235/85's with a 5-speed? Log Out | Topics | Search
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Mel A
Posted on Thursday, May 16, 2002 - 07:22 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

How bad is it? That is the simple question. I want to get bigger meats on the Disco, but don't have the $$$ to go for gears. I have a 5-speed Disco, I heard that it has a BIG advantage over the slush box, is this true? Is the powerloss really that bad with 235/85's with stock gearing? Lastly, how is your gas mileage?

Posted on Thursday, May 16, 2002 - 08:48 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

I´ve got a TDI300 Disco built in 96 with 235/85 Bridgestone tires.
Of course first gear is a little bit too long,but got no problems with it,cause tune up injektionpump and got more bar on turbo.
I think you must test it.
In "low" no differenses.
greatings from good old germany

Posted on Thursday, May 16, 2002 - 09:16 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

100% agree with OTTO

1998 tdi300 5 speed disco with 235/85 tires

First gear damn long, but a bit of engine tweaking to get a bit more torque and you are OK

In low... should be about the same as a tdi300 stock defender if I am not wrong. So it works pretty well :-)

Just do it (sounds like HO :-)

Don't know the difference in gas mileage, haven't took time to calculate it.

Best regards.

New Caledonia

Ho Chung (Ho)
Posted on Friday, May 17, 2002 - 01:35 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

poor mel, both above replies are from diesel owners. LOL

ok, it ain't that bad. much better than auto.

here's what could possibly happen:
you'll get the tires.
you won't notice difference due to self denial.
then later, you'll get tired of the shitty performance.
then you'll get gears.
then you'll be happy.

that's the natural course of tire size change. :)

so, you'll live.

Posted on Friday, May 17, 2002 - 01:36 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Normaly greater tieres bring down rpm.
But the Rover gears got a long "transmission" haha!
So if you use 235/85 you cant get full rpm . for daily useing on highway you need less gas.

@eric you are totaly right.transmission in low is the same as a TDI Defender.only high is a little bit longer,I think to catch some "cheaps"
on germanhighway.
greatings from good old germany

Posted on Friday, May 17, 2002 - 02:24 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post


you are right, being a diesel owner makes you want to drive slugish LOL.

But if you see the roads we have here... well cruising cool at 100 km/h is the way of life... all the more if you have MT tires.

The only real shitty part of the performance is when you have to re-engage first gear on uphill roads or to start from a stop in a hill with the AC connected :-)) but this was already an issue with the stock tires.

If you really want to have a good laugth, try a diesel auto tdi300 disco... you will never take off from the stop if the road is busy. Incredible !!

And you are right also that one day, i will be going with 4.1 :-) that will even give me a little lower low compared to stock defender... sometimes, you really would like to go slower !

I said one day... until then, You can really live with it. That was my point.

JUST DO IT FOR THIS ONE REASON = OFF ROAD PERFORMANCE and be aware of the consequences :-)

Best regards.

New Caledonia.

Posted on Friday, May 17, 2002 - 05:57 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

I just got the tires last week and like Ho said I don't notice a difference. I feel that the Disco is a slow fucker no matter what, so a bit slower isn't going to kill me. I do want to get gears but I also want to get lockers at the same time. By the time I can afford all that I'll be plenty tired of the shitty performance! LOL

Gas Milage and Performance Suck in a Disco. Get over it!!! LOL

Oh, and Ho thanks for replying to my post about tires. I went with Dunlop R/T's and I love em. Will try and get a dedicated mud tire when I see the need to. I also have a little rubbing in the front when the wheels are turned all the way to the right, unusual?

Gil Stevens (Gil)
Posted on Friday, May 17, 2002 - 08:58 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

do it mel, you wont notice as much of a difference as you would with the auto. I run 265/75 with a 5-speed, didnt change the gearing and have no intention of doing so. Honestly, i didnt notice any difference at all, but as ho was so kind to point out, thats obviously my internal self-denial :)

Chris Condon (Chris)
Posted on Friday, May 17, 2002 - 10:04 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Hey Mel....I agree with everyone above....just do it, you be happy you did. I am running the 235s with a 5-speed and dont notice a huge difference when cruising around town--but I guess that could be the denial:). Low range....no noticeable difference. However, I am now convinced I will eventually get new gears. On my trip to AZ in January, I found that all the way from Fort Worth to basically the four corners area I was in fourth, with it floored, drafting behind 18-wheelers doing about 55. Granted, it was all uphill and against wind that felt like I was driving againt the jet srteam.

So, ultimately I agree with HO...if you go bigger you will eventually get new gears...or at least want them, especially if you do long trips with a fully laden disco and don't want to be dogging up every little hill:)
Best of luck with your decision!


Simon E. Arenas (Simon)
Posted on Friday, May 17, 2002 - 11:18 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

I have 2 disco V8 5 speed one with 265/75's almost the same as 235's and one with stock tires.. the one with stock tires makes circles around the one with 265's but.. in Hi speed (I mean 90mph ;0) )the one with 265's rev less....

like HO said self denial is the best...

first gear last for a long time... and even a 30 year old bug will leave hairs in front of you..

but this are not race machines... so get gears and drive slow.. I can't buy gears right now but I had the CHAVOS I would..

ah and those with diesel 5 speeds I HATE YOU! 80)

Posted on Friday, May 17, 2002 - 12:00 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

I had 265/75r16s for about a year. I didn't mind the sluggish nature of the beast with new BIGGER shoes, but eventually got annoyed with the auto box shifting constantly on the highway. I regeared to 4.11 recently and noticed a huge difference in performance. I actually have acceleration on the highway, up hills, in a head wind, etc. :) I have noticed the the gas mileage is piss poor though. It's all about compromises.


Mel A.
Posted on Friday, May 17, 2002 - 05:00 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Thanks for all the replies. I wish I had the $$$ to go for the gears, but I don't. Ho pretty summed up my thoughts. My self-denial would kick in telling me that nothing has changed after I get the bigger tires. Hopefully, that's the way it will be. I think my parents will buy some Disco stuff for my graduation next year; hopefully I can include gears on their list. I wish I had the TDI engine; gas mileage wouldn't even be a concern! Once again, thanks.

Posted on Friday, May 17, 2002 - 05:30 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post


tdi are nice to feed at the gas station :-)

In my country, diesel is around half the price of unleaded... and the tdi should be also nearly half less hungry than the v8... but bit more slugish right !

Anyway, for my needs, I am really happy with the tdi.

Another good point is, with a snorkel fitted for peace of mine, it doesn't care about water and deep wading.

The final point is by reving a bit, you could throw some black stincky smoke at the guy sucking your rear bumper LOL :-D


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