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Brad Russell (Bradnc)
Posted on Tuesday, April 23, 2002 - 05:11 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

This past weekend we pulled all the ABS sensors on the truck and pushed them back down, so now the ABS light goes out and ABS doesn't kick in when going slow like it used to, but now something has happened. The CD changer no longer works. It is not even recognized by the head unit and the changer does not emit the cartridge when the button is pressed, so i assume it is not recieving power. The dome lights in the truck blink 7 times when a door is opened to get in now. When the key is in the ignition and any door is open, the buzzer goes off that used to occur only for the drivers door when the lights were left on or key was in the ignition, only now it doesn't go beep..beep..beep, it just emits one long tone until the door is shut. And finally, you can now remove the key from the ignition after shutting the truck off while it is still in drive, which it used to forbid. There may be other quirks which i have not discovered yet. Does anyone know what this may be? This is a '97 D1, and i have checked all the main fuses in the engine compartment with a voltmeter. My dad is an electrical engineer, so we can work with the electronics very easily if we know what to do. These British electrical systems are very strange it seems...this isn't the first strange thing. but someone...Help!


doug james (Dgj95lwb)
Posted on Tuesday, April 23, 2002 - 06:17 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

My $.02:
All 'the noise' results I believe, from the ONE problem you have: the key withdraws from switch in any gear. That noise/lites are all there to alert you to that issue.
Your 'ignition solenoid interlock' is not functioning as LR intended. Before, when running then getting ready to drive off, you had to depress the brake pedal, before you could select any gear from 'Park'. The key/pedal/interlock sensed that the pedal was depressed, then energized the interlock to allow gear selection. As it-either pedal or key-has failed, to some degree, and you can withdraw it now, means something there is amiss, obviously. FWIW. I am thinking this thru as I go along, not from pertinent experience on this problem. Hope this points in the right direction.
CD, cannot help on. cheers- doug

Brad Russell (Bradnc)
Posted on Tuesday, April 23, 2002 - 06:50 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

thanks for the help, but i can pinpoint that the cd, dome lights, buzzer, and shifter all occurred in the same incident, so they are all linked in some way or are close to each other in some way that they were disturbed at some point while the battery was disconnected and we were working on the ABS. As for before, it previously wouldn't let me remove the key from the ignition until i had the vehicle in park, as it now does. Maybe a fuse to the 'ignition solenoid interlock' is bad. I'll do some checking. Anyone else have an idea?


David Dryden (David914)
Posted on Tuesday, April 23, 2002 - 07:37 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Sounds like a fuse or a bad ground to me... I don't have a shop manual, but if someone here has one they could help. You need to look for whatever circuitry all of those items have in common. I'd check for a bad ground, since they are usually connected in groups on a common stud.


Brad Russell (Bradnc)
Posted on Tuesday, April 23, 2002 - 08:13 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

well i've just checked all the fuses, and they are all good, so now i'll go check for a bad ground. Thanks for the help. Not sure what else it could be...


Brad Russell (Bradnc)
Posted on Tuesday, April 23, 2002 - 08:45 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

well i've figured out that the passenger seat will not work when the car is off. So i believe the problem lies with whatever provides the "vehicle-off" power to the seat relay and the power to the CD Changer. Could anyone tell me what circut this is and possibly scan the wiring diagram? I am trying to find the electrical manual for a 97 D1, but have yet to see one.


Posted on Tuesday, April 23, 2002 - 10:08 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Brad, fuse 13 in the passenger fusebox (10 amp )supplies power to the one of the interlock relays. The ground is located in the pass side kick panel. Also Check to see if fuse 12 has power, that is for the cd changer.A lot of circuits are tied in through the shift interlock including the multi function unit. So if everything else looks ok, that could possibly be your problem.

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