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Erik Olson (Jon)
Posted on Wednesday, February 20, 2002 - 05:55 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

I have an IBM ThinkPad 390E I'd like to mount in my Discovery 1 for GPS with the Delorme receiver. Has anyone done this and can you give me a link to a company that makes the mounts?



brian kluge
Posted on Wednesday, February 20, 2002 - 06:21 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

I was looking around for info like this about a year ago and was pretty much discouraged. I found a few suppliers out there when searching under words like "mobile office". They were charging something like $200 for a holder so I just gave up. There has to be a cheap bastard way of doing a mount, but I just have dedicated the brain power to this issue.

Brian Kluge

Igor Pinchevskiy (Igor)
Posted on Wednesday, February 20, 2002 - 06:40 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Yes, I am also interested on how to mount a laptop in a Range Rover, I just bought a pcmcia gps card for a laptop which I want to be able to mount in a car as well. I haven't looked for one, but I'm pretty sure it could be a garage-made mount,

Erik Olson (Jon)
Posted on Wednesday, February 20, 2002 - 06:45 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

What brand receiver / pcmcia card did you get - the only one I've seen is the Delorme?


Erik Olson (Jon)
Posted on Wednesday, February 20, 2002 - 06:51 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

delorme thingy

Igor Pinchevskiy (Igor)
Posted on Wednesday, February 20, 2002 - 06:58 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post


I got a Sony SkyMap 2000, I haven't recieved it yet, so I can't tell you if its good. Here's a link

Also I found a company that makes mounts for laptops
But I was thinking of making my own mount in the glove compartment on rails, so that way you can hide it or roll it out when I want to use it, I think it should be pretty easy to do.

Igor Pinchevskiy (Igor)
Posted on Wednesday, February 20, 2002 - 07:03 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Neal Glessner (Nealg)
Posted on Wednesday, February 20, 2002 - 08:02 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

I saw a few once in the back of Mobil Computing Magazine once. You could try looking at the hard copy or Also, you could search some of the Police Supplier catalogs.

Mike Peters
Posted on Wednesday, February 20, 2002 - 08:05 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Check out or possibly for a vendors site that handles the handheld and mobile arena, including accessories for outfitting laptops, handhelds, etc in autos.

I have used a Jotto desk for about four years now (geez - been that long?) and it's held up well to dust and grime without any problems. Nicely finished materials. I've used a few different kinds of laptops, but prefer a "short" screen to not really limit external field of view looking past the passenger area or right-front of vehicle (something like the Sony Vaio PictureBook or SR model would be my favorite so far). The 390 will certainly work, but I would be wary of the overall size as well as the limited amount of contrast on that pad - daytime use could be a bit limited if the sun is in the right (or wrong) position. You can probably compensate for the size by mounting the jottodesk base on the floor of the passenger side, or at the very least the bottom of the tranny hump, but not sure how much interference that would cause for your passenger with the desk dismounted.


Posted on Wednesday, February 20, 2002 - 10:13 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post


I was looking at that Jottodesk last week. I've been using the top of the cubby in the RR and wanted something better.

Can you take some pics of how you have yours mounted? I also looked at the RAM mounts but they are pretty expensive. I am concerned whether the mount drilled through the tranny hump will be sufficient. I was really looking for something with a 3 point mount, that leveraged the seat rails or something similar.

Thanks for any info you can provide on this.


Erik Olson (Jon)
Posted on Wednesday, February 20, 2002 - 10:59 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Jottodesk, thanks - good link.



Posted on Wednesday, February 20, 2002 - 11:03 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Hey guys, the mount that Igor showed is just like the one we have in our prowl cars. The problem with this set up is (I too am looking fo a good mount)you can not have a center shift mech. Also its not as strong as it looks, a couple of pursuits have proven that; and with all the jaring that the trail puts on you well, you get the picture. However dont worry, the guys at the radio show are looking for a light weight sturdy set up and when they do I will be coping it asap.

Posted on Thursday, February 21, 2002 - 12:03 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

You might want to try this link:

Erik Olson (Jon)
Posted on Thursday, February 21, 2002 - 12:13 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

SMC is even better. Sounds like they'll just help me configure something by phone when I'm ready to go forward. Can anyone give me some feedback on the Earthmate receiver? I'm also curious about whether it connects via serial, parallel or usb ports? Is the Topo/Earthmate combo they sell a decent deal or has anyone found something a heck of a lot better?



Posted on Thursday, February 21, 2002 - 01:17 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post


For the miniscule price difference, you can buy a very basic Garmin GPS and still use it with most mapping software programs. That way, if you wanted to use the GPS alone at least for bread crumb features you have that option.


