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Posted on Friday, May 03, 2002 - 02:55 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

I recently picked up a set of used D2 running boards (STC50030) with all the mounting hardware and am getting ready to try to install them myself. I obviously don't have a set of instructions, so I was wondering if anyone can give me some tips or advice on what is involved.

By the way, the local LR dealership offered to install them for about $100. Am I better off letting them do it?

I appreciate the feedback.

Posted on Saturday, May 04, 2002 - 11:33 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

I just came in from the garage where i was taking the running boards off my friends D2. It was a piece of cake, installing them must be just as easy. I don't know what hte kit looks like, what was factory and was part of the kit (the factory installed it, so i don't know what it looks like before installation) The basic mounting process (in reverse) would be:
1) to take off the mud flaps in the front, the running board slides behind them. U need an allen wrench for this)
2)Then there are some mounts that you have to put in that hold the board on, they attach with only two nuts oer mount. ONe of hte nuts screws onto the body mount where there is an extension there or one is in the kit and therefore needs to be put on. Ther other screw is somewhere further up.
3)ONce the mounts are on the running boards slide right in to the holes and require two screws per mount to hold them on.
4)Tighten the mud flaps up and that's it.
p.s. Don't go to the dealer, it's a piece of cake.

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