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Posted on Tuesday, May 07, 2002 - 11:02 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Just a few quick questions for anyone:

1. I'm replacing my rubber mat that lies across the center console (97 Disco). If I just want to lift the rubber boot square "surround" around the base of the differential shift lever, do I just pry it up (from the front or back)? It seems to be stuck down tightly on all sides. Is there some type of clip that has to be removed in a certain way?

2. Also does the plastic "surround", around the automatic transmission shifter also just lift (pry) up or does it need to be removed in a certain way?

3. Lastly for a different project, I want to remove the differential shift lever knob. Does it just turn counter-clockwise to unscrew off?

Thanks in advance for your help.


Posted on Tuesday, May 07, 2002 - 11:10 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

The diff lever boot has plastic tabs that easily pry up, try not to pry them to much because you can bend them out of shape and then they don't hook down any more. The boot will come off as you unscrew the knob.

The gaiter under that is riveted on, you can drill out the rivets or you can cut the gaiter.

The auto trans lever comes off by pushing it back as far as possible and lifting up at the same time, should be able to do this without tools, then once the back is unhooked push it forward and pull up. If you use a screwdriver you'll proably crack it if you aren't careful.

The diff lever knob just unscrews counterclockwise.

There are some pictures at the bottom of this site that may help you see what you are doing:

Posted on Wednesday, May 08, 2002 - 08:16 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Hi Evan,

Thanks for all the great advice. I have two follow up questions since I certainly don't want to break any important "tabs" off parts:

1. Does the square base of the differential rubber "boot" just pry off by gently prying straight up or does one gently pry under the base of the rubber boot and twist off first in a clockwise or counter-clockwise direction?

2. I am replacing the lengthy rubber console piece with the LR wood piece. Since the wood seems so much thicker, will the rectangle plastic "surround" that surounds the automatic gear shift lever still be able to be pressed down and clip in even though it now rests on top of the wood which seems so much thicker than the original console rubber piece?
Thanks again in advance.


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