Posted on Thursday, February 21, 2002 - 03:10 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post


I second Tom's recommendation. Leave the Earthmate alone. Any 12 channel GPS with a screen will be preferable. I had one of the earlier Delorme GPS units, and for its day (pre-12 channel) it was alright, but I'd never go there again.

The Garmins seem to be the most popular consumer units and if you're smart, you'll get one that can take an external antenna. I also own a Magellan 315, but feel the Garmin is the better value.


Mike Peters
Posted on Thursday, February 21, 2002 - 05:47 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

The earthmate receiver connects via serial, and requires power outside of the serial interface.

Delorme does offer a USB adapter that will let you connect it to your USB port and provides power through that interface as well.. that's what I use now. It's just a small dongle that converts the serial cable end to a USB.

If you are always using your laptop, the Earthmate is fine. It's a 12-Sat capable rcvr just like the Garmin. I've often compared my coords, elevation data, etc with other people in a group that have garmins, magellans, whatever - no one ever has exactly the same info, down to the precise minute and elevation, but I always seem to be in the same ball park as everyone else.


Shane C. (Qsiguy)
Posted on Thursday, February 21, 2002 - 06:10 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Just a plug for the Jottodesk. I don't sell them but I do fleet work for a local police dept. and I have installed dozens of the Jottodesk's, they supplied, in their patrol cars. They hold up nice, very adjustable, and look nice (in my opinion). I mounted them on the passenger side and the laptop platform can easily be moved to different positions.

Shane C.

Posted on Thursday, February 21, 2002 - 09:26 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post


Would the installs that you have done interfere badly with someone riding in the passenger seat? And in the installs you've done, where are the mounts located? On the tranny tunnel? Seat rails?



Erik Olson (Jon)
Posted on Friday, February 22, 2002 - 01:27 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

I've already got a small Magellan GPS for my Handspring and like it just fine - usually six satellites acquired at any given time, foliage-lock and nice time / elevation functions. I'm looking for an upgrade that would stay in the vehicle, and figured that since I have a Thinkpad that I don't use for anything else...


Posted on Friday, February 22, 2002 - 10:37 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

I'v taken a $40 mount designed to hang a tv set from a wall and flipped it over and put a mount it slides into on the floor of my benz.

it is very solid swings outa the way and holds my dell(way to heavy) lap top real well.

the nicest thing is you can pull it out in a min or so.

I'll take some pics and post incase someone wants to copy it.

Posted on Friday, February 22, 2002 - 10:47 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Thanks Muskyman, that would be very helpful. All those RAM mount and Jotto desk sites show the units well, but not how they really mount to the truck.


Posted on Friday, February 22, 2002 - 11:30 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post


I looked around and they all where $100 and they still needed to be cutom mounted in my car.

so I just went 100% custom

the best part of the set up is the software

I payed $14 for the rand macnally mapping software with a $20 mail in rebate

I sent it in once

they sent me 2 $20 checks a few weeks apart?

so I guess they really want you to use there software.

its pretty can click on the junction up ahead on the map and it gives you the hotels,restuarants, gas stations. attractions and such as well as phone numbers for them.

pretty cool.

Posted on Friday, February 22, 2002 - 11:56 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Oh no,

Don't get me wrong. I've been running computer mapping software for 6 years. I LOVE it. I had to travel a lot on business here in FL into unfamliar areas, so I bought Delorme StreetAtlas. I bought Delorme TOPOUSA 3, a year or two but its really bad. I almost never use it.

I'm just tired of using the laptop in the passenger seat or on the cubby box. I'd like a real mount for it. I saw that Jottodesk for $135 at one place, and if that will work, I'm buying one. I just need to see how the thing mounts.


Posted on Friday, February 22, 2002 - 12:05 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

What Dell did you use in this? I just got a new one and I am playing with the idea.

Posted on Friday, February 22, 2002 - 12:17 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

"What Dell did you use in this? I just got a new one and I am playing with the idea"

guess I'm not following you?

I used a mount I bought from a tv place for $40 and mounted it up side down to mount my lap top.

in a 300E benz not a disco(25MPG vs. 12MPG...better work car)

for software I have the GPS version of rand mcnally "trip maker"

i'v tried a few and I like this software alot.

it tracks via GPS...has driver profiles for time lets you calculate fastewr driving then is the posted limit.

I have been using the lap-top in the disco for my 4 year old to watch movies on our 5 hour trips to the lake house.

so I will be setting up a mount in it as well.

I just finnished putting a second high amp draw 12volt plug in the center counsel for the lap-top so now Its time for the mount in there as well.

hate the idea of a 9lb lap-top flying around!

