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DiscoWeb Bulletin Board » Message Archives » 2002 Archives - Technical » Discovery » Leaky windshield washer jets (or not) « Previous Next »

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Al Oliveira (Offroaddisco)
Posted on Friday, December 06, 2002 - 04:22 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

I know many here with D2's have complained about their windshield washer jets leaking. I never had that problem or at least not that I ever noticed. If it did leak it was very minor.

Anyway, a couple of months ago they stopped working and I didn't think much of it. I thought it might be a broken hose I had on the water bottle. Well... knowing the snow was coming made me take a closer look and I patched up the hose but since it wasn't the one for the windshield (headlamp washer hose) I didn't care to much about it as long as the water didn't piss out. So today I decided to take another look. I knew the pump was working since I could hear it.

I took the hose off where it attaches to the hood near the brake reservoir and tried to see if I could get water out there. And sure enough water flew a few feet. So I took apart all the hose on the hood that connects to the nozzles and decided to force air through each hose. All worked well until I got to two little black nozzles that I couldn't get 100psi of air to pass through them. I tried to force one out of the hose it was attached to and broke off the tip. Out came a spring and a metal ball along with tons of sludge. So right now I have no check valves and may get the same problem you guys have described but at least I can now see out my windshield. But for those who have the leak I would check to see if your check valves work or if you have them at all. IMO, they're a POS and there should be more of a screen in front of them so they don't get buggered up. At least Land Rover didn't use reed valves.

Just my 2 cents.

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