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Robert Baugh
Posted on Friday, December 06, 2002 - 07:09 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Considering purchase of a 97 or 98 Discovery I. Family has owned M Benz for the past decade so we've gotten comfortable with cars lasting 200,000 miles or more. Given proper service, what kind of mileage can one typically expect to get out of a LR Discovery. I know that it is a loaded question with many variables, but on the average, do these vehicles last in the high mileage category?

Rans (Rans)
Posted on Friday, December 06, 2002 - 07:30 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

How does one answer that? I believe you can keep a Yugo on the road for 200,000mi if you are willing to replace every part everytime it breaks....but there comes a point in everyones ownership of a vehicle where enjoyment of the vehicle is overwhelmed by the cost of maintenance. So the best answer I can give you is that with all things being equal, the LR will probably reach that threshold of disatisfaction sooner than the MB. But all things are not equal, and in reality the LR will give you satisfactions that the sterile MB will not and cannot...but if you never explore the limits of what the LR can do....then you will never know.

I just reached the threshold on my 1990 Acura Legend....274,000mi. So I understand your question and position.

M. K. Watson (Lrover94)
Posted on Friday, December 06, 2002 - 07:58 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

i have to agree with Rans,,,no wait i dont agree, yes any vehicle regardless of the make will require regualr service and will require that the broken parts be replaced. it will come down to weither you can AFFORD the up keep. does a LR require anymore maintenace than any other car.... no not really, people complain about this and that but in the end it is all the same the hard part to swallow is the cost of OEM parts. having said that there are a good many after market and OEM supply house that can save you a few bucks, all of which are listed on this site. the NB is a great car but it wont be any less expensuve to maintain. the Rover if well maintained and is in the hands of a good operator will take you places that you could not see otherwise (unless you like to walk alot). the G wagen would do the asme but i believe the entry level for used G are a bit more than a LR. both have the capabilty of running 300K and more. so you have to ask yourself do i want the solid reliable performance of german engineering or do i want the odd behavior of an English motor car.......my thought is you came here for a reason. now "just do it.
mike w
happy Land Rover owner!

Robert Baugh
Posted on Friday, December 06, 2002 - 08:31 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Yes, I did come here for a reason; to get get valued opinions on the potential and/or capability of the LR motorplant and drivetrain. I completely understand and agree upon the threshold level of maintenance vs. satisfaction. The intent of my message was not to ask if LR were immune to preventative maintenance and service. Rather, the longevity of a LR GIVEN proper maintenance. Preventative maintenance and yes, repairs are always expected. In essence, could one typically expect to get 150K miles or even 175K miles out of a Discovery (given proper maintenance) without facing major rework of the engine and drivetrain. In other words, are there many LR owners out there that have dependable "high mileage" Discoveries?

charles pastrano (Charles)
Posted on Friday, December 06, 2002 - 08:42 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

I am a little over 150K 97 Disco the only items replaced is the starter, VSS and fan clutch plus regular maintenance( brakes, filters etc). I believe this car will make the 200K easily. Regular oil changes at 3000 miles or less will do miracles.


Russian Landy
Posted on Friday, December 06, 2002 - 08:54 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Yes, it will last, and the major components are probably just as reliable as Mercedes Benz. The little irritating stuff will break more often. One factor in the perceived longevity of MB products is the perceived longevity. I mean, people buy a Mercedes and say to themselves I'm going to drive this for 200,000 miles, and so they don't skimp on maintenance and just fix everything as it breaks.

If you have the same attitude towards your LR, your experience won't be so very much different from that with your Mercedes. If you read the posts on this board you will see that a lot of people here have LR's with 120,000 miles, 150,000 miles, even 200,000 miles. You will also see that people complain a lot about little problems in the first 50,000 miles, but that people don't report many problems for the second or third intervals of 50,000 or 60,000 miles each.

Now I disagree with Rans about a Yugo -- that piece of junk is so flimsy that to go 200,000 miles you would have replaced literally everthing. But a Land Rover is basically a tank -- very much like a military vehicle. You could drive a Landy 500,000 miles if you wanted to, probably with maybe one engine overhaul and a transmission or two. But you would get sick of it by then.

If you like the way it drives, go for it. You are right to be considering a used one -- look for one with 50,000 or 60,000 miles on it, from someone who took really good care of it. By that time, the niggly stuff will have been taken care of, and the big whack of depreciation will be gone. Drive it for ten years, take good care of it, and you will probably sell it for close to what you paid. Drive almost free!

Kai Dussling (Kai)
Posted on Friday, December 06, 2002 - 08:55 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

FWIW there is a guy in our club who has a Range Rover Classic with over 200K on the odometer and he is off road ALOT!


M. K. Watson (Lrover94)
Posted on Friday, December 06, 2002 - 12:22 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

somewhere here on this site someone posted having more than 300k on his RR.....however he did not say how much was original....
mike w

Robert Sublett (Rubisco98)
Posted on Friday, December 06, 2002 - 04:53 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Robert, I have a '96 Discovery with around 128k miles. I wouldn't hesitate to get in it right now and head to Oregon from my home in TN. No major repairs with the exception of things that I have personally put to their death(off-road) I purchased it a little less than a year ago with 90k on the clock. Maintainance is key, just as everyone has suggested. I met a guy the other day with a '98 with 150k on the clock and no major repairs. I say go for it, I just bought my wife a 99 D2 and didn't think twice about it. Later.. RS

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