Posted on Friday, February 22, 2002 - 12:28 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Muskyman.. Sorry I meant to ask what model Dell laptop that you have. I have some ideas about a mount using a small docking station that is available.

Erik Olson (Jon)
Posted on Friday, February 22, 2002 - 12:31 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post


Once you get a pic or two of your installation, would you mind posting it or emailing it to me directly? Did you use velcro to keep the laptop secured to the inverted TV stand or actually find a more solid way of mounting?



Posted on Friday, February 22, 2002 - 02:49 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

it had a real beefy strap made to hold the tv down so i just used it.

covers the smart guy F keys but i'm too dumb to use them anyhow so no problem

map software is all point and click...the way i use it that is

Leslie N. Bright (Leslie)
Posted on Friday, February 22, 2002 - 03:02 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Mi dos centavos....

I've got a DeLorme Tripmate, the predecessor to the Earthmate. Only reason why I use it is because it was given to me.

Don't get me wrong, if you're going to be using the laptop it does okay, but I owuldn't have spent money on it. As has been said, it requires its own batteries, and you HAVE to use it w/ the laptop.

If my dime is being spent, I'd go with Garmin, one with a external-antenna capability. That way you can mount an external antenna, and thne plug it into the GPS inside the vehicle... while it'll work fine through the windshield, it will cause some ghost signalling, which will decrease your accuracy by a bit.

I do like DeLorme's software, but it's not perfect. The OLD versions of Street Atlas had the topo lines, but newer ones dropped them. They have a topo program, but it doesn't include the travel info that Street Atlas has in the new versions. They also have a (more expensive) program that uses USGS topos. Problem is, it's sold by the state, and I live RIGHT on the state line, with a 3rd state real close by (TN-VA, close to NC, and also, FWIW, not far from KY)... and the program can't seam from one state to another.

Garmin has their own software, and while I love their GPS units, I haven't used their software to say whether or not I like it. But, given that you can download from their software to their GPS units, then that'd be a good thing, whether or not it's the greatest software or not.

For now, I'm usually using the surveying Trimble that we have at work (PRICY!) in conjunction with ArcView 3.2, and bring over the data as shapefiles. Works for me, but it'd be too pricy if I was the one that had to pay for the hardware and software.

Guess that was tres centavos... lol....



Mike Peters (Mpeters)
Posted on Friday, February 22, 2002 - 05:43 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

A little late, but here are a couple pics of the jotto-desk... mounted on side of transmission hump.


1,JottoDesk - Image1

2,JottoDesk - Image2

3,JottoDesk - Image3

Mike Peters (Mpeters)
Posted on Friday, February 22, 2002 - 06:13 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

ok - so that didn't work out..

email me if you want 'em. I'll look into what the prob was posting the pics and try again later.

mailto:[email protected]

Mike Peters (Mpeters)
Posted on Friday, February 22, 2002 - 09:26 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Once more (this time with freekn IE.. geez - penguin haters!)





Kevin Ta (Smalls)
Posted on Saturday, February 23, 2002 - 12:31 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post


I've done the same exact set up that you are wanting to get, with my IBM and DeLorme GPS. I use a Jotto Desk platform, don't forget to get the power source that hooks up do the cigarette lighter thing-a-ma-jig, and then into the charger
You might have to punch some holes into the truck too, but those holes give it character eh?

Kevin / or Smalls (you pick)

jay caragay (Jcaragay)
Posted on Saturday, February 23, 2002 - 01:38 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Mike Peters,

Those pics look pretty good, but could you show us some close ups of how the shaft actually bolts to the transmission hump?


Mike Peters (Mpeters)
Posted on Saturday, February 23, 2002 - 02:50 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Some more jotto pics - with close-up of mount.


jotto mount-closeup

jotto-mounted jotto-dismounted

Posted on Saturday, February 23, 2002 - 03:30 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Now that is sweet...

What model # is this one. That looks like what I have been looking for. Also, how sturdy is it with the 4 bolts? Does it move around much when off-roading?

Thanks a lot man. I'm sure I'm not alone when I say this is very helpful.


Mike Peters (Mpeters)
Posted on Saturday, February 23, 2002 - 04:34 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

I'm quite sure the model I have is the 5167ACD. It was about four years ago that I purchased it, and can't seem to locate a model number on the desk itself right now.

I have what JottoDesk calls their "cable dock" system for keeping the laptop in position - basically two plastic-coated steel cables attached to a spring-loaded screw-lock hinge underneath. That is part of the model I referenced - thus the ACD designation... Velcro would work fine for my little Vaio's, but I've needed the cable-dock for heavier fullsize laptops I have used in the past.

