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Posted on Monday, May 20, 2002 - 12:19 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

I have a 97 disco, and need to change the brake pads on the front. Two questions:
1) Should I order the pads from a Rover vendor, or can I order them from a local shop?
2) Should I have my rotors turned while I'm doing this?

Thanks in advance.

gp (Garrett)
Posted on Monday, May 20, 2002 - 01:31 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

just about any local parts store can get you pads. i just use good organics. Beck/Arnley or similar OEM stuff.
from what i have been told in the past you shouldn't turn the rotors. i have 74K on my truck with original rotors all around. rotors are about $50 each from local shop though.
to make things easy just get your brakes/rotors here. good prices and good folks. nathan or dee with set you up MUCH cheaper than dealer.

ps: i take it you are doing this yourself. brakes take very little time to do. save yourself the $ and the truck down time and do it yourself.

Posted on Monday, May 20, 2002 - 02:24 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

I am debating doing them myself, however, have never perfomed the task. Any idea on where I can get some information on that?

gp (Garrett)
Posted on Monday, May 20, 2002 - 02:56 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

it is fairly easy. all you really need are some jack stands and basic tools and you are good to go.
-start by unscrewing the cap on the brake fluid reservior.
-to be safe best to jack up the wheel and place a jack stand on the frame. the bottle jack that comes with your truck is fine for jacking.
-loosen lugs before you jack truck all the way up.
-remove wheel
-on top of the caliper ther are two pins that hold the pads in between the pads. there are cotter pins at the ends of these. remove them without damaging them.
-with a pair of vice grips grab the end of the pin and pull them out. don't loose the springs that go in between the caliper.
-once you have the pins out the pads can be pulled straight up.
-the pistons on the caliper will want to extend inward when the pads are taken out. they can typically be pushed back in before you put the new pads in. they won't immediately go back into place.
-also add some anti-squeal to the back of the pads. help with the vibes that cause the squeeling.
-check fluid level again.

it is really a very easy job. just take a look at the brakes when you have the wheel off and you will see how it all works.

this is just from memory from doing it a few times. hopefully someone else can add anything if there is something i left out.

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