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Matt Williams
Posted on Sunday, December 22, 2002 - 10:03 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

I recently had all 4 tire re-balanced due to a high speed (50 & 70 mph) shimmy. My tire guy noted that my tire pressure was low. I was running 35psi, as per the sticker on the door jam. My guy said that the tire lists 50 psi as max and that I should run about that much unless towing. He said that this will increase tire life. As one of my tires was ruined with only 10K miles on it I relented and went to 50 psi. I wonder what others are running. Mike Jones at Land Rover North Point,(Kick ass dude) thinks I am crazy, he wants me down at 35-38 psi, but I have to say that I notice a big difference in vehicle dynamics. The truck seems to respond much better to steering input and on smooth surfaces the ride is much much better. Over bumps it is of course a lot more harsh. Any input out there?

Gabriel Guay (Gearhead)
Posted on Sunday, December 22, 2002 - 10:26 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Depends on the tire size. Any tire Jock that tells you the correct tire pressure should the max listed on the tire side wall is merely showing his ignorance.

I have run 40 PSI front and rear on 245/75/16 for 40K and no cupping and tread is evenly worn. The max pressure listed on my sidewalls is 60 PSI.

I like 40 front 40 rear but, most people run 8 to 10 psi less in front.

If your asking about stock tires, I would say 35 - 38 sounds right.


Carter Simcoe (Carter)
Posted on Sunday, December 22, 2002 - 11:01 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

So he wants you to run lower pressure while towing??? That goes against everything I have ever heard.

Kristen PETILLON (Krys)
Posted on Monday, December 23, 2002 - 10:40 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Maybe the guy was meaning "towing some Toy's out of mud"... Then, having less pressure increases traction, if needed...

Not convincing ??? Suuuuury....


Al Oliveira (Offroaddisco)
Posted on Monday, December 23, 2002 - 12:27 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Matt, have the guy put down that glass pipe next time. 50psi seems much too high unless you're running bike tires and as Gabe just said this guy appears to know about as much about tires as my dog. I don't know what Disco you have or tires but on my D2 with 265/75x16's on BFG AT's I run about 28-30 up front and about 35-38 in the rear for around town use. If I'm going on long highway trips with heavy load I'll run about 32 up front and up to 42 in the rear. On the trails I'll go down to the teens depending on terrain and load.

Steve Fesperman
Posted on Thursday, December 26, 2002 - 09:06 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

The reason for lower pressure on the fronts is to reduce loss of control at higher speeds. The lower pressure allows the tire to flex and slow the reaction time of the vehicle.

I agree with the others, the guy is ignorant. I run 32 front and 40 rear with no problems.

--Steve '00 DII

Al Oliveira (Offroaddisco)
Posted on Thursday, December 26, 2002 - 09:10 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

huh? Okay. :)

I just run the lower pressure up front because it seems my ass end is always running with more weight than the front.

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