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Posted on Friday, March 15, 2002 - 01:54 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

I'm liking the ratings I've seen on the tire rack's site from customers, comparable to the Wrangler MTRs (customer's ratings).

the 235/85-16 is a little taller (32.2") and comes in Black Letters instead of the awful white lettering.

Anyone have a personal experience to share? Thanx...

Posted on Friday, March 15, 2002 - 02:06 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

i got em and i have to say
they are an excellent tire so far -
about 4k on them - been wheelin
twice with them and so far so good.

definately work better in sand aired down!!
you get the typical mt rumble off the line
and again at around an indicated 62mph.

fuel economy is 'good' for a 235-85 mt as i
most drive very conservatively and have not
really noticed a great drop from the 235-70xpc.

at some speeds and road surfaces the bridgies
are actually quieter than the xpc...

never having been a bfg believer i really enjoy
these - plus no white lettering to make your rig look all "jerry springer"....

they get two thumbs up from me - plus they look totally cool on the car.


Posted on Friday, March 15, 2002 - 03:15 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

I have them too. 235-85s also, and I agree with Steve on all points.

In my experience, they are not noisy at all except between 0-10ish mph.

Very good in general offroad and in mud. Have been in sand with no problems, but not in any "beach" fluffy sand, so I can't comment there. I don't do much rock climbing, so no comment there either.

I think the looks really work with the discovery. I am partial to the "tall and narrow" look, and the Bridgestones look pretty aggressive without being too extreme.

that is all I can report.

Scott MacGregor (Spm)
Posted on Friday, March 15, 2002 - 03:23 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

I've had nothing but good results in mud, suprisingly quiet on the road for the tread design.

Posted on Friday, March 15, 2002 - 03:55 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Hey Marc,

Is that your truck in the EE Photos of the TJM rear Bumper? If so, would you e-mail me, had a couple of questions for you. By the way, if that is your truck, it looks great.

~Scott T.
'95 D-90 (JEEPETR)
'96 Discovery (5-Speed)

Posted on Friday, March 15, 2002 - 03:57 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

That is Steve's truck. I have the East Coast version. Very similar to Steve's, only a different color. I should have a gallery up soon.

Posted on Monday, March 18, 2002 - 09:50 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Hey Guys,

Ah, well, actually one of the questions is for both, regarding street handling in the rain, snow, etc. I was originally looking for a Siped tire, and liked the Truxus, but the sidewalls are too agressive looking for me and my wife, and we both are looking at the Bridgestone as we like the pattern, and the fact that the 235/85 comes in black sidewall lettering as opposed to white letters. I considered having a tire siped after purchase, but could find no one in the Maryland area that does this. Thanks for an info you can provide on wet weather performance experiences.

~Scott T.
'95 D-90 (JEEPETR)
'96 Discovery (5-Speed)

Posted on Monday, March 18, 2002 - 09:59 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Hey Scott T. Call Brad T over at, he'll probably know someone in the Glen Burnie area who could do it for you. There is a 4x4 shop on Ritchie Hwy in Glen Burnie, the name escapes me right now, but they also sipe tires.

Greg Bright
Posted on Monday, March 18, 2002 - 09:59 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

I ran 265x75 Dueller MT's on my Disco 2 for a little over a year and they were very nice. My only complaint was that on rock they were a little too soft and left a lot more rubber on the rocks than the BFG's I replaced them with. If you're going to be using these on the rocks a lot, you might look at another brand.


Posted on Monday, March 18, 2002 - 11:31 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post


I was concerned about wet weather handling also, as I live in coastal NC and get a fair bit of rain (especially in winter).

The first time it rained after I bought this set, I went out in my subdivision, on an undeveloped stretch of road and got up to about 40-45mph and slammed on the brakes - no slide at all. The ABS and tires worked well. Can't really say about hydroplaning as there was not a lot of water to remove at that time and I was not going too fast anyway, but I have had no trouble in that regard at any other time.

In short, they seem fine to me in the wet - obviously not gonna be as good as a street tire, but certainly better than I expected.

