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Paul T. Schram (Paulschram)
Posted on Thursday, June 27, 2002 - 09:53 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Yesterday on the way home from work I had three people stop me and say "That's a Land Rover, I saw them on TV last night-they'll go everywhere. Do you take yours offroad".

Duh, why do you think it's lifted, with big tires and the brush bar?

Anyway, two of the three were really into it with their own trucks (both now want Rovers) and stuck around to look at my pictures.

At least they all recognized the truck for what it was.

Whatever has been on TV lately has done quite a bit for the recognition factor.


Posted on Thursday, June 27, 2002 - 10:01 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

I was flipping through the channels last weekend and caught an infomercial from Land Rover. Pretty interesting. I watched it, yeah, ok make fun of me now.....

Posted on Thursday, June 27, 2002 - 10:08 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post


I guess I gotta watch more TV. All I've seen are a couple of lame-ass Freeloader commercials...

Posted on Thursday, June 27, 2002 - 10:26 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

A friend of mine who is a nurse said there is an infomercial on at around 2 - 3a.m.

I have also seen a lot of comercials with Land Rovers in them. Mostly Series vehicles.

The History Channel just showed a History of 4x4, program where they basically put Land Rover and Jeep at the top of the list for real cars that you can really take off-road. About half of the "transition" shots between one part of the show to the next was of Discos or RR's. They even showed video of Discos off roading in Moab, doing the same climbs that "rock-crawling-jeepers" were doing wrecklessly, rolling, and winching, and crashing. If I saw that show without any backround in 4x4ing, I would want a Land Rover too!

Finally, the new "Croc Hunter" movie seems to feature several Land Rovers, but that is only shown briefly on the trailers.


Greg P. (Gparrish)
Posted on Thursday, June 27, 2002 - 10:35 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

I have seen teh infomecial also. It looks like it uses clips from the freebie videos that landrover sent me with my truck on how to drive the Disco II.

Posted on Thursday, June 27, 2002 - 10:37 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Speaking of 4X4 history, I have been interested in finding a book/video/website where I can learn more about LR's history. Any suggestions?


Glenn Guinto (Glenn)
Posted on Thursday, June 27, 2002 - 11:07 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

As far as videos are concerned, I saw the LR video for the new Range Rover (on DVD - pretty slick) that the dealer sends to their customers. Pretty interesting. I had luke-warm (sp?) feelings about the new RR but after watching that, that's one of the first cars I'm buying if I ever win the lottery.

BTW, I have a copy of that History Channel 4x4 video. If anyone wants to "borrow" it, pay for shipping and I'll ship it to you! Or I'll trade it for those OLN Trek videos.

Posted on Thursday, June 27, 2002 - 11:11 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

"Duh, why do you think it's lifted, with big tires and the brush bar?"

Since when does lift, big tires and brush bar mean the truck goes off-road?

Sus (Susannah)
Posted on Thursday, June 27, 2002 - 11:19 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

I guess I need to watch TV too...I haven't seen anything but the Freelander commercials. Which I think are funny, but rather stupid. I have noticed Rovers in more movies lately...probably due to the Ford ownership...I watched "Don't Say a Word" the other night where Michael DOuglas drives his Disco II through a metal gate....hmmm.
Good to get more exposure, atleast for sales and maybe people will begin to understand that there's a difference between Range Rover and Land Rover! :)

Posted on Thursday, June 27, 2002 - 11:59 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

croc hunter..i think his white truck is a toyota land cruiser..the model you cant buy in the states..

Kennith P. Whichard III (Kennith)
Posted on Thursday, June 27, 2002 - 12:05 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Yeah, I know is a Yot, but I still want one. It is that Land Cruiser pickup they offer in Austrailia.


Jeremy Katka (Jkatka)
Posted on Thursday, June 27, 2002 - 12:18 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

On the History channel they have been running "The History of the 4x4" a large portion of it is about the Land Rover history and contributions the RR & LR have made to 4wd technology. Pretty good show.


Posted on Thursday, June 27, 2002 - 12:48 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

I saw the History Channel show the other day, and really enjoyed it. Showed old footage of UK farmers using all sorts of implements running off their LR PTOs. Lots of great old footage in general, but then again, it IS the History Channel!

Karen :)

Posted on Thursday, June 27, 2002 - 01:13 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

It's a Land Cruiser 78, the other car I would buy if we Americans were allowed to. But there is a Disco II and I believe a Series Vehicle in the trailers also.


Scott MacGregor (Spm)
Posted on Thursday, June 27, 2002 - 01:26 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

You sure it's a Cruiser? I haven't seen the Croc Hunter in a while but the last time I saw it he was driving a Nissan pickup with a covered bed.

Sus (Susannah)
Posted on Thursday, June 27, 2002 - 01:42 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Anybody know the name of that History Channel program? I want to look up the airing schedule for it so I can watch! Thanks

Posted on Thursday, June 27, 2002 - 02:34 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Will & Grace (Aired about a week ago)

Will was driving a Disco II, It was an episode where 75% of the time was spent driving from place to place so lots of air time for the disco on that one.

Glenn Guinto (Glenn)
Posted on Thursday, June 27, 2002 - 04:56 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post


It's called "4x4". It was very informative and featured lots of Jeeps and LRs. Funny how the first ever series was made using a "modified" Jeep frame. (Ssshhh...don't tell the jeepers that)


Sus (Susannah)
Posted on Thursday, June 27, 2002 - 05:04 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Thanks Glenn...I'll look for it! Always good to get a little history lesson!

Posted on Thursday, June 27, 2002 - 05:37 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

You're right I have seen him driving a Nissan Patrol. But I think in the movie it shows a Crusier 78, but it was so quick I could be wrong. I know I saw a Disco II though!

Kennith P. Whichard III (Kennith)
Posted on Thursday, June 27, 2002 - 05:39 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

That jeep frame had a longitudinal rigidity rating of only 250lbs per degree of twist, and 500lbs to break it.

The modified version fitted of the Land Rover was a completely new unit, with over 10,000lbs till the breaking point.

Just an addendum to an allready sobering lesson.



Joey Chong (Trekker110)
Posted on Friday, June 28, 2002 - 02:36 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

While I was watching the news, they had a clip of Tom Cruise showing up in the new Range Rover going to his premiere of Minority Report.

Posted on Friday, June 28, 2002 - 02:57 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

I saw the Croc hunter on TV the other night. He was getting around in a Defender. He was also getting spit in the face by Cobras. What an idiot.


Ron Ward (Ronward)
Posted on Friday, June 28, 2002 - 03:35 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Seen the new iMac commercial featuring the 110 that shuttles the American doctor to the East African village? Pretty good air time for the crusty white 110.

Ron Ward

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