BTW - the base mount uses six (6) self-tapping screws for mounting to a vehicle floor or transmission hump. It's pretty beefy. I haven't had any problems with it, and I have used it offroad extensively - rough washboard, extreme angles, whatever... The hinged display lid of the laptops have a rougher time with the vibration and angles than the jottodesk itself.


Erik Olson (Jon)
Posted on Sunday, February 24, 2002 - 01:51 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

That is really nice - very clean install. I know you've gone and taken a bunch of pictures already, but do you have one from behind the front seats that shows the position of the desk as it relates to the front passenger's area?

I'll have a co-driver on my expedition, and I wonder if the unit sits right over the transmission hump or if it favors the passenger side to the point of inhibiting space? Have you had a passenger operate the unit comfortably?

Thanks so much for your pictures.



Posted on Sunday, February 24, 2002 - 02:57 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Peters , why is that diff lock lever so far down in the console ? Andyes , we hate the Penguin... :)


\Mike... (Mpeters)
Posted on Sunday, February 24, 2002 - 03:41 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

You just gotta start the shit, don't ya?

Actually, when I "lowered" my disco four inches, and made a custom "1 inch body drop", the tcase lever stuck up way to high, so I cut it off.

/er-uh, cheers!

\Mike... (Mpeters)
Posted on Sunday, February 24, 2002 - 03:50 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Well right now Erik, there is no shot behind the console because, well.... there is no console. (grin) Or much of anything else in the center area at the moment.

Working through the transmission aperture on the tcase right now...

But to answer your question, yes - i DID mount it high enough to allow me to swing it over the center console if I was to take on a passenger - but it is not very usable at that point - or rather I should say both the laptop -and- the AC/foglight/cruise-control/whatever-buttons, my rancho remote (that one's for you, kyle!), and whatever else I want to get at, including my tiny tcase lever, are not easily used at the same time.

I use this setup when mostly flying solo.. I can always swing it out of the way, or just pull it easily enough if I take on a passengor for a short trip, but if I know I will have a passenger full-time, I don't use it.

Since I like the little sony vaio's, I have on occasion mounted a Sony Picturebook via velcro strap on the dash - where the misc. tray is located - the wires for power, gps, etc, could be a little neater - and it now has full-sun impact in that position (which is an issue after a while), but it works for road-trips with passengers.


Posted on Sunday, February 24, 2002 - 04:59 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Me? Start some shit ? Whatever do you mean ? :)


\Mike... (Mpeters)
Posted on Sunday, February 24, 2002 - 08:25 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Erik - take a look at this.


When I said earlier I wouldn't recommend it for a full-time passenger, I guess I was thinking more of my situation traveling with my wife on lengthy road trips. If you had a co-pilot using the jotto-desk, I would imagine that you could stand to have it angled partially over the center console without crowding driver controls -and- keeping it out of the airbag path on the passenger side.

I guess I was thinking of trying to move it over the console, out of the passengers way, and still keep it angled for driver use. If the passenger is using it, it would probably work well. I've ridden on the passenger side in my vehicle with the desk installed, and didn't feel it was in the way, but I didn't try it for hours on end, on a long trip.


Hank Shank (Disco_Tex)
Posted on Monday, February 25, 2002 - 10:55 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Hi Tech Rednecks!!

Mud grips and a PC !!

You gotta respect that !!!


Ned Connolly
Posted on Monday, February 25, 2002 - 03:01 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Mounting systems for everything. Never bought one myself, but they look pretty reputable.

Posted on Monday, February 25, 2002 - 03:28 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

And damned expensive too. I was intersted in them until I fould out that a setup like the Jottodesk was over $500! Terrific if you can afford them.

There was an article some time ago in one of the LR Magazines, on the LRs the Breckenridge police use (discos). I think they had the RAM mounts in their truck to hold their laptop and such. So they are probably plenty tough. I'd be interested to hear of anyone running one in a private vehicle though.


Posted on Monday, February 25, 2002 - 05:28 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Didn't know the RAM stuff was that expensive. That would explain why the Breckenridge police use them. (When you're driving Saabs and Discoverys as police cars, $500 for a laptop mount seems quite reasonable.)

\Mike... (Mpeters)
Posted on Monday, February 25, 2002 - 09:42 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

OK - finished with the tcase work - stuff,including console, back INSIDE the vehicle...

so... here's a couple of pics of the jotto repositioned to be used by a co-pilot passenger, from the same mount point I use when running solo.

righthand-2 righthand-1


Erik: Not too bad - if it's angled for passenger use, instead of driver use, the presence over the center console is not that bad.. and it's out of the way of the airbag for passenger safety, so should work.


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