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Paul T. Schram (Paulschram)
Posted on Monday, May 20, 2002 - 05:10 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

After having been a very vocal opponent of Dealerships, I must relate a recent favorable experience.

Truck died in Detroit while I was there on business (again!). Thought it was the alternator (didn't everybody?), sourced a replacement alternator (thanx Frank), then realized when I couldn't jump it that it was the starter... Now, if I can just get the $ back I spent on the alternator-anybody need a spare?

The gods of Lucas and all things good and Rover were definitely smiling on me, as after two sleepless nights wondering how I would get home, when I called the dealer I nearly fainted when they told me they'd get right on it as soon as it was towed in. Yeah, right I thought fix it today my ass!

I was out by 1700 hours local.

While I admit that it was a very painful personal experience to foot the bill (an amount so astronomical I will keep it to myself for all of your cardio-pulminary health), it was a pleasure to have my truck going again.

By the time I left, I believe I complimented everybody there on how much nicer an experience it was than those I'd had with Tom Wood in Indianapolis where they treat enthusiasts like us like the mud on our trucks.

The manager of the dealership seemed to be unaware that most of us won't set foot in a dealership. I even told him they were often-times referred to as stealerships to which he laughed!

Mike Hood, 248-474-9900 A great guy who will go to great lengths to justify the incredible expense incurred-they even charged book labor even though actual labor time was two hours more!

Oh yeah, their car wash wasn't high enough for my lifted truck to clear without assistance:-).


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