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Posted on Monday, April 08, 2002 - 11:21 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Loaded question for everybody out there..........(I know that there are plenty of opinions!) ; )
I have a 95 Disco with 90K on it. My wife keep s pestering me about getting a D2 that is a little plusher inside - who am I to argue with a new truck?! Anyway, I am not as loaded as the general public and the Xterra owners would like to believe so I have no intention of waiting to buy an '03 D2 (even though I would love that 4.6) and watching it depreciate as I drive off of the lot. So I am looking at buying a good '99, '00, or '01 D2. Any big critiques of any of these years that I should be aware of? I have heard a few different times that the '00s were prone to lifter problems - anything else to look for as a problem area in these years?
ALSO - what is the general consensus out there - will the August release of the new '03 drive down values on the other D2s out there (my thinking being that a lot of people may trade in their truck to get a new one with a bigger engine)?

What do you guys think??
(thanks in advance for the feedback!)

Al Oliveira (Offroaddisco)
Posted on Monday, April 08, 2002 - 03:51 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

I don't see many people with the current DiscoII's rushing to the dealer to trade in for another Rover. My feeling is that if Ford wants to increase sales they need to fix the quality issue not the ride. People who are repeat Rover owners tend to play a wait and see approach to any new rover because they know better. But that's another story.

As for the current Disco II here's my take...

1999 Disco II - great vechicle and the 1999's have room under the hood in the on the passenger side for mounting stuff like an ARB compressor for filling tires or adding lockers.

2000 Disco II - No room under the hood but also a good vehicle. In 2000 they added some emission components to the void space under the hood on the passenger side. Other than that and the compass in the rear view mirror there's not much difference.

2001 Disco II - I wouldn't touch one unless I knew it had the CDL. Mid year they got rid of the CDL (not the linkage as none of the DiscoII's had that). The ETC is wonderful but you REALLY need the CDL (IMO). With the 1999 and 2000's $600 and an afternoon will get you a CDL.

Posted on Monday, April 08, 2002 - 04:04 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Thanks for the feedback, Al. That helps me a lot, especially since I have been leaning towards a '99 for sale here in Denver.

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