Is an added 1 inch of lift worth it ??? Log Out | Topics | Search
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Posted on Monday, May 13, 2002 - 12:27 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Hello you all lift addict :-)

this is a really interesting feedback from a previous thread and I agree with Kyle :

"My truck for example is great for local playground stuff but starts to suffer on real trails because of the lift. Once I get the bitch all loaded down and ready for travel that lift seems to hurt more then it helps most times. Its pissing me off on the highway and its pissing me off in serious off camber situations. Of course I smile when I can get up a big ledge or something but there is a price to pay for that one big ledge...


What height of lift do you have to feel these problems Kyle ?

I have 2 inch at the moment, and it feels still acceptable, even if when riding with stock defenders, my off-camber riding is quite more scary :-)

Does anyone have any feedback on the off-camber mis-behaviour when going from 2 to 3 inch of spring lift with 235/85r16 tires ?

Is it worth it for the clearance, or the drawback in off camber situation not acceptable ?


New Caledonia.

Posted on Monday, May 13, 2002 - 04:47 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Nobody had bad experience when going from a 2 inch lift to a 3 inch lift, as long as off-camber is concerned.

Sure it will be worse... but is it acceptable ?

Nobody in my country runs a 3 inch lift, so there is no way for me here to see or try how it behaves apart from trying it myself :-(

So any feedback is welcome.



Rob Davison (Pokerob)
Posted on Monday, May 13, 2002 - 05:17 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

i went from 2" to 3" and the problems offcamber aren't really the issue. it's more diveline vibration and brake and bump steer problems.

95% of those with 2" lift are vibration free

75% with 3" of lift have issues.

these are my own guestimates that i've gathered from reading this bbs for 3 years.


Posted on Monday, May 13, 2002 - 06:21 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

i went from no lift to 3", don't notice any off-camber problems. things feel tippy past a certain amount stock or not. however, i don't have a roof rack or load up as much as kyle does, or at least I assume i don't.

about 200 or so lbs of tools and spares in the back while off-road, but none on the roof.


\Mike... (Mpeters)
Posted on Monday, May 13, 2002 - 07:12 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

i think that might be the key - what is your CG? and how much weight do you toss above that CG?

if you just run the truck with a lift - hell, do a 3" spring lift with spacers, and toss in a 2" body lift while you are at it. your "camber-functionality-factor" will not be something you cannot compensate for with intelligent driving.

but.... load up the roof rack - whammo.. there is definately a difference.

now - having said that, i run heavy up top quite often, have a 3" suspension lift (sorry-no spacers) -and- a 2"body lift... do i feel tipsy? hell yes! do i drive accordingly - well, of course.. so - it's like most "improvements" - ask around, listen to other experiences, but ultimately you need to gauge the benefits vs the drawbacks and see if that leaves you where you want to be.


Posted on Monday, May 13, 2002 - 07:58 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

I am a little over three " with 32" tires and the truck is certainly more tippy then it was with the 2" and 245s. Peters here pretty much hit the nail on the head. Him and I were actually talking about this earlier. We both run substantial loads on the roof and we both get tippy as hell. BUT , we both get where we need to go. I am sometimes amazed at the shit we get through toting that much crap on teh roof and inside the truck. If you dont respect it though it will most certainly bite you in the ass...


Posted on Monday, May 13, 2002 - 09:40 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Thanks a lot for your answers everyone.

In fact, I don't have a roof rack, and therefore never load on the roof. So this is a good point for the lift :-)

I am always wheeling with defenders (because here they are much cheaper than discos) and they have really better angles and clearance.

Therefore I often get stuck, hanging on my bumpers or sliders (I am happy they are here), and need to be strap-pulled.
OK, I see you coming, next thing will be lockers.

Anyway, the around 2 inch lift and 235/85 tires helped a lot already and I can now hold on to the defenders on most spots.

Sure that with a 3 inch, it would nearly be equal... but as long as driveline problems are involved, that is another question.
Huh, there are no driveline shop around here to build me a CV shaft :-(

Thank you again for your answers.

Best regards.

Erik Schall.
New Caledonia.

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