deal Will, mine are getting all knocked out of shape and I am thinking of just taking them off. I would go out, take them off and just see for myself what it looks like but the weather is really nasty and won't be better for a few days so what are your thoughts???? Would you leave them on hanging down all caddy-corner and stuff until a tree or rock takes them off or does it look decent enough do go ahead and do it ahead of time????? I've looked at your pics but I still can't get a good idea of how it is going to look in 3-D.

Santo Nucifora (Santo)
Posted on Wednesday, December 04, 2002 - 07:16 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

My Disco with the chrome bumpers and same-as-car painted mirrors/grill/end caps is a Canadian model and is Whitegold too. Hrmmm.... Golden Anniversary...?

98 Disco LSE

Posted on Wednesday, December 04, 2002 - 07:21 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

I've got a 98 LE with 50th Ann. Stickers in both rear side windows. The only option I think mine lacks is rear air. I've got dual sunroofs, heated leather seats, wood, auto, etc. black bumpers though. I've looked at other versions LS, LE, LSE and SD from the same year, and can't quite figure out what the differences are supposed to be!


Peter Matusov (Pmatusov)
Posted on Wednesday, December 04, 2002 - 07:32 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

I thought the chrome bumpers were the sure tell-tale sign that a Disco was a 98. The rest - badges etc. was a mix. And, if the bumper isn't chromed, it doesn't mean it can't be a 98 :)


Andrew Clarke (Aclarke)
Posted on Wednesday, December 04, 2002 - 09:25 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

There's an RRC in Magnolia district of Seattle with a chrome bumper. Looks like a stock bumper. Either the person put them on later, or some Rovers were coming with them pre-1998...

Carter Simcoe (Carter)
Posted on Wednesday, December 04, 2002 - 09:45 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

I know a guy with a RRC down here that has a chrome bumper too, he says it is stock

Blake Luse (Muddyrover)
Posted on Wednesday, December 04, 2002 - 10:17 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

carter i took my endcaps off and it looks alot better and they aren't in the way anymore. One less thing to worry about too.

only the LSE has the chrome and painted end caps

Carter Simcoe (Carter)
Posted on Wednesday, December 04, 2002 - 10:26 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Thanks Blake, I'm probablly going to do it once the weather clears up, first it was raining and now it is actually SNOWING!!!!! (doesn't happen a whole hell of a lot in central Arkansas, and definitly a lot more often than it happened growing up in Baton Rouge)

Eric N (Grnrvr)
Posted on Wednesday, December 04, 2002 - 10:44 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

I have a 98 LE and all of the 98s came with the 50th sticker in the window. The true 50th edition had special paint, extra wood trim, and a numbered 50th edition badge on the dash.. Well, I think it was numbered. I'm sure if Ron or some one else that works at a dealer happens to read this they can give the whole scoop.

Blake Luse (Muddyrover)
Posted on Wednesday, December 04, 2002 - 10:56 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

yeah carter my whole mod of taking the endcaps off happend by accident with a mishap with my bumper and a ledge that was to big to climb. It bent the endcap back to where i had to rip it off and then bend the support straight out. So i took the other one off and sawed off both supports. Looks really good.

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