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Timothy Riccardi (Boxerhips)
Posted on Saturday, December 21, 2002 - 09:45 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

I have isky cam .445 lift 256 duration and I can't seem to find the correct timing. I have tried 15 advanced and now 11. What would be a good way to set timing(without using a timing light). ex. could you set idle @2200 rpm's and adjust dist to where the rpm's were at thier highest?? Oh yeah, the engine is 4.0 inn 1995 Disco w/dist and the cam is advanced 4 degrees. Thanks Tim

Posted on Sunday, December 22, 2002 - 10:16 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

the problem you will have is timing it with the cam advanced.when i installed my cam i called the manufacture to ask about cam timing he said they make the cam to be set a 0.and then use stock timing spec.he said the only time you would advance the cam is if you were using a degree wheel.if your cam was off 4 deg on the deg wheel something would be wrong with the cam.

Paul T. Schram (Paulschram)
Posted on Sunday, December 22, 2002 - 12:39 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

What is the enginne doing that you don't want it to do? Is it knocking? Poor performance? Why have you deviated from the factory timing? What gains were you hoping to achieve with the cam (part of this is personal curiosity, the other trying to answer your question), and by advancing it 4'?

Have you tried setting it to the factory timing spec-I'm not real sure what it's supposed to be for your engine and year. Also, you comment you don't have a timing light (or at least you ask for a way to do it without one), I don't think you'll have good luck timing these engines without one. It has been my experience they like more advance than Solihull decided was appropriate. When I have timed mine to where it ran best, it was later found to be way too far advanced, and gas mileage suffered greatly.


Timothy Riccardi (Boxerhips)
Posted on Sunday, December 22, 2002 - 08:56 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Paul I do have timing light, I just wanted to know if timing it by "ear" while looking at the tach would work. The truck runs much better with Isky cam, than with factory cam. The only problem is I have a stumble around 1700-1800 rpm's. I advanced the cam for better bottom end. I just wanted more power(who doesn't). I will say that before I changed the engine my MPG was around 10 and now it is around 11.5 (all city), and I have much more power. I measured the 3.9 cam I removed and it ranged from .375" to .380". The engine had 100,000 hard miles, so the better MPG is from the rebuild not the cam. I think the MPG is just to low, my Disco weighs 5000 lbs. and has 265/70-16 tires, is this good, fair, or bad MPG for a Disco ? I have a 5.8 Mustang with about 500 HP and it also get 11 MPG, this is why I think the MPG is low. Thanks Tim

Posted on Sunday, December 22, 2002 - 09:23 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

I have had my timing set by a guy using a vacumn guage.he removed the vacumn advance off the distributor and connected the vacumn line onto a t-piece on the right side of the plennum.With the idle set at about 1000-1250 we monitored the vacumn guage and it read about 30,by advancing the distributor the vacumn increased to a point where it began dropping again.in my case the peak reading achieved was about 40 so what he did was drop it back to 30 and then increase it slowly to about 37 and set it there.we then took the boat for a tow to load up and check for pinging.He basically said that this method worked for any car and gave great results.I later checked the setting with my timing light and found it to be at around 10btdc.The factory plate recommended 3btdc.This gave a whole new feel to the car,especially from standstill to 1500-2000 rpm.

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