Any chance of LR or Goodyear giving a... Log Out | Topics | Search
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DiscoWeb Bulletin Board » Message Archives » 2002 Archives - Technical » Discovery » Any chance of LR or Goodyear giving a credit on the defective Wrangler HPs « Previous Next »

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Posted on Sunday, December 22, 2002 - 09:26 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Clearly the Goodyear Wranglers on the Discovery II are defective. All mine were severly cupped within 20K. Then I put on 2 new ones after doing an alignment and now they are severly cupped too. My question is has anyone had any luck getting Land Rover or Goodyear to make good on these problem tires?

Additionally, what is the best tire to use for replacement (I do 99% highway driving and want quiet tires).

Posted on Sunday, December 22, 2002 - 10:46 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

same problem - mine lasted 35K

switched to Michellin LTX 255/65R16 - noticeable difference - very quiet - good for more highway than offroad

I read here at some point returning to GoodYear and having them give you some kind of pro-rated deal for some new tires - probably depends on the dealer you go to but worth a try. I had already purchased the michelins so i didn't bother.

Steve Fesperman
Posted on Monday, December 23, 2002 - 12:37 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

I have a 200 DII and the GY HP's were doing the same thing.

Called GY and they told me to take it to a certified GY dealer (they will tell you the closest). I had 25K and received a 50% discount on a new set of Forteras.

The Fortera does not have an agressive pattern, but is very very quiet on the road. Much quieter than any of the Michelins. After 20K, no cupping and looks like better than normal wear.

--Steve '00II

Posted on Monday, December 23, 2002 - 05:54 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Thanks, I took it to my local Goodyear shop and they told me at the shop that ALL Land Rover Disco II's have this problem and even changing tires will do no good! That they have tried Michelins and Continentals and none work - it is a defect in the Land Rovers! I was told I would need to put on new tires every 20K miles because of this defect in Land Rovers. Also, they would only give me credit (towards new tires) if I can prove that I balanced and rotated the tires every 6000 miles! Needless to say I am mad as hell over this!

Question to you, did you go through Goodyear corporate? Maybe there are some reasonable people there............

Also, I talked to Land Rover a few times and complained bitterly about this problem. After all, Land Rover is putting these tires on these vehicles in the first place! The Land Rover rep is going to get back to me but has anyone gone down this path and what does Land Rover say about this???

Kirk Thibault (Kirkt)
Posted on Monday, December 23, 2002 - 07:33 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Ray - Did the GY person tell you what the LR defect was that was cupping all of the tires mounted on them? I'd be interested to hear the explanation. I started with the stock GY HP, switched to Dunlop Radial Rover R/T's at 12k miles and then switched to Interco tires at 40k miles. The Dunlops were actually quite well behaved on the road (60 miles per day) and aggresive enough for most off-roading.


Posted on Monday, December 23, 2002 - 08:42 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Kirk, The GY tech stated that the short wheelbase, weight of the vehicle, and suspension design created the problem.

OLIVER CLOTHSOFF (Everythingleaks)
Posted on Monday, December 23, 2002 - 08:54 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Interesting that they stated they will not pro-rate without rotate and balance. Land Rover does not recommend that service (but I would highly recommend it) and goodyear even stated this in the bulletin that was sent to Goodyear dealers. The Disco II seems to do it the worst but all the Land Rover models do this over time. The 03 Disco has a different camber spec and all the replacement parts for the 99-02 are also set for this spec.

Posted on Monday, December 23, 2002 - 09:23 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

So Oliver, what would be your recommendation to solve this problem. Also, anyway to get ahold of the bulletins you mentioned?

Geoff 93 RRC (Geoff)
Posted on Monday, December 23, 2002 - 09:38 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

I don't have a Disco II but cupping to me does not sound like a tire issue. The shocks are likely too soft or worn out. I had a GM truck a few years back and the stock shocks were junk. The front tires were cupped after 10K miles even though alignment checked out fine. Bought some fairly cheap gas shocks at Pep Boys and rotated tires - problem solved.

Also, check your tire pressure that it is within specs. How many miles on your Disco?

