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Carl Tsigakis (Carlt)
Posted on Sunday, June 02, 2002 - 09:25 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post


I was rear-ended pretty hard yesterday, and have question regarding the sturdiness of the frame. I was hit will standing still by a Corolla traveling at approx 30mph. The impact pushed my car into the car in front of me and flattened on of my bumper stops. The rear bumper is scratch and on indicator broke. The disco took the hit on the bumper reciever and frame.

The Corolla is totaled... The disco is in suprisingly good shape. So my questions are; How likely is it that the frame can be tweaked? What does a new front bumper cost? Expensive enough that I should consider a winch bumper instead...?


Posted on Sunday, June 02, 2002 - 11:25 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

"How likely is it that the frame can be tweaked?"

I dunno, why don't you stick you head down there and look. Take a level and a tape measurer. Did you have a tow reciever?

What does a new front bumper cost? Expensive enough that I should consider a winch bumper instead...?

YES! Upgrade!

Neal Glessner (Nealg)
Posted on Sunday, June 02, 2002 - 11:34 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Take your truck to be evaluated by a body shop that does frame work. (basically they should have a "frame rack" for straightening frames)

As far as your Q about the bumber. I just had my D-1 repaired. The bumber was $250 and the brush bar was $500. You can get an ARB for $565-$650.

Carl Tsigakis (Carlt)
Posted on Monday, June 03, 2002 - 12:28 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

"I dunno, why don't you stick you head down there and look. Take a level and a tape measurer. Did you have a tow reciever? "

I had a quick peak, and I can't really see any damage. The tow receiver has moved on its bolts and has some scuff marks... That's it.

I'll be taking the truck to the dealer and let them take care of it.

"As far as your Q about the bumber. I just had my D-1 repaired. The bumber was $250 and the brush bar was $500. You can get an ARB for $565-$650."

I figure with parts, paint and labor, the cost will be close to a new bumper... I guess this was the "push" I needed to get a new bumper... hehehe


Neal Glessner (Nealg)
Posted on Monday, June 03, 2002 - 06:40 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

BTW, it's about $100 more if you want an ARB for air bags.

Posted on Monday, June 03, 2002 - 06:48 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

For the DII the ARB only comes in a airbag winch version

ARB Winch Bull Bar - Discovery II
Fits 1999 & Up
Air bag approved
Accepts Warn M8000 & XD9000


Posted on Monday, June 03, 2002 - 06:49 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Forgot to add the model number


Erik Olson (Jon)
Posted on Monday, June 03, 2002 - 06:50 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

You were rear-ended? Take the thing to the best body shop you can find in your area and have them check the frame for a tweak and problems at the welds.

I'd make close inspection of motor mounts, drivetrain etcetera as well - 30 to 0 m.p.h. in a fraction of a second introduces a lot of force on every part of a vehicle.

I'd definitly recommend an upgrade on the front to ARB non-airbag and TJM in the rear if the other guy is paying for some of, if not all of it.

Good luck,


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