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Posted on Tuesday, May 14, 2002 - 08:56 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

I took my 98 disco (67000 miles)into a dealer to have the catalytic converter relaced today (warranty). At first the cat rattled and then it broke apart internaly. Pieces went downstream of the cat into the muffler and now the muffler rattles and the check engine light is on. LR service told me that they will replace the cat under warranty, but the rest of the muffler system needs to be replaced because it is clogged and will eventually ruin the new converter. LR told me that the exhaust T assembly was clogged and ruined the cat. They want$1023.00 for the job and thats not including the cat. Am I being taken for a ride or could a t pipe have been clogged to cause the cat to overheat? I would imagine anything downstream of the faulty cat should be replaced under warranty if pieces of it are now clogging it up. And where is this t that they are talking about before or after the cat?

Posted on Tuesday, May 14, 2002 - 11:58 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

They usually replace the Y-pipe. I would be hapy with them replacing the y pipe and shaking out the muffler. with 67k you are nearing the useful life of the rest of the system if you are near snow so you could buy a "cat back" system and DIY the install. I can't see how a clogged muffler would ruin the cats. I doubt it is completely clogged or you would notice a loss in power.

$1023 is a lot for a cat back set up installed.

Good Luck and let us know how it goes.


PS I have no idea what they mean by the T in the exhaust. You have a Y pipe and a cat back (which is now 2 parts) Thats all the exhaust on a DI is.

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