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Posted on Wednesday, June 19, 2002 - 01:21 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

I just got the news from my dealer that my catalyctic converters are beginning to die last friday. I had noticed my 'check engine' light come on and I had them test the computer. They gave me the news and roughly a 2000$ or up projection on the cost of the repair. Actually they told me it was free when they thought the truck had only 40,000 miles on it. I pointed out that it had a 140,000 miles on it and we both realized that it wouldn't be covered under the warranty. Regardless, I have been pricing the parts themselves and I have noticed the NRP exhaust system that includes the CATs. Is this a job that I can do over the weekend, or is this a job that I can get the parts and then give it to my local mechanic (or Midas for that matter) to take care of. I'm just curious and I would really like to get this taken care of as soon as possible.
I was also wondering if there was something I could be doing in the meantime that I might be able to do to make the original last just a bit longer.

Its a 96 disco
140000 miles on the clock
I've always used premium gasoline as well as fuel system cleaner every 10000 miles.

Thanks for the help.

Posted on Wednesday, June 19, 2002 - 02:09 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

If your mechincaly inclined i would call up summit racing or Jegs parts ((look on line for number)) Order some free flow cats you will need a round and flat one measure the stock ones there is a match for them. Then i would remove the y pipe and cats myself and take all into a welder not a Bone head wannbe welders in a muffle shop. Have the new ones weled up. It will be a clean nice setup for under 300.00 The frame rails are too tight to do a qualiy weld in place and every one i have ever seen looked like a blind man welded it up...

Or go the NRP for the same thing @ 3 times the cost. I would back off the fuel cleaner so often...

Javier Velador (Jvelador)
Posted on Wednesday, June 19, 2002 - 10:44 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post


I just had my left, driver's side cat replaced for $130+tax at Magic Muffler (in SoCal), the local purple muffler shop. Yes, the welding looks like a blind man did it :) , but I figure, it's going to be caked in mud and whatnot in no time.

I think the regular price is $150 plus tax.


p m
Posted on Wednesday, June 19, 2002 - 10:52 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post


to make you feel better, i paid $500 for both sides' cats on the rangie, and the welds still look like a blind man's job.


I have two brand new Catco 6005 cats sitting in my garage - I bought them from Summit, and supposedly they are a very good fit. Perrone swears by them, IIRC.
if you're interested, these can be yours for $80+ shipping from San Diego (I paid 140).


Posted on Thursday, June 20, 2002 - 10:05 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

drop me an email at [email protected] I am very interested in them.

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