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Posted on Sunday, December 22, 2002 - 12:04 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

I have the factory brushbar on a D1 and am trying to take off the headlight guards,how do I get these off ? tried turning the thumbscrews and the plastic only turns,any tips on getting these off ?? Just want to get them off without snapping
them. Has anyone done this? Any tips would be very helpful.Thanks.....

Todd Phenneger (Toddp)
Posted on Sunday, December 22, 2002 - 01:50 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Hah Hah Hah,
You though those were real thumbscrews. Nah, Rover just wanted to play a joke and piss of off by making us THINK they were real thumb screws.
Seriously, I even pryed one off to use pliers but to no avail. They are stuck on there. Even appear to be riveted or something. What a joke.

I pulled on mine and was able to pop it out from the outside where it buts up against the main bar. Then that gave me "JUST" enough room to bend it outwards and slide the headlight out. VERY tight, took a while but faster than dropping the entire Brush Gaurd.
Grrrr. BTW, once I got the grille piece back in place you couldn't tell I had bent it outwards.
Good Luck.

John Moore (Jmoore)
Posted on Sunday, December 22, 2002 - 01:42 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Mine are stuck on my 99D2 brush bar. Kyle told me they were rivnuts. I took off the plastic knob, I can turn the screws with a flat tip, but they won't come out. I need to remove the light guard grill to remove some rust.

At some point I've decided I'm going to cut the tops of the screws with my dremel tool and remove the grill. I'm not sure how I will hold them in place in the future. Maybe small plastic anchors and stainless sheet metal screws. I won't use rivnuts again!

Keep us advised of how you tackel this problem.

Good Luck,

grant lawson
Posted on Sunday, December 22, 2002 - 02:44 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

I cut the nuts and then resecured the the headlight guards with hoseclamps....drag but effective.

Jim C.
Posted on Sunday, December 22, 2002 - 04:47 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

My friend helped me drill out the rivets, and then weld some threaded plugs into the empty holes. The threaded plugs have a flange that have cut edges used to bit into wood. I simply cut the edges, and used a hammer to get the flange slightly curved around the holes before welding. The threaded plugs are similar to what rock climbing gyms use to secure the hex head nuts for the holds. You should be able to find them at any hardware or home improvement store. I went out and got some of the same machined hex head nuts and threaded them in for a finshed look. Now I can remove them like they're supposed to and they look factory.

Posted on Sunday, December 22, 2002 - 09:44 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

grind them off, drill out the holes, install a nutsert( a threaded insert that you use a special rivet type tool to install) and get 4 bolts that you can use in the place of the "dumbscrews"..

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