235/85 tures on a 300tdi , hows the g... Log Out | Topics | Search
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Darren Waller (Darren)
Posted on Saturday, April 27, 2002 - 06:13 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

My mud terrains are starting to take on the appearance of slicks. Since finding this page I like the idea of running 235/85 tyres in lieu of the 225/75 I've currently got. I've got the 2" lift and know about the guards etc. They seem to fill up the wholes where the wheels go a lot better !!

my question is to anybody with a manaual diesel disco with these tyres fitted.

Given that the Tdi (manual) isn't really a tyre screamer from the lights at the moment, what effect did fitting the bigger tyres have to the performance. ?? Technically it would be slower , but in real terms is it noticable.


Darren (Melbourne OZ)

Posted on Saturday, April 27, 2002 - 02:09 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Hi Darren

I drive 235/85/16 Yokohama Geolander MT for 3 Years now. Yes you will notice in performance. First gear gets a little long but it is still okay. On the other hand you dont have that much rpm on the freeway which I personally really like. So in my opinion it really worth it to change to 235/85/16. Besides, I live in Switzerland and we have really a lot Mountains, and I never had the feeling that the car run much better with the small tyres.
And if you think it is to slow, you still have the possibility to tune up a little the engine. It is quite easy on the 300Tdi.
Greetings Andy

Darren Waller (Darren)
Posted on Sunday, April 28, 2002 - 06:38 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post


thanks for that. My cars running fine I was just pointing out that figuratively the diesels are slower than the V8's. I'm a little curious as to the Sitzerland version of the Diesel. Do you have any engine management or is it the same as mine. Basically the only electrics is associated with the fuel cut off solenoid ?

Anybody else out there with a manual diesel and 235/85/16 tyres ???

Posted on Sunday, April 28, 2002 - 06:57 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

200 tdi 235:85:16 , changed to 1.4 transfer box never looked back

Posted on Sunday, April 28, 2002 - 01:42 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Tne up the TDI300 is very easy if you got an mechanic injectionpump.
-theres a metal cover on the pump.its a little difficult to open it.
-underneath there is a torx screw turn it just a little bit.now much smoke is comeing from exhaust.
attention!much temperature!
now open the 4screws around the torx and you will look at the starwheel
turn it just a little bit to the left,recocnize the first attitude!
Thats it.
you need another airfilter for exampel K&N.

My Disco I TDI built in 96 with adventure roofrack on it runs on german highway about 170km/h.but this is the end my friend,cause of windresistens.330-340Nm by1400rpm.
Put now 235/85 on it.no difference.
i change the pressure of the turbo too,now about 1.3bar temperature about 600-800 celsius which is o.K.
Hope that help you just a little
Greatings from good old Germany!

Posted on Monday, April 29, 2002 - 02:57 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post


We had two different version of Tdi. One with a mechanical fuel pump (no electronic) and the one that I have with electronic engine managment. Both are easy to tune up, in my opinion my version is easier to tune up. Because you simple install an aux software. Than you can just with a little screwdriver do the ajustments. One screw is for low end torch and the other one for max torch.
Out of my experience I can confirm most of OTTO data. But I my opinion the most boost you get out the turbo is 1.25 and also the max speed is 160km/h (with a little luck). After the ajustments, a bigger intercooler and a better exhaust ( no cat) I would say you are close to a V8. At least you have more torque, and that is basicllay what is all about.
If you have more questions just email me.

Posted on Monday, April 29, 2002 - 05:10 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post


when i bought my tdi300 disco, it had 225/75r16 like yours.

I then had some 215/85r16, 245/75r16 ...

I upgraded yesterday to 235/85r16 :-)

As far as power loss, I found from the beginning that first gear was far too long.

But it is true that with bigger tires, the first gear seems lonngger.

Anyway, I found it ok on the other gears, though we do not have highways here.

To give it some more torque, I plan to install a french product called "optimizer", which is a sort of electronic wastegate.
It goes along with a better tuning of the fuel pump and seems to work great.
In france, this item is fitted by some LR dealers and keeps the warranty.

Some more thoughts :-)


New Caledonia

Posted on Tuesday, April 30, 2002 - 01:41 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Hi Eric!
i didnt hear about that optimizer.You got an e.mail adress?
When you close the wastegate a little bit,the pressure of turbo get higher.
When you do that ,of cause you need to trimm your injectionpump as well to put out more Diesel!
I got a greater turbo cooler too in my car to bring more oxigen in the Motor!
greatings from good old Germany

Posted on Tuesday, April 30, 2002 - 01:56 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Hi Otto,

well i don't have any email address for this product. There is a reseller in new Caledonia.

Moreover, I think they also change the cone inside the pump.

It is built by a company called LAND ESCAPE in france. I could find their physical address if you want.

They are also representative for safety device, etc...

I will email you some info when I got them.

Regards from the other side of the world :-)

New Caledonia.

Posted on Tuesday, April 30, 2002 - 02:12 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Hi Eric!
when you got a mechanical injectionpump you can flex the cone inside of the pump by yourself.
How to do look at the web side of UWE defenderland.de there are some pics how to flex the cone and how to update the injektionpump.
greatings from good old germany

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