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Posted on Tuesday, April 09, 2002 - 07:04 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

I was driving my 1998 Disco LSE through a hard rain when it shut off and then would not start. Fortunatly I was able to pull off the road and get a tow home.
When the key is in the run position I hear rapid clicking from the electrical box under the right side of the dash. The starter does not engage when I click the key to start. When I pull the 20 AMP fuse in the fuse box on the left, under the steering wheel that is labled with an engine with a lighting bolt on it, the clicking stops and the starter will engage, but naturally it won't start since there is no spark with the fuse out.
All other electrical components seem to work fine and the lights do not dim when the starter does engage.

My question to you wise men/and women what shorted out when it got wet and how should I go about checking things? What is making the clicking sound and why?
It could be that the hard rain was just a coincidence but this happended about 5 seconds after the skies really opened up.

Thank You all.

Posted on Tuesday, April 09, 2002 - 07:49 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

replace fuse. try again with a new fuse. You'd be surprised how often this works.

David Connelly (Dmc)
Posted on Tuesday, April 09, 2002 - 08:01 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Check for water in the ECM, located on the right side of engine compartment in front of the washer res. It's covered by a black plastic cover with to push pins. then remove to 6mm bolts and slid the computer up. then unplug connectors and check for mostiure. if that is the problem, dry it out with compressed air or air dryer. To prevent this problem in the future get a piece of weather stripping and install it along the top edge of the fender. strip available at dealer, although it will be listed for a DiscoII. I hope that this helps.
David C.

Posted on Tuesday, April 09, 2002 - 10:18 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Just to add to this, I now have noticed that when I turn the key to start nothing happens, but if I hold it there for 5 seconds or so the starter kicks on and turns the engine over. Still no spark, and the rapid clicking sound coming from under the dash on the pass side.


Mike B.
Posted on Tuesday, April 09, 2002 - 11:32 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

I think the ECU moved in 1996 to inside the Disco behind the glove box. I think only the 94 and 95 models had the ECU in the engine compartment. This same thing happened to Bruce P. once in his 97 Discovery. Seemed water got on the relays on the inside. We towed him home and then it started right up in the morning. Maybe he will chime in here...

You may have a leak in your firewall that allowed water to get in there and short out the ECU. I'd pull the glovebox and take a good look. Let us know what you find.

Mike B.

Posted on Tuesday, April 09, 2002 - 11:38 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

On further investigation, when less frustrated, I noticed that pulling the fuel system fuse stops the clicking sound. Perhaps this is a fuel pump? Are there relays in the fuel system that I can check?

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