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Posted on Friday, May 31, 2002 - 08:09 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Water ingress in a Discovery isn't that uncommon as most of you might already know. Since I became really annoyed with the puddle in the passenger side's footwell I wanted this problem sorted out once for all. Two garages (LR-dealerships that is) and a car window fitter had already had their go, without any major improvement. The first of the "highly specialised" franchised dealerships told me "there's not much to do about..." Thank you very much! The next one claimed it was the windshield seals fault and he "couldn't do much about it..." Thanks again, nutter!
Because of this information I contacted a car window fitter and replaced the windshield which was due for replacement anyway b/o stonechipping. The symptoms improved but there was still always something like a biotope in the passenger's footwell. I casted out the carpets and the completely soaked insulation material which was quite heavy indeed, filled with some litres (!) of water.
Further inspection revealed that there are holes in the floor just behind the front wheels, apparently for the optional front mud flaps which aren't fitted to my vehicle (1995 Disco Tdi). Those holes are blocked by plastic plugs which became ineffective over the years. Because of their exposed location just behind the front wheels all the water and dirt accumulates under your carpets over time.
But that wasn't all, I had to investigate further since it was still getting wet during hefty rain showers, now water coming from above.
I used myself the LR water ingress manual for the Discovery and tightened the windshield sealing without any improvement.
Careful investigation showed water coming from around the windscreen lower edge where some body panels meet. Since they don't meet exactly but "the British way" there is quite a gap between them. This gap was closed by filler that some silly bloke (to say it the friendly way) at Solihull had put in there. This filler material had become porous in time and during heavy spells water could get in.
I removed the old filler and closed the hole with new paste, a more decent approach would require the removal of the windscreen (I will do this at some point in future). There war also quite a bit of rust to remove.
What is the message?
1. F*** LR dealerships and garages, they are a more than useless bunch. With a little effort it is possible to trace down the leak.
2. If you have a leaking Disco check the panels around the lower edges of your windshield, there might be a problem.
I hope I could remedy the leak and that there isn't one more yet to be discovered...

Joe LeGault
Posted on Friday, May 31, 2002 - 05:37 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Had/still have the exact same prob. I was told by many 'experts' that my ac tube was clogged. I thought that was an interesting because it only happens when it rains - ahh they all said, then it must be your sunroof drains. OK I'll bite, completed the unclogging process and still got a passenger floor full of water. Taped a plastic bag over the sunroof and still got water. Gave up on the experts. Did the factory suggestion about sealing the windscreen - no help. $#%$&%#&%$. In a fit of frustration I took off the hood, the wing, cowl under the wiper arms and VOILA, big holes in the body filler at the base of the windscreen and 'a' pilar. I used silicone liberally inside and out and have cut the leak by 95%. However, if it rains hard enough or the old girl is leaning just right I can watch the water trickle in. No matter how hard in rains though it never fills up any more. I guess it's like an old guy told me once when I told him she was British - can't keep the oil in or the water out eh!
Joe L
96 SE

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