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DiscoWeb Bulletin Board » Message Archives » 2003 Archives - Discovery Technical » Archive through August 18, 2003 « Previous Next »

  Thread Last Poster Posts Pages Last Post
Arb lockers on a power tank....?Joe M. 08-18-03  11:54 am
Observation when resetting "service engine light".Brent 08-18-03  08:17 am
From celsius to fehrenheit (spelling?)?Luke Tolson 08-18-03  07:53 am
Eight-way power-adjustable seat in the '03 Disco SPedro 08-18-03  07:46 am
Disco I fuel filterLeslie N. Bright 08-18-03  07:37 am
"Clonk"Alan Greening 10 08-18-03  02:50 am
Driver side electric window lifting thingyJaime Crusellas 08-18-03  01:03 am
96 Disco 5-Speed---Looking for thoughtsCALM 13 08-17-03  11:55 pm
How many manual transmissions...Dave Crall 08-17-03  10:49 pm
Front axles shot?Ron Johnson 08-17-03  09:29 pm
Paint Job on my 97Ron Johnson 08-17-03  09:24 pm
Roof Upholstery collapsing/ peeling offJason Edward Booth B20 08-17-03  08:43 pm
15" wheels on a D2?Al Oliveira 08-17-03  08:11 pm
Cheap sway bar disconnects?carl seashore 11 08-17-03  08:07 pm
Fault Code P1317 Franklin Costanzo 08-17-03  06:32 pm
Advice/Help - D2 spark plug wire changeKelly Fristoe 08-17-03  04:32 pm
CDL now in UKChristopher Boese 08-17-03  04:17 pm
Need some help with gearbox installEric Olsen 08-17-03  01:08 pm
Removing '03 tape player face plate?Eric B. 08-17-03  12:48 pm
Brake pads cost too much!!nelson 10 08-17-03  11:02 am
Corrosion under warranty fixJerry Crawford 08-17-03  10:38 am
Service engine light/emission reminder on a D1William L. Blakey 08-17-03  12:15 am
Replacing Disco II clock bulb?r. bluemer 08-17-03  12:07 am
Disco II is giving me a bad vibe.Craig 20 08-16-03  10:54 pm
Solenoid switch for transfer case on D2Brian Friend 11 08-16-03  10:13 pm
Changing Transmission Fluid in a D1Max Thomason 08-16-03  09:57 pm
Lockers & axles (Help)Ted Moyer 08-16-03  06:20 pm
Anybody have pics of drawers in the back of their roverJamil Abbasy 08-16-03  04:36 pm
Can't get lowKenny Bissett 15 08-16-03  04:12 pm
Aiming / aligning headlights...Ben Gott 08-16-03  11:51 am
Exhaust - What/Where to buy?Tbow 08-16-03  08:40 am
GearsTom Fioretti 08-16-03  07:10 am
96 DISCO - SRS LIGHT ONChris Browne 12 08-16-03  06:22 am
Discovery 1 body kitEric 12 08-16-03  03:11 am
Can't stop brakes from squeaking Rob Margis 13 08-15-03  11:53 pm
Help!! Radio and interior light not working.Ed Hsu 08-15-03  09:26 pm
Dippin the Tootsies?David Ohlberg 08-15-03  09:14 pm
Power steering making noise at low speed...noel Bond 08-15-03  09:13 pm
I am bolting today? Jamie 08-15-03  08:37 pm
Help/pic of DI sill neededDave_lucas 08-15-03  07:19 pm
Turn signals on tail lights not on bumperAl Oliveira 08-15-03  06:36 pm
2003 Disco Service Manual?Al Oliveira 08-15-03  06:32 pm
Hitch Bike Carrier RecomendationPhillip Perkinson 12 08-15-03  04:21 pm
Where to get 03' Euro Headlamps...Jason Michaels 11 08-15-03  02:54 pm
Leaky rear speaker!!???Christopher Boese 08-15-03  01:23 pm
What triggers the Check Engine light?Jeff Cowart 08-15-03  12:22 pm
Looking for d/d2Ted Moyer 08-15-03  11:43 am
5 New windshields in one year, what's going on?Andy Thoma 18 08-15-03  11:20 am
