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DiscoWeb Bulletin Board » Message Archives » 2003 Archives - Discovery Technical » Archive through August 18, 2003 » DII ABS with aftermarket brake pads « Previous Next »

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Frank Rafka (Mongosd2)
Username: Mongosd2

Post Number: 77
Registered: 02-2003
Posted on Wednesday, August 13, 2003 - 03:13 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Hey DII guys...here's a little tidbit of info about using aftermarket brake pads on a DII. Sometimes they will trigger a ABS fault. It shows as a erratic ABS Sensor reading. It basically shutdown the ABS,TC and HDC. My problem started after I changed my pads and rotors. I now have a ABS,TC and HDC caution on. I cleaned and reseated all the wheel sensors and had the code reset at the dealership with testbook. That's when I found that there's a issue using aftermarket pads. The tech told that they used to use aftermarket pads, but had to re-do several DII's becuase of the ABS warning light. The only way they've solved the problem was to install genuine pads...I thought they we're full of shit but there was a another DII owner while I was at the dealership who had the same problem I did, and he told me that they solved the problem by changing the pads back to genuine pads...points to ponder...


Al Oliveira (Offroaddisco)
Senior Member
Username: Offroaddisco

Post Number: 1493
Registered: 04-2002
Posted on Wednesday, August 13, 2003 - 04:43 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

I didn't think you could reseat the D2 speed sensors since they were sealed.

As for pads... I've been running Ferodo's for a year now with no problems. I also have new rotors.

Eric Pena (Evalp)
Senior Member
Username: Evalp

Post Number: 606
Registered: 06-2002
Posted on Wednesday, August 13, 2003 - 05:02 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Frank, a quick search of the archives will turn up alot regarding this issue. I had the same problem after I did my pads and rotors but I did use genuine pads and rotors. I was told the follwing:
The error occurs after you do the pads a rotors because the ABS sesor, located in the hub and not accessable, has a very small margin for error. After doing the rotors mainly, the gap between sensors needs to be perfect and if not it will error out. The system still works but the error will continue.
This is a real big problem for LRNA and they still have not done anything to fix the issue and might be looking at a law suit further down the road, a new hub is not cheap. Mine was replaced under warranty and I have no problems since and I am still running the same pads and rotors.

Al Oliveira (Offroaddisco)
Senior Member
Username: Offroaddisco

Post Number: 1494
Registered: 04-2002
Posted on Wednesday, August 13, 2003 - 05:10 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Eric, I don't understand how replacing the rotors will change the gap for a sensor that is sealed inside a hub that is also a sealed unit.

Eric Pena (Evalp)
Senior Member
Username: Evalp

Post Number: 607
Registered: 06-2002
Posted on Wednesday, August 13, 2003 - 06:40 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

OK, this is what I was told about the problem from a trusted source at a dealer within service management. Could be shit, could not be. If it is not shit, it has nothing to do with genuine parts and they are ripping us all off!

There is an air gap between the sensor and the receiver in the hub that senses the wheel spinning. When you hook it up to Test Book it will say "air gap problem" or "open circuit". If it says air gap problem, it may the sensor has been moved just enough to cause the error. This would be a problem with the amount to space between the sender and the receiver sensors but is still getting a marginal signal. It is common to pull or move the cable to the sensor, when working on the brakes, specifically the rotors, causing it to pull the sensor and create the error. Try pushing on the sensor to reseat it. The dealer will always replace the hub regardless.

If it is an "open circuit" there is nothing you can do and you must replace the hub to fix the sensor problem. This would be the sensor has been damaged or it has moved so much that the receiver is no longer getting a signal at all.

The system senses errors based on a voltage received. If no voltage, �open circuit�. If lower than expected, �air gap�.

Its not that replacing the rotors directly effect the sensors. Messing with anything with the wheel off could cause the error, its just rotors seems to be the most common.

LRNA has not sent out any bulletins regarding this issue. Maybe to cover up the problem and to get people to buy new hubs and buy genuine brakes, I don't know, but this is a big issue for DII owners.

