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Greg P
Posted on Monday, May 27, 2002 - 10:48 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

I just replaced the factory Sound system with an in-dash CD player, replaced the door speakers, the rear pillar speakers, the front pillar tweeters.
I also replaced the subwoofers with a pair of Power Base 6-1/2" Mid-Bass fiberglass cone speakers and figured out how to power them with the factory subwoofer amp. You would be surprised what that tiny little amp is capable of with the right set of speakers.

The system seriously rocks. It doesn't thump if your into that, but it definately rocks.

If any one is interested I will post some pictures and a diagram of the whole setup when I get back from vacation in 2 weeks.

Posted on Monday, May 27, 2002 - 11:25 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Here are some of my sub pics


Posted on Monday, May 27, 2002 - 11:40 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

I am interested!
Also: if you change out the factory radio do you loose the key fob security capability?


Posted on Monday, May 27, 2002 - 11:59 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

I recently installed a pair of subwoofers in my Disco. I have a 1998 LSE. I wanted to keep the factory CD changer and I have been pretty happy with the sound quality of the factory radio, but it did need some more bass. I would love to here any suggestions on how to get the diversity antennas to pull radio stations in better. I get some static in all but the most powerful stations since I live away from a big city. The factory woofers were ok, but at medium volume they begin to just vibrate the door real bad and they just don�t hit the low frequencies that larger woofer can hit.
I am an audiophile guy and I put systems in friend�s cars so I have heard quite a bit equipment from the cheapest stuff to some really awesome stuff. My biggest concerns were to make sure that I could integrate with the factory system easily, get more than enough bass, not take up much space, and not spend too much $$. I ended up getting a pair of Infinity Basslinks. They each have a 200 watt RMS Class D amplifier, a 10� sub, and a 10� passive radiator, gain control, remote gain control, adjustable bass boost, and adjustable crossover all in a tiny box.
I pulled those almost entirely useless and flimsy plastic cargo pockets off the sides in the back and mounted the subs there. That way I could tap into the signal that goes to the factory subs. There is plenty of solid material beneath the plastic to mount the subs to tightly so they won�t move or rattle. Since the signal wire is coming from under the passenger side rear access panel in the back you don�t have to worry about running power and signal wires together down the car and getting interference. The power wire goes under the rug from drivers to passenger side and then down the passenger side of the car, through the firewall to the battery. One of my concerns was mounting the subs with the amp heat sinks facing down, something I never do since it really hurts the effectiveness of the heat sink. After testing the subs though I found that they have never gotten warm even on hot days and since they aren�t in a car trunk they don�t get that hot in the summer. So I mounted them upside down because they fit better. The subs take up a very, very small amount of space in the cargo area, space that would be occupied by the cargo pockets. I use the cargo cover over the top of them to keep them hidden from view, but they aren�t very conspicuous with it open.
I also mounted the wired remote controls in the center console. The wires for them run out the back and under the rug. The remotes are a super addition as I can constantly tweak the system. All the wires are 100% hidden.
I have one sub set up with a higher crossover frequency and no bass boost. The other I have set with the lowest crossover frequency and about half bass boost. That way if I am listening to music that requires lots of solid bass, like rap, I turn the bass boosted sub up louder or if I am listening to classical music or jazz I turn the one up with the higher cross over frequency and no boost.
I am very pleased with this setup. As they say there is no replacement for displacement and these won�t kick like a monster box with dual 15�s, but for the amount of space they take up the sound is huge. These are capable of giving you that nice kick in the back feeling that a big sub can. Feel free to e-mail me with any questions or for more pictures.
Subs from Back
Right Sub

Neal Glessner (Nealg)
Posted on Tuesday, May 28, 2002 - 12:49 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Evan, What do those subs cost?

Posted on Tuesday, May 28, 2002 - 11:56 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

I bought the subs and the remotes for $435 total, they list for $500 a piece plus $30 for each remote. I bought them on eBay new in box with warranty and got this great deal. If you wanted to just buy one you could probably do it for not more than $225. When you consider you are getting a great name sub and a 200 watt RMS amp for that price it is a deal.

Posted on Tuesday, May 28, 2002 - 06:43 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Anyone every use Aura Bass Shakers under the seats of a disco?

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