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Stephen Grindol (Lodnirg)
Posted on Friday, May 10, 2002 - 11:11 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

I am soon to do this upgrade and I have questions for the group and need some answers.
I have found a complete kit( rotors, pads and calipers) from ?Northeastbritish? in the USA and from Zeus in the UK.
Am I correct in thinking that I need only to place spacers in my current calipers or to replace them with ClassicRR calipers and RR vented rotors? Can I olso use calipers and rotors from NAS Defenders which have ventilated rotors?
It would be cheaper to use spacers, allowing dollars to be used for ventilated, cross-drilled and slotted rotors which are available but are not part of either kit.
I plan to use braided replacement hose but notice a new problem. I beleive that front hoses for the Discovery are different from either Defender or RR Classic hoses. Which do I use?
Can anyone help me with these answers.
Thanking You in advance.

Jason Vance (Jason)
Posted on Friday, May 10, 2002 - 11:42 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

If you are not replacing your calipers (e.g. you are modifying them with the spacers) you can use a Disco braided hose kit (Expedition Exchange sells a set). From what others have previously posted on this subject, the RR Classic calipers require a brake line for the pistons on each side of the caliper, so you would have to have a hydraulic shop fabricate a tee (or do it yourself...it would not be difficult); some others mentioned the 110 calipers (or was it the 90?) are designed for vented rotors, fit the disco, and do not require a seperate line for the outside pistons...they are also more expensive than the RR Classic's from what I've seen.
BTW, I e-mailed Zeus about selling the spacers seperately because I, too, want to use a cross-drilled disk that is not part of their kit. They never replied. Anybody have access to a CNC mill...solve this problem and make some $$$? (okay, just kidding on the last part)

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