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Jason S.
Posted on Monday, June 17, 2002 - 04:39 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

My 95 disco. does a throttle drop out like many have talked about before. It happens at variable speeds and the RPM drops out as a constant pressure is applied to the accelorator. If I punch the gas it revs back to normal for a bit. I just replaced my fuel filter a few days ago and my check engine light just came on. I ordered a VSS and I really have no idea how to put it on. The idle at park is a small bit wavery now to. Would the VSS have anything to do witht the idle?
I really appreciate some input....thanks,


Posted on Monday, June 17, 2002 - 07:55 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

I would start with the fuel pressure you might have air in the lines, also breaking loose those fittings to change the filter you may have contaminated the injectors? Did you pinch the lines prior to removing the filter or un-screwed them and let them drain?

There are several other sensors to check but you indicated this came about after changing the gas filter or was this a condition prior to?

I would have a shop check it out unless you have fuel pressure guage a code reader to read the error code

For the VSS

Crawl under the car its right behing the parking brake drum on the left side of the transfer case, it will require an allen head and small fingers. Much easier if you can lift the Disco. Dont over tighten the allen head it will crack the VSS housing

Jason S.
Posted on Monday, June 17, 2002 - 11:45 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Thanks for the response. Yes, the condition did exist prior to me trying to replace the fuel filter. Does it sound like it could be a faulty VSS? I really appreciate the input.


Posted on Tuesday, June 18, 2002 - 12:34 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Thats a tough one to advise, on my 97 the VSS was all sludged up inside and the pickups were totaly corroded. I belive this was sending a false signal to the gems and ran the engine lean.

I read that if the VSS fails it tells the Gems your running 100mph and cuts back on the fuel. also a check engine light will pop. I did have a sligh miss and a noticable loss of power.

I would have a dealer run a diagnostic on it then go from there, changing parts blind gets expensive..

Good Luck


Posted on Tuesday, June 18, 2002 - 12:48 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Just replace the VSS - I did on my 97 and it runs fine now. On my truck the part was too hard to get to without lifting the truck, so i paid some little auto shop 10 bucks to install it for me

Posted on Tuesday, June 18, 2002 - 01:07 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Yeah ist a bitch to get too on your back, i was able to snake my hand and tools in there, some skin loss and dirt in the eyes always helps...

Jeff Price
Posted on Tuesday, June 18, 2002 - 02:01 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

On my 97 I found the VSS very easy to change. IT took longer to get out the tools, and put them away afterward than the job itself.

I am NOT thin and I just rolled under on the creeper without jacking the vehicle, a proper work light would be big help (although I did it with the maglight in my mouth).


Posted on Tuesday, June 18, 2002 - 03:05 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Creeper is the way to go, my driveway is too rough to roll one on

Changing the VSS is not hard just a PIA to get my big hands in there, another one of those many items on the LR if the engineers has some common sense and designed the high failure items to be repaired easily and less costly. they might have a better resale and higher customer satisfaction.

The design of the VSS is one example it is a poorly sealed unit it is place in a bad location its operation provides vital feedback to the Gems

The Disco seems to have been designed by committee and all subassemblies are from the lowest bidder. there is no reason that more common items could not have been designed. a good one is the power steering pump QVB101110 it retails for around $500 dollars from most sources and to make it worse the rebuilders wont touch them anymore, too high of a failures also very low profit after fitting them with new parts.

BMW did a bit to improve the quality but overall the product line its not much better than a Chrysler with leather seats and better fitting plastic parts. Don't get me wrong I am addicted to the marquee and some day I want to buy an over priced D90.

When Glendawagon hits the markets Rover will have some competition when the, Mercedes Benz, IMO there the best European designed cars to maintain and repair, there replacement parts generally come as a kit with all he required parts.

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