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Posted on Saturday, June 22, 2002 - 10:30 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

The Engine on my 96 Disco (120,000 miles)was overheated last week by a member of my Family. Thankfully they stopped, but I have no way of knowing how long it was driven in that state. It was really low on coolant when I went to pick it up/have it towed. The engine runs.. but you can tell there is a bad skip. I don't have a Factory repair manual. I did a compression test last night. The numbers are not good with one dead cylinder. Here are the numbers I have..


Soooo... Not good... Does anyone have a suggestion as to what I should look at next... For peace of mind, I know I need to check oil pressure. When I replace the LH side Head Gasket. Is that going to be enough to bring that LH side up? What about the dead cylinder? What kind of damage could have been done? It's late.. I'm pissed.. I am going to have a Warsteiner!

Thanks for the help!!

Posted on Saturday, June 22, 2002 - 10:38 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Sounds like you have some valves that are toast, and may have a warped head. Its going to be very expensive....

Posted on Sunday, June 23, 2002 - 09:17 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

What would make you say that? There is no way to tell this unless the heads are pulled. Now if you are speaking from experience, explain to me what happened? I am curious to know what you had to go through... Did you do the work yourself? Or have a shop do it for you?

Yeah, I know.. it will be expensive.

What is the recommended oil pressure?
40Psi @2500?

With my engine in this condition. Will oil pressure be affected at all?


Posted on Sunday, June 23, 2002 - 09:34 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

your oil pressure should not be affected by your compression,normally your bearings or oil pump would cause oil pressure problems.you could have a bad head gasket ...but you would normally read some kind of compression.my disco had a bad head gasket that i just pulled apart and found the top compression ring on the head gasket broken,but when it was running you could hear the compression leaking out.in order to have 0 compression you would need to have a problem with bent valves or a hole in the piston(i have never seen a hole in a rover piston though)i have seen bent valves cause 0 compression.but if you are also low on coolant it may be just head gaskets.the only way to know for sure is pull it apart and see.but it also seams strange that the whole side is low on compression.i would suspect head gaskets first.

Posted on Sunday, June 23, 2002 - 09:39 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Thanks Don... like you said there really is no way to tell until you pull the heads. Now I see the reasoning behind the bent valve statements.

Thanks again!


Paul T. Schram (Paulschram)
Posted on Sunday, June 23, 2002 - 11:44 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Try a leakdown test. If you cannot get any pressure to remain in that cylinder, you can listen to the intake or exhaust to determine which valve was burned. If you find no leaking gas at either intake or exhaust (Highly unlikely), you will probably be able to hear where the head gasket let go.

You might even find the problem when you first remove the valve cover. On many occasions with similar conditions and symptoms, I've found the top of the head to be littered with valve train pieces, however this was on SB chevys which have a much less robust valve train than the Rovers (when's the last time anybody said the Rover engine was stronger than a SB?). The more I think about, I'll bet you lost a valve seat. Not too bad to fix.

I'm really surprised this happened as I have overheated my truck on more occasions than I'm willing to admit (long story resulting in finally replacing the expansion tank and the radiator as soon as it is received).

Some folks break parts the first time the temp gauge needle starts to rise, others like me have few problems, even with high mileage engines.

Good luck,

Posted on Sunday, June 23, 2002 - 06:36 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post



Posted on Sunday, June 23, 2002 - 07:48 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Thanks for all the help guys...hopefully it will be good news! We will see when it is torn apart..

Thanks again!

Posted on Sunday, June 23, 2002 - 11:44 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

I just went through a 2000 dollar valve replacement thats why. Mine wasnt from overheating but when you said number three was o compression then I figured more than likely that your valves for that cylinder are gone. I hope that you will come out better than me. Good luck

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