Posted on Monday, March 18, 2002 - 04:03 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Greg and Marc,

Thanx for the insight on the tires handling on and off-road, it is much appreciated.


Thanx for the tip on siping, I'll give him a call.

~Scott T.

Posted on Monday, March 18, 2002 - 11:34 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

BTW Scott, My wife and I are still trying to find the time to give that Indian spot here in Columbia a try....You said the food was good right? With our 9 month old its hard to go out to eat. What's your dish so that I know what to look for on the menu?

Posted on Tuesday, March 19, 2002 - 12:05 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

I've found the Bridgestone tires to have "grippier" rubber compound than the other MT tires. It's not scientifically proven or anything like that. It just felt like that for me. :)

Posted on Tuesday, March 19, 2002 - 09:41 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

bridgstone has always made a good tire , but they dont last very long compared to other brands.

I had the dueler mt's on a truck a few years ago

they were shot after about 25ooo miles

they had lost all the edges to the blockes and pretty much were burnt off.

tire rack likes them, I tend to think they are full of shit. they always like the soft squishy brands because they wear faster

like duh! they sell tires!

Ho Chung (Ho)
Posted on Tuesday, March 19, 2002 - 10:37 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

ahh the good ole "grippy but wears faster" trick... LOL

Posted on Tuesday, March 19, 2002 - 11:38 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Thanx for tha additional input Anon, and Muskyman. 25,000 miles is a short life, I was hoping for 40,000, but in general prefer a softer tire compund with fewer miles, to a harder compound that gets greater life. Must be from my days of sportbike riding, and throwing away tires with tread in the middle that were bald on the sides...LOL!


Send me an e-mail, I'll give you whatever info you want/need on the resturant....

Scott T.
[email protected]

Posted on Tuesday, March 19, 2002 - 11:53 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

I've had the Bridgestones for over 30,000 miles and still have plenty of tread left. On the road (50psi) they can't be beat and off road (15psi) I'll take them over my old BFG's any day, they're great in snow and rain too!

Phillip Perkinson (R0ver4x4)
Posted on Tuesday, March 19, 2002 - 12:05 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

hey Marc where bouts in coastal North Carolina?

Posted on Tuesday, March 19, 2002 - 12:12 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Phillip - Wilmington, are you nearby?

Also, I can't report on tread life as I only have about 3k on mine. They still look new though, and I have been told by a friend thta he got 60K out of a set. Who knows...

While we are on the topic, anybody got preferences or ideas about psi for these tires? I am running 36/26 like the stockers, but I see Kwest is running 50psi all around. Any advantage mpg-wise, Kwest?

Greg Davis
Posted on Tuesday, March 19, 2002 - 12:13 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Yeh, Marc, where are you? You too, Phillip? I'm in Charlotte and was wondering if you guys are going to the Uwharrie Safari next month?

Posted on Tuesday, March 19, 2002 - 12:56 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

eh muskyman....

25k on bridgies? that must of been
one HEAVY mofo of a truck!! - i fully expect
50-60k out of mine.


Robb Sundmaker (Robb)
Posted on Tuesday, March 19, 2002 - 01:08 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

What is siping?

Posted on Tuesday, March 19, 2002 - 02:33 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post


I am the guy from Wilmington that sent you compliments on your rear bumper about 4-5 months ago. I won't be able to make Uwharrie, unfortunately that is the same weekend as my UNCW Rugby Old Boys game. Got to have some priorities.

(For those of you unfamiliar with rugby, an old boys game is when all the old men that used to play for a team get to go back and beat the living hell out of all the young men that are on the current side). Kind of like "playing the masters" from Monty Python's Meaning of Life. Lot's of good clean fun.


Posted on Tuesday, March 19, 2002 - 04:25 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

I have to concur with kwestmail's comment. Since we did the same snowy trails and I have BFG M/Ts, he was getting better traction.

Posted on Tuesday, March 19, 2002 - 05:42 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Which expert on siping will explain it to Robb?

Posted on Tuesday, March 19, 2002 - 05:52 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Ali, How nice of you to agree with me about my tires, I have some new toys too!

Are you goin' Sunday?

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