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Roger Chandrika
Posted on Saturday, December 28, 2002 - 09:54 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

* This is my first time on this forum, after browsing through the posts I know someone can provide me with some feedback *

My 99 Diso II begins to vibrate during steering while at a stand still. When pulling out of my driveway or a parking spot, when turning to the right a loud vibration (sounds like friction) sound until I reach center on the steering wheel.

I have taken the Disco to the Dealer (Smithtown, NY) a few times regarding this issue. The first two times the act as if they can�t hear it (it was not that bad). The third time they tell me it�s a known Land Rover issues and I have to deal with it.

Disoweb friends, is this a common Disco issue and can anyone help me figure out the cause? It seems the dealership likes to say this is a known issue, but cannot explain what exactly is causing it or take responsibility for it.

This vibration is annoying and embarrassing. I frequently take my clients out in my Disco, who are very impressed when entering the vehicle, but then unimpressed with the loud economy car like vibration as we pull out of the parking spot and I say "Land Rover is working to resolve that known issue."

I appreciate any feedback anyone can provide regarding my issue.


Posted on Saturday, December 28, 2002 - 02:38 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Is the steering at full lock when this happens?

We had a similar problem in our late 99 DII. Steering pump was replaced. There was also a big difference in the turning circle depending on whether you were turning right or left.
They did eventually solve the problems.
Your 99 has been around since then, it's nonsense that the dealership still does not know of a fix for it.

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