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Mel A.
Posted on Sunday, March 17, 2002 - 10:38 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

I've had the Borla exhaust system on my Disco for more than a year now. At first I loved the deep burble it made along with all the other "strong V8" noises it made. But now I'm sick of it. If I drive more than 30 miles, it gets way too loud (to the point where I can't hear the person sitting beside me). I was wondering if there is anyway to make it not as loud. My dad had the same problem with his B&B Triflo exhaust system for his car, so he purchased a resonater and that really made a big difference. It sounds a lot better (not too loud, not to quiet). Is there a resonater available for the Borla for my Disco? I've also heard that the position of the exhaust makes a difference, if I make the tip exit thtough the side would that help silence it?

Robert Mann (Oldscout)
Posted on Monday, March 18, 2002 - 12:42 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Start up your truck and lay under it. My Borla needed a adjustment to the hub because it had a small leak that developed after first 10k. It didn't sound like a leak just louder.

Todd Phenneger
Posted on Saturday, March 23, 2002 - 07:06 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

In regards to changine the TIP, yes, the shape of the tip will change the resonant frequency of the exhaust. A large flat cut off like most tips have will resonate (sounds like your is around freeway speed) Putting a slant tip on with a 45Degree bevel in the tip can help that. The pulse is delivered to the atmosphere more gently and more quietly.
Of course you could always swap me my muffler for the Borla. My Disco has a new Exhaust on it and I want a Borla. :-)
Todd 94 SE7

Mel A.
Posted on Saturday, March 23, 2002 - 07:32 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Thanks for the response. I checked for leaks a couple of days ago, couldn't find anything. The car smells like gas when cold, but the smell goes away after driving a couple of miles. Could that be a possible leak? I just got the entire fuel system changed a couple of weeks ago.

Should I get a tip custom fabbed or is there a tip that I can weld on from Borla (or any other manufacturer)?

Todd Phenneger
Posted on Saturday, March 23, 2002 - 08:46 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

You can get either type of tip really. Its personal preference. On most of my cars I prefer to get nice Stainless Steel Pipe and get it put on with a simple slant cut in it. It doesnt' even have to be 45 deg. You can do maybe a 20-30 deg cut and get the same result.
However there are many companies that sell nice tips. On my rover they would get stuck in mud, buried, scrathed, etc. But if your rover is mostly on the street or looks really nice then maybe a nice tip is in order. Borla / Jegs etc all have tips. Do a Google search for exhaust tips and see what comes up. You'll be suprised.

Todd 95 Discovery with stock exhaust
87 Audi 5ktq with 3" Turbo Back Exhaust runnign through one Borla XR-1 racing muffler. (now that car is annoying on long drives, but the turbo actually keeps it fairly muted except when you get on it)
2 other Audi's with Borla's on them as well

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