I would first try to trace the cable and push on the sensor in the hub. Maybe even see if you trust your dealer enough to get it on Test Book to see if it is open circuit or air gap.

trevor griffiths (Trevorgriffiths)
Username: Trevorgriffiths

Post Number: 136
Registered: 11-2002
Posted on Wednesday, August 13, 2003 - 10:49 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

I have replaced pads and rotors, front and rear, on over a dozen DIIs with no ABS/TC faults. I have used Genuine and aftermarket. This is also a similar arrangement to the 4.0/4.6 P38a Range Rover and again, after dozens of brake services, never a problem with pulsating , squealing, ABS/TC faults. I will try to reach my contacts at the dealer to confirm (or deny), any symptamatic problems.

Frank Rafka (Mongosd2)
Username: Mongosd2

Post Number: 78
Registered: 02-2003
Posted on Thursday, August 14, 2003 - 12:31 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

some more info...I was told it's not so much the rotors, but the actual brake pads. I was getting a "erratic sensor" code. that's different from what you said Eric, I'm waiting to get some more from a trusted source...


bluesman (Hywy61)
Username: Hywy61

Post Number: 59
Registered: 02-2003
Posted on Thursday, August 14, 2003 - 08:27 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

have used aftermarket pads twice now with no problems

Frank Rafka (Mongosd2)
Username: Mongosd2

Post Number: 79
Registered: 02-2003
Posted on Thursday, August 14, 2003 - 08:40 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

it's not every truck, and it depends on the make of the pad...I know it sounds like bullshit from the dealer, but I just got off the phone with a trusted tech and there seems to be a issue, but he's only had the problem with one other DII...also, have u guys had the slabs recall done? He said it's only been on trucks with the slabs upgrade...

Al Oliveira (Offroaddisco)
Senior Member
Username: Offroaddisco

Post Number: 1495
Registered: 04-2002
Posted on Thursday, August 14, 2003 - 08:55 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

I've had the SLABS recall done. Still sounds like BS to me :-)

Unless you're a real ape I can't see changing out a rotor as rattling around the sensor in the sealed hub more than just driving around in any city in the US. If it's that sensitve I would think people would run into this more while off roading. If these were D1's I might buy the explanation but not on D2's.

Frank Rafka (Mongosd2)
Username: Mongosd2

Post Number: 80
Registered: 02-2003
Posted on Thursday, August 14, 2003 - 09:15 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

I'm with you Al, it really sounds like bullshit...but, I've talked with 2 different owners that had the brake work done at 2 different dealers, and both had the ABS system shutdown. One had both front hubs replaced, then, the slabs unit, and what made the system happy was to use OEM pads...pretty f@#ked up, but it worked...I would find this easier to digest if it was someone like me doing the work at home, then bringing to the dealer when the system shutdown. But, this is work being done at the dealership, by thier techs, using aftermarket pads...

just trying to filter out the bullshit...

todd slater (Toddslater)
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Username: Toddslater

Post Number: 324
Registered: 08-2002
Posted on Thursday, August 14, 2003 - 09:43 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Frank...was all this hub replacement and stuff being done as warranty work at the dealer ??? Sometimes the ends justify the means.

Frank Rafka (Mongosd2)
Username: Mongosd2

Post Number: 81
Registered: 02-2003
Posted on Thursday, August 14, 2003 - 10:50 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

don't know...it starting to smell like Bullshit now, the pads I'm using are made by Lucus...changed sensors on mine and it's still a problem. I starting to lean toward a warped rotor...no shimmy or vibes...still working on it...


Eric Pena (Evalp)
Senior Member
Username: Evalp

Post Number: 608
Registered: 06-2002
Posted on Thursday, August 14, 2003 - 12:34 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

I have had the SLABS ECU upgraded so that fits so far.

The whole thing is fishy and I don't begin to understand it.

I do know that when I had the fault, the dealer put it on Test Book and received an error 06.5. That is consistent with my RAVE CD in what Test Book will say on an ABS fault problem, codes and all. Hub was replaced and all OK. The RAVE CD says 04.4 to 04.7 � Sensor output too low, insufficient, or air gap. 06.4 06.7 � Sensor electrical failure or open circuit. 08.4 � 08.7 � Sensor electrical connection intermittent.
In all cases it says to refer to 60.25.01 � Front Wheel Hub replacement or 64.15.01 � Rear Wheel Hub replacement. I have talked to some that have had brakes done and no problems, I don�t know but I think LRNA does!

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