Disco Diesel in the USA?? & OME or Bi... Log Out | Topics | Search
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Ben Bailey
Posted on Sunday, May 26, 2002 - 12:54 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

First, the hypothetical: Say my 1994 3.9L V-8 needs a rebuild down the road sometime, is there any reason for me to even think about trying to get a diesel engine put into it here in the US? I know they are out there, my mechanic has a D-110 with the 4cyl Turbo Diesel, it actually gets 28mpg!! I don't drive over 70mph anyway, and they say they are better for off roading and towing. Any suggestions? Anyone out there have a Diesel in their Disco here in the US??
Second, I want to put a little lift on my 100k mile-left-leaning-factory-shock-Discovery. I do tow a boat and a trailer with it, and I do off road. But I don't want to make it TOO high. Rovers North recommends the combination LR HD Springs with the Bilstein Shocks. They say they are good on the road, but offer an improvement off road, in stiffness and in ride height. The Old Man Emu's are my other option. I am looking for reviews from any of you who have had either of these systems installed, Thanks! landrover.mrbaileyshistory.net

Posted on Sunday, May 26, 2002 - 09:03 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

HI there, I too am interested in a Tdi conversion. Check this link out:


Posted on Monday, May 27, 2002 - 01:52 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Hi Ben,
Here in Europe most Disco's are Tdi's anyway
They're a very economical alternative to the thirsty V8.
Mine (1996 300Tdi) returns about 30 miles to the gallon. (GB gallons that is)
Just don't hook 'm up with an autobox.
They work better with a manual gearshift.
And remember a diesel needs some time to warm up before you can expect top performance.
The 300 Tdi is quieter then the 200 Tdi, though basically it's the same engine, with a few modifications.
The low rev torque is indeed better then the V8.
Mine pulls a 2 ton trailer with ease.

Posted on Monday, May 27, 2002 - 02:19 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Yeah, the TDi is nice. But, unless you're running expeditions or consistently deep wading in your truck, what's the point? Granted, the gas mileage is good, but for the price of the conversion in the U.S. you can have an engine builder build you an engine with more hp and torque than anything rover has ever offered --- & have enough money left over to buy a low mileage, used Disco I ... or 10 years of petrol. I like the way the Irish guys that ran with us a Chili Challenge this year put it -- "You're in the land of the V8 here in the USA .... take advantage of it!" The reason so many people run diesels in Europe is because gas prices are 4 times what they are here -- not to mention the taxes in some countries based on engine size.

Remember, "there's no replacement for displacement".

Ben B.
Posted on Monday, May 27, 2002 - 11:06 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Thanks Bender2033, but... I'm in Oregon. I would have to have Doug Shipman do any of the conversion - which is fine, but more expensive since we would have to "collect" parts from various places. He gets a lot of his stuff from Canada.

I guess I will have to wait until it is time to overhaul and see what is out there, and for what price.


Posted on Wednesday, May 29, 2002 - 08:48 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Why do want a diesel? Do you realize how much a Disco weighs? Where are you going to take it to get serviced? And pay all of that money for conversion when you could by a used Honda Accord if you want good gas milage. I wish people would stop posting the diesel questions read the archives before you post I bet there is over 100 Tdi questions.

chris browne
Posted on Wednesday, May 29, 2002 - 09:58 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Springs/shox- I have the LR HD springs with Bilsteins. The latter I'm happy with, the former is good, but I wish the rear springs were single rate not dual. I think OME is also dual rate rear (gulp educate me if I'm wrong).
Effect of dual rate is nice ride, but inconsistent handling around those interstate exits if you push the vehicle as the rear leans more than the front. Also increases dive on braking...

Posted on Thursday, May 30, 2002 - 12:44 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Thanks for the response about shocks and springs. I will be putting them on this summer, have heard good things about both. But never any real analysis of driving or actual likes or dislikes of the two main choices.

As far as a diesel is concerned - I don't know if I really do want a diesel yet. I know that they are better off road for wet conditions and for engine compression braking and torque. I also tow a camper and boat through the Western states mountains during the summers. The diesels I have driven (Land Rover and Ford and Dodge trucks) have consistently performed better at altitude and in towing.


Olaf Kilthau
Posted on Thursday, May 30, 2002 - 04:47 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Check your email regarding the engine conversion.

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