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Posted on Sunday, June 16, 2002 - 07:06 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

95 NAS disco with 83,000 miles on it with automatic transmission.
It's more like a grinding noise from transfer box lever when I stepped on gas pedal and reaches around 50mph. I put the climbing gear oil from moroso for t-box and front and rear differentials about 10,000 miles ago(10 months ago). Whining noise from differentials has been quiet since then and I'm pretty happy about it but I can hear this weird grinding noise from t-box lever starting from several months ago.
The first owner seems not to use differential lock at all and it was hard to move around t-box lever but it is ok after some use of it and I noticed the grinding noise is gone after I used(changed) t-box lever and put it back to normal position and drive it but it comes back while later. If I'm soft on gas pedal, I cannot hear the sound, it only comes when I pressed hard or on high high way speed( > 70mph).
Is it something I have to worry about? I plan to chage transfer box fluid with mobil1 synthetic 75W90. Any advice on oils?
I put the redline synthetic ATF for transmission about the same time.
Any advice will be greatly appreciated.


Mike B.
Posted on Monday, June 17, 2002 - 09:14 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Maybe a ujoint or RotoFlex coupling starting to go bad?

Mike B.

Posted on Tuesday, June 18, 2002 - 11:36 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Would a worn roto flex cause a "clonk" noise when the vehicle is put in gear and the accelerator is pressed?

Posted on Thursday, June 20, 2002 - 02:20 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

It's like a grinding noise, not a "clonk". Checked ujoint which was replaced about a year ago and it looks ok.
Strangely if I put transfer box lever to low position and drove a little and changed back to high position, the noise is gone for a while. As I mentioned before, I know previous owner had rarely used the t-box lever and it might cause the problem?
Or is climbing gear oil in t-box is the culprit?

Appreciate your inputs...

Javier Velador (Jvelador)
Posted on Saturday, June 22, 2002 - 04:00 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Whatever you do, don't ignore it. I had a grinding noise that I could not pinpoint. It turned out to be several bearings on the transfer case.

Long story short, one bearing went caput, perhaps damaged an oil seal between transmission and t-case, and along the way, caused a large 3/8" hole on the t-case.

It's going to cost me a 'new' t-case. It's very possible I could have saved money by having it inspected and offending bearing(s) replaced.

I'll know more tomorrow when I drop the t-case.

Good luck!


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