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Posted on Monday, June 03, 2002 - 09:10 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Hoping that another of you have had a similar problem; if so, please let me know what you think.

About a month ago, i noticed my 96 DI taking a bit longer to start after sitting a while. After a few days, it would take about 5-8 seconds of cranking and pressing the gas to get it to start, if it had been sitting for more than 20 minutes. I put some thought into it, and checked the fuel pressure at the little needle valve on the fuel rail. Sure enough, if it sits for a few minutes, there is no fuel pressure there. The fuel pump seems to be working fine. Initially, i thought it might be a fuel injector leaking the pressure back into the cylinder head. My local shop has been busy, so i've been driving it for a few weeks. It started to get worse; if it sits for more than 5 minutes now all the fuel pressure dissapears. About a week ago, it gave birth to a new symptom - extremely rough idling, feels very much like misfires. Yesterday, i noticed the Check Engine light go from solid to blinking, only at idle, and as i sped up, it went back to solid. i checked the codes yesterday and got the following:

0306 " " 6
0304 " " 4
0302 " " 2

The misfiring makes a bit of sense, if either fuel injectors were leaking excessive gas into the cylinder and then dumping raw fuel into the cat. What i dont understand is why it was only on one side of the engine (notice no odd cylinders), and why all of my 6 week old plugs are fouled (black). is there a sensor that could go bad and cause this problem? can one or two leaky fuel injectors cause this? it's due to go to the shop tomorrow, and i was wondering if there was anything else i could do first.

anyone ever come across this? thoughts?

jerry quintana co springs
Posted on Monday, June 03, 2002 - 10:45 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

mine was a leaky fuel injector same symptems you have also the stepper motor was bad couldnt move it by hand.

Posted on Tuesday, June 04, 2002 - 12:24 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

could this possibly be the stepper? i removed it and cleaned it, and no difference. here's the kicker idles equally as bad when i disconnect the stepper as it does when i connect it. shouldnt it idle alot worse without it? it idles pretty irradically either way. could this be the culprit?

Posted on Tuesday, June 04, 2002 - 07:42 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Sounds to me like bad fuel injectors. VERY common. As far as which cylinders are misfiring, dunno for sure but even one bad injector will cause all plugs to foul a little. 2 bad injectors will cause all to foul alot.

Try this, its quick and easy and you don't need any special tools. Let truck sit for about 1/2 hour or so and try to start it. If it takes a long time to start turn key off and let sit for another 1/2 hour or so. This time put all NEW plugs in all 8 cylinders. If the rig starts right up with the new plugs it is probably bad injectors.

My '96 had the same problem and I have spoken to at least 6 or 7 other guys who had the same thing. Most likely the fuel rail is a little rusty and the small particles damage the rubber seats in the injectors, causing them to leak fuel into the cylinders. Bad mojo for sure.

The best way to test them for sure is to charge the system(turn key on) then clamp off the fuel line on both sides of the fuel rail (don't damage the line!) Turn the key off and let it sit. If the pressure at the schrader valve still drops quickly with all the lines clamped off it must be the injectors. If it keeps pressure it is probably something else.

Whatever you do don't buy the injectors from the dealer!! Either have yours rebuilt or buy them from one of the fine vendors here. I got mine for $450 for all 8 from Atlantic British. Good Luck.


Greg French
Posted on Tuesday, June 04, 2002 - 08:35 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Does it continue to idle bad for a long time? I have been told that mine is a bad injector as well, but it only idles bad and smokes (white) for a few minutes. I am getting mine fixed next week.

Greg French
Posted on Tuesday, June 04, 2002 - 08:36 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Should I replace all of the injectors or just the bad one?
What else should be done while I am in there?

Greg French
Posted on Tuesday, June 04, 2002 - 08:38 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

How hard of a job is it? Should I have my garage do it or is it pretty self-explanitory?

Posted on Tuesday, June 04, 2002 - 10:28 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Greg, there are other things that could make your rig run poorly so although bad injectors are common, it may be something other than that. I would suggest doing the check I described above before doing the injectors.

It is not a terribly difficult job but quite time consuming. It really depends on your mechanical experience. I will say that unless you are VERY familiar with rovers I would not advise doing this job without a LR shop manual. Buy a manual and it describes in detail how to get at the injectors. That will give you a good idea of whether you can do it yourself.

The intake plenum,throttle body,ram housing,and fuel rail must be removed just to get the injectors out. Check the fuel rail for rust, it may need to be replaced. Due to the amount of work needed to get to the injectors I WOULD NOT just replace one injector. Chances are if one is bad than others are suspect as well. I did all eight and I am very glad I did, rig runs super.

While I was there I replaced the valve cover gaskets(leaky) and cleaned the stepper motor. Replace worn vacuum lines also. Don't forget to check the fuel rail for rust!! Hope this helps.

Good Luck. JMcD

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