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Kingfish (Kingfish)
Posted on Monday, May 06, 2002 - 07:42 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

I flushed my brake fluid yesterday from my 95 Disco and found there was a sh1tload of air in my system. What could be the reason? I don't have any leaks. It seemed like the air bubbles would never end. I almost used up 2 large brake fluid containers. I used the moto?-something brand pressure bleeder. Anyone care to guess?

Posted on Monday, May 06, 2002 - 11:09 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Air gets into brakes for lots of reasons. But usually its from overheating the fluid. You should have much better brakes now. The first time I pressure bled my brakes I saw the same thing. A ton of bubbles. I suspect the fluid had never been changed. Now, when I do brakes if I see 2-3 bubbles in the entire system it's rare.

By the way, how long had that fluid been in the truck? I change brake fluid twice a year. It's recommended to change every 2 years. However the fluid has degraded about 30% after the first year so I never let it stay in that long.

If you use brakes hard (mountains, towing, etc) change your fluid often. Changing is not the same as bleeding. You'll need 2-3 large containers of fluid for a complete change. How did you like the bleeder?


Kingfish (Kingfish)
Posted on Monday, May 06, 2002 - 12:30 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

P, I love the bleeder. I use it on all kinds of cars. It makes things really easy. On the Rover, I had flushed the fluid about a year ago when I first got my bleeder. I got quite a bit of bubbles from the FR wheel. This time I got bubbles from all wheels. It seemed that when they stopped, more would keep coming. I thought maybe the bleeder was pumping air into the lines (is that possible?) I went through almost 2 large containers (32oz each I think?) and I don't feel that I got all the air out. Also, I noticed the reservoir started bulging when pressurized (to 15psi). I dropped it to 10psi out of fear.
I havnt had any air problems in other cars, so it's probably not the bleeder.
To add to my frustration, the pedal doesnt seem to be any tighter than before. By the way, mine has only one nipple per wheel and I followed directions to the letter.

Posted on Monday, May 06, 2002 - 08:01 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

I am getting ready to do my front pads and rotors. I am a rookie, and was wondering if there is a post anywhere that could be of assistance! I am also going to change the serp., any links there? I know...I should just buy the shop manual, but I just spent a ton on maint. parts. Maybe next time!

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