Misfire on #8, loose plug, now I've g... Log Out | Topics | Search
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Robert Sublett (Rubisco98)
Posted on Tuesday, December 31, 2002 - 04:32 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Ok, as on another thread down the board here I recently got a misfire on #8 and I was getting hesitation/etc. Ordered some plug wires from Nathan at Discountrovers and they aren't here yet. Truck was really running shitty this morning and decided to stop at the dealer to purchase just the one plug wire for #8. Pulled off the old plug and realized the plug was loose. Tightened it back down and stuck on the new plug wire. I thought, Ok, problem solved. It is running worse now than before. I've got a new set of plugs and the wires will be replaced this weekend. Anyhow, I guess my question is since that plug has been loose for a couple of weeks now, could that have messed anything else up? I just want it to run nice at least for a couple of days.... Oh well, any suggestions would be nice..

M. Recke (Disco_Obsession)
Posted on Tuesday, December 31, 2002 - 06:45 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Maybe you ECU has compensated for the previous problem? Maybe disconnect the battery for 1/2 hr and reconnect. This should reset the ECU to default settings.

M. Recke (Disco_Obsession)
Posted on Tuesday, December 31, 2002 - 06:47 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

PS. Make sure you have you radio code on hand, and to re program the remote press any button 4 times in succession.

Tbow (Tbow)
Posted on Tuesday, December 31, 2002 - 08:50 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

For what it's worth,, here's my 2cents...

Get back to basics.. If you got a misfire on #8, then there is a problem with just that cylinder.. Remember fuel/air, spark and compression.. When the plug was loose, you basically had one dead cylinder. If the other cylinders are running fine,, then your ignition system overall is ok.... If you want to check the plug wire, then just swap a plug wire from another cylinder and if the problem goes to the new cylinder then it's your plug wire.. Also, depending on the year,, remember to check cap and rotor..

Next is fuel/air. While the engine is running, disconnect the fuel injector plug to #8 injector, Does the engine run worse ?? If it does, then the injector appears to be working fine. If no difference, then it could be your injector. You can either swap an injector or replace it. Like the plug wire, if after the swap, the problem switches to the other cylinder, you've found the problem.. If not keep looking.

If your problem is still there, then look at your plug. What color is the tip ?? Black with carbon ? or white i.e. running hot ?? does replacing the one plug help for a while ??

Finally, check the compression.. If #8 is low, then either put oil in the cylinder and recheck or do a leakdown test to isolated whether it's valves or rings..

Hope this helps.. Start with simple ones first and move into the more difficult ones..


Keith Kreutzer (Revor)
Posted on Tuesday, December 31, 2002 - 08:50 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Pull the plugs and make sure they're all firing!
A quick look should tell... The really black one? It's not working... I found one of my Champions not working... Caused me fits and a new cat... Put in some Autolites... Life is good now...

Robert Sublett (Rubisco98)
Posted on Tuesday, December 31, 2002 - 09:06 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Ok, here's an update. Went ahead and pulled all plugs and replaced them today. #5 and #8 smelled quite badly of gas compared to the rest of them. #8 looked like hell, the rest looked fine. I replaced them all with the Bosch 2 Platinum or double plat. or whatever they were called. That was the only thing I could find in between 3 local auto parts stores. Anyhow, "Ol' Drippy" is running like a champ again, at least for the time being. I'm pretty sure one of my cats is f$%ked, I heard a LOUD noise the other day while on the interstate and I'm guessing that perhaps is what it was. I'm going to replace exhaust manifolds next, then I'll get to cats and O2 sensors. Thanks for all your advice.. I love the DWEB.. peace.. and HAPPY NEW YEAR!! Roberto

Posted on Wednesday, January 01, 2003 - 03:15 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

5 and 8 are the most effected by carbon fouling. They were probably sticking.



Robert Sublett (Rubisco98)
Posted on Wednesday, January 01, 2003 - 06:22 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Ron, "were" sticking or "are" sticking? Are you talking about the valves? What can I do to help prevent catastrophy? Thanks.. RS

Keith Kreutzer (Revor)
Posted on Wednesday, January 01, 2003 - 11:01 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

"Drive it like you stole it"
I put a can of Techron in the fuel every once in aawhile to keep that nasty carbon away...Techron or BG 44K (k44?)whatever the name it seems to help...

joe (Joe)
Posted on Wednesday, January 01, 2003 - 04:47 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Can you say vavle job??? Or do like keith says, Drive it like you stole it.

Robert Sublett (Rubisco98)
Posted on Wednesday, January 01, 2003 - 11:05 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Trust me, it is driven mainly highway and it is pushed hard quite often. Definitely not the grocery getter. My wife's D2 serves that purpose and I give it hell everytime I drive it at least for a couple of minutes b/c I've heard of the carbon buildup. Joe, I think I've seen your name on here before, are you a mechanic or salesman at a Rover dealership or am I thinking of someone else? My Disco has about 132k and has had religious maint. since I bought it at 90k 1 year ago. Anyhow, I'm guessing if I foul out #5 and #8 again soon that I have sticky valves. Should I even bother with a valve job at this point? Wouldn't a complete rebuild or engine swap be a better alternative? I'll run some of the Techron or whatever in my next tank. Ran some GUMOUT or something about 15k ago that was supposed to help remove carbon buildup. Later.. Rob

Posted on Wednesday, January 01, 2003 - 11:54 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

I would guess valve job based on mileage and year and your issues etc.

You should definately bother with "just" a valve job. 4.0s usually do not have bottom end problems and everything in the top end you can check when you do a valve job.

BUT . . . you have to see if that is really the issue. Do a compression check and see if they are low that is the easiest way to see.


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