Posted on Monday, December 23, 2002 - 10:02 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

32K miles on the Disco II, but at about 20K I installed new OME Medium springs and heavy duty air shocks, which I might add really decrease the body roll. Also, the problem with cupping was found before and after installing the shocks and springs. Plus, I have had the front end aligned twice.

I agree bad shocks can cause problems. I had problems with my Ford Ranger after buyng cheap shocks too (solved by KYB air shocks) - but no, that is not the problem here!

Posted on Tuesday, December 24, 2002 - 11:27 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post are absolutely defective...otherwise it would happen with other brands of car now has Mich LTXs on it...they are excellent/super quiet and show no signs of wear at 10000 miles already. Just walking thru. town I see Rover after Rover with cupped Goodyears...unbelieveable!!!
99 D2

OLIVER CLOTHSOFF (Everythingleaks)
Posted on Tuesday, December 24, 2002 - 03:08 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

The LR bulletin number is 60/01/02/NAS and was put out on 8-9-02. The camber change was by about 30 degrees from -10 to +20. The goodyear letter was one I saw but was a letter to goodyear dealers so I don't know how to tell you to get ahold of one.

Steve Fesperman
Posted on Thursday, December 26, 2002 - 09:02 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post


Yes, I called GY direct. Got the number from the website. I spoke with a representative and she started a case file for reference.

The local GY dealer said that the "cause" could be alignment or worn out shocks. I agreed to have a 4 wheel alignment to check. The results showed that the alignment was well within factory spec. I also had documents to prove that I rotated the tires every 8,000 miles.

He then tried the worn out shock theory, but I called BS based on the fact that I only had 25K miles at the time.

I let GY and the dealer know that I would not buy GY tires again (and no tires from the specific dealer)if the problem was not handled.

After getting the new tires, the dealer recommended that I have them rotated every 3,000 miles. Seeing how they will do this for free, I agreed. I don't buy the fact that the Disco is to blame. The Forteras have been on for approximately 20K mile with absolutely no sign of cupping or unusual wear. The HP's are from a design that is over 10 years old and were not designed for the heavier SUV and AWD of today.

I recommend that you call GY direct and explain your case. They should be very responsive and willing to keep you in GY tires.

Let me know if there is anything else I can do.


Posted on Thursday, December 26, 2002 - 06:28 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Thanks Everyone,

I have solved the problem - I visited Carmax and will trade it in next Monday! It has been fun being part of the Land Rover community but this sport is just to rich for me! I feel so good now that this money pit is going to be off my back!

Larry Nicklas (Larryn)
Posted on Saturday, December 28, 2002 - 11:55 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

I too have a '01 D2 w/ 18k miles and cupped 16" HP's. 4 whhel alignment showed no problems with the vehicle. The shocks checked out fine as well, as it should withe failrly new vehicle.

Talked to both LRNA and GY (local and corp), and GY basically said that they'd give me a new set of the smae crappy tires at a 40% discount, if I bought them from the most expensive tire dealer in town.

So, I'm going thru LRNA to see if a campaign can be started to change the OE tire brand on new LR's. I would not get a new Rover if it had these tires on it. LR is checking to see whta they can do for me... I'll keep you all posted, as it may assist you in your claims as well. The Bulletin number was helpful to me! Good luck (don't know if I'd be so drastic as to sell my rig though, Ray)

Posted on Sunday, December 29, 2002 - 03:11 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Well I did it today! Traded in my 99 Disco II for a Lexus RX300. Yes, I know it is not an off road vehicle but it sure is reliable. The tires were just one of many things that turned me against Land Rover. To begin with I was never happy with using Premium in these vehicles and with the constant bad gas mileage. More importantly though I was very concerned with the future reliability of the vehicle. I had the rocker arms go bad at 30K and I was told by the dealer point blank to get the vehicle into the shop before the warranty runs out to get my heads worked on. Seems the valves go bad on all of these vehicles before 60K.

So, it is bad that the reliability is not there, but when you couple it with hugh fees for parts I guess I came to realize that this product is much too rich for my blood!!!

I will miss Land Rover - it has been fun. But at least now my pocketbook can breath easier.........

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