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Posted on Friday, May 24, 2002 - 12:09 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

My wife, who normally drives a stick shift, just fessed up to having shifted our Disco's auto tranny into park while rolling at about 10-15 mph, it appearantly made a terrible buzzing sound but didn't lock/stop... she wasn't going to tell me beacuse it seemed fine afterward... now what...
My questions: is there some safety feature prventing internals from shredding included in our ZF units to protect from this contingency? Do I need to do anything given that the tranny seems to oprate nomally now?

Larry Grubbs (Larryg)
Posted on Friday, May 24, 2002 - 04:08 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Most likely the only damamge done is to the parking pin. The truck will not go into park while moving. The pin will sound like the wheel on "Wheel of Fortune" as it try to lock the transmission. But the transmission is still spinning so it will not lock it. If you break an axle with an LT-230 and then after moving the vehicle try to put it in park you will get the same noise. When an axle is broken it is because the offending front/rear driveshaft will spin until friction slows it down to a stop since there is no good axle connecting it to a wheel that is hopefully attached to the ground. In other words a diff puts power to the area of least resisitance.

Anyway, I kind of got off base. In short, I would be terribly concerned unless the tranny is constantly making a noise while driving. However please make it a point to use your handbrake everytime you park the vehicle. The parking pin is not very big and really wan't intended to keep the vehicle from moving on steep hills.

Hopefully I didn't confuse you too much.

'90 RRC
'95 LWB

Posted on Friday, May 24, 2002 - 04:29 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Well its not a pin , its a flat piece of metal thats attached to a pin called the "Parking pawl". Putting it into park going backwards is no big deal. Putting it into park going forwards bends them and can render them useless. I would have her start using the E brake from now on the prevent a roll away....


Larry Grubbs (Larryg)
Posted on Friday, May 24, 2002 - 04:52 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Pin, Pawl, Tomatoe, Tomaatoe.

I was close. I should get a prize.


Posted on Friday, May 24, 2002 - 10:03 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

lol , actually the Pawl is on a pin with a small spring on it that forces it down onto the castleated parking gear.... :) I think we are all out of prizes , Mike D1 won the last we had for being the largest bone head.. :)


Posted on Friday, May 24, 2002 - 11:51 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Test to see if it is messed up. Park on a slight to moderate incline and do not engage the e brake (stay in the truck) if it rolls then you know its toast and HAVE to use the ebrake all the time.


Posted on Saturday, May 25, 2002 - 10:31 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Ron , that tells you virtually nothing. Once the Pawl is bent it can decide to give up the ghost completely at any time it wishes. How would you like that in the back of your mind every time you parked your truck and left it unattended ?


Posted on Saturday, May 25, 2002 - 12:32 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Thanks for the info, will test it this afternoon. I'm a big hand brake fan, but would probably be good to know if the tranny locks properly.
Is there any concern of metal shavings from the parking pin/pawl buggering up the tranny juice?

Posted on Saturday, May 25, 2002 - 10:46 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

"How would you like that in the back of your mind every time you parked your truck and left it unattended ?"

Well considering I use the hand brake EVERY time it would not bug me. I do like the hand brake :) I have never seen one with a in or out pawl. The ones I have seen are either of minimal to no use or work. I have seen one that clicked and then caught so I guess that might be what Kyle is talking about.


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