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Posted on Thursday, March 14, 2002 - 11:48 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

I got a damn knot in my snatch strap and it's as hard as a rock. How do you get this out?

I let some backwoods, drunk #$%^&* use my snatch strap to yank-out some other drunk #$%^#$. He was in 3/4 loaded-down Chevy trying to recover another pickup that was well suctioned into the mud. At first attempts, various rigs were snatching without luck, then we had a 3-way-in-line pull, 2 Discos and RR in front, but we all simply dug-in. Mike Bauer was not willing to risk damage by hooking-up to a tree and attempt a winch-pull and I was not willing to snatch at a 20+ mph run. So, I let him use my strap, that will teach me a lesson, that drunk managed a tangle and when he yanked the knot became solid...Ouch! Anyway, I bet he was hitting that strap at 30MPH as we all hid behind other trucks and waited for chevy parts to fly through the woods.
LOL, that was entertaining!!!

Paul T. Schram (Paulschram)
Posted on Thursday, March 14, 2002 - 11:56 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

You MAY be able to unlock the knot by vigorously rubbing it between your hands. I have untied climbing webbing that had my body weight tighten it up after slipping while rappelling.

Just keep rolling it between your hands, it will untie. Be patient.


Posted on Thursday, March 14, 2002 - 12:20 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Theoretically this should work... Wet the Knot, put it in the freezer, Once it is frozen remove it and let it melt and dry. The expanding and contracting should lossen the knot enough for you to manually undue the knot. Although I doubt it, the moisture expanding due to freezing may degrade the material in that section of your line (or it may not). In any event, I would sooner use it after the wetting, freezing, thawing and drying than with a damn knot in it.

Blue (Bluegill)
Posted on Thursday, March 14, 2002 - 12:20 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

form the snatch strap into a hangman's noose and insert the dumbass's head into the loop. Then repeat the same 30mph+ snatch and see if that helps.

If you can't get it out, just be carefull when using it, or better yet replace it and keep the knotted one as a spare.

Don't you hate that shit? On the way up to Four Peaks outside of Phx, there was a big old Chevy Blazer flipped on it's roof blocking the trail (of course it was 18 miles into the trail and about a mile before the trailhead for climbing the peaks). No way to right the truck without a couple of big wreckers so we got about 10 people together and rolled it up on it's side on the side of the trail so other trucks could pass. I secured it to a tree with my 20' towhook chain otherwise it would just roll back over onto the trail. I left my name, home phone, business card, etc with the dumbass and the Forest Patrol. The dipshit called me two days later, thanked me profusely, and said the chain would be delivered to my office the next day. Never heard from Blazer dipshit again and the phone number he gave me was bogus. Forest Patrol wouldn't release any info. I also got a speeding ticket on the way home because I was late for dinner with my fiance because I spent so much time helping dumbass up there on the mtn. Sometimes it just don't pay to help. Damn.

Rob Davison (Pokerob)
Posted on Thursday, March 14, 2002 - 12:24 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

i suspect that with the amount of force done to the rope, that even if you deknotify it, there will be marks from where it actually melted together from the exertion. consider the knot permenant and the strap to be tainted goods...

use it sparingly.


Blue (Bluegill)
Posted on Thursday, March 14, 2002 - 12:31 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

>"consider the knot permenant and the strap to be tainted goods..."

yeah, but it withstood the force of the dipshit trying to stretch his frame, didn't it? Of course it has been compromised, but Bruce obviously knows better than to push a strap like that...

Posted on Thursday, March 14, 2002 - 06:25 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Blue, I was mad as hell. The damn knot is as hard as a rock and I bet I could drive a nail with it. Anyway, I soaked it in warm water with detergent thinking that maybe... but no way. I think Rob may be right that the force melted the webbing. Anyway, I consider it damaged goods and have other straps I carry with me. I have only used it for simple extractions since.
Oh well, live and learn.

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