D1 headlight specs query & info please?Bill Bettridge 08-15-03  10:08 am
Violent steering judder/shimmyDean Brown 08-15-03  09:09 am
Keyless entry on '96- it just quit!Paul Kennington 08-14-03  09:13 pm
Transmission codesJoey 08-14-03  08:51 pm
Is it the fuel pump or wires or what...must "flood" to start!Chris Gregg 11 08-14-03  03:54 pm
Building Your Own Bumpers... Fabrication Help!Greg Davis 08-14-03  02:37 pm
DII ABS with aftermarket brake padsEric Pena 14 08-14-03  12:34 pm
Engine Service Soon light on..James Anderson 08-14-03  10:22 am
Installing a Brush Bar on a 2003 DiscoveryDean Brown 08-14-03  10:15 am
OBDII Code P1496Jeff Bieler 08-14-03  08:15 am
I have a dumb spark plug question�Brent 08-14-03  07:09 am
Plenum Chamber 95William L. Blakey 08-14-03  01:07 am
Northwest Parts Adventure RackKeith Kreutzer 08-13-03  10:26 pm
255/65/16 on D1Tony Zuniga 08-13-03  10:00 pm
Need nut size and thread pitch to suit OME shock...Rob Davison 11 08-13-03  09:15 pm
Gearing questionMike Rupp 08-13-03  07:25 pm
My First Discovery!colin astley 16 08-13-03  06:24 pm
Why are the ciggy lighters different size?Milan 08-13-03  01:31 pm
Flasher relay clicking continually? Rob Davison 08-13-03  11:15 am
BMW Stereo Wiring HarnessMatt Jablonski 08-13-03  11:02 am
Leak around windshieldJames Anderson 08-13-03  09:56 am
My Disco Got Smashed!Justin 12 08-13-03  09:37 am
Front end popping ken knebusch 08-13-03  06:13 am
Light reflections from roof lightsKobayashi 22 08-13-03  02:44 am
Security Code for Stock RadioTony Zuniga 08-13-03  01:17 am
Viscous Clutch RemovalTony Zuniga 08-13-03  12:56 am
Fog LightsTony Zuniga 08-13-03  12:24 am
Fender flares fading?Tony Zuniga 19 08-13-03  12:19 am
Brake replacementTony Zuniga 08-12-03  11:29 pm
Looking for some advice on a Disco purchaseTony Zuniga 13 08-12-03  11:24 pm
Rear Mud FlapsTony Zuniga 08-12-03  11:15 pm
Staun Tire Deflators - unequal pressuresJamie 15 08-12-03  11:05 pm
DII seat cover installJamie 08-12-03  10:47 pm
Wacky DI Battery CableChuck McGovern 08-12-03  10:04 pm
Dome light/ alarm probsRasmus Holm Jensen 08-12-03  07:58 pm
Mounting lights on Thule crossbars?Roger Sinasohn 08-12-03  06:28 pm
97 Transmission ProblemsPeter J Blatt 08-12-03  05:53 pm
Moonroof shade clip, how to replaceBrian Dickens 08-12-03  05:48 pm
95 Disco seats the same as 97 Disco?Eric 08-12-03  03:51 pm
SRS light and a wet floorTony Kronkaitis 08-12-03  02:47 pm
03' Headlamps $900ea from Rover!!! WTF?Brian Adams 08-12-03  11:37 am
03' Disco Accessories???Al Oliveira 08-12-03  11:24 am
Rapid clicking when manually locking doorsDamien Vrontisis 08-12-03  10:49 am
Hot Consolenoel Bond 08-12-03  09:41 am
Flashing "M" and "S" dash lights on DIISteve Fesperman 08-12-03  09:33 am
Starter ReplacementChuck McGovern 08-12-03  09:22 am
DARN the front sunroofBill Howell 13 08-12-03  09:12 am
95 disco starting problemken nishikawa 08-11-03  11:57 pm
Rotoflex replacementMatthew Gibson 10 08-11-03  10:46 pm
Plywood flooring - asymmetrical hexagonal shape? Jamie 08-11-03  10:22 pm
Sway Bars on 2002 Disco 2Al Oliveira 08-11-03  10:16 pm
Tires for the 18" wheelsBill Collett 08-11-03  09:45 pm
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