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Sus (Susannah)
Posted on Tuesday, July 02, 2002 - 10:35 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

But she's not,(Unfortunately). I've passed all my emissions tests (for inspection) and recently had the rear resonator replaced. Supposedly muffler is fine, etc. But she's pretty loud under the center of the car. Should I be concerned or is this normal?!

Robbie (Robbie)
Posted on Tuesday, July 02, 2002 - 11:00 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Probably leak between the manifold and y-pipe. If that is still all original could probably use new gaskets. Mine has the same issue, but my attachment area doesn't completely line up right, so have a permanent leak in that area right now. Think I bent the exhaust system back a little bit when I plateau'd the truck on a hill climb, and now they don't meet flush. Might want to just try tightening the bolts first (3 at 11mm(?) on each side I believe). Go from below, and use a couple of long extensions and a ratchet. If that doesn't work, order new gaskets from discountrovers and replace. Of course, my opinion, but something to definitely check out.

Also could be bad cats, but that sounds like a bunch of marbles in a tin can. Can check that by pounding your cats with a rubber malet.

Kennith P. Whichard III (Kennith)
Posted on Tuesday, July 02, 2002 - 11:30 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Those bolts will be rusted through. You should first spray some sort of penetrating lubricant on them first. When that is done use a large ratchet with a braker bar on the end...Those damn bolts are frosen solid. But hey, if my weak self can do it than you should have no problem:).

You may as well take them off and check the gasket while you are down there. The gasket you might look at is sort of in front of the rear axel. It uses is made of spring steel...but take heed, if you put it back in backwards, it won't seal. Maby that's your problem:).

For the record, I've got a profile now! Check it out and see me cursing under my own disco:).



Posted on Tuesday, July 02, 2002 - 12:36 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Would this work guys??

To reduce the risk of breaking the bolt off and having to deal with that PITA situation you might use a bolt cutter tool to break off the nuts if the PB Blaster and breaker bar and cursing fails...

I am about to replace the entire exhaust and manifold on 'old nasty' and this is the route I plan on taking..

Sus (Susannah)
Posted on Tuesday, July 02, 2002 - 01:29 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Okay, this is starting to sound complicated. Since I have no tools, experience or knowledge...I may need to take her in to have this checked!

Kennith P. Whichard III (Kennith)
Posted on Tuesday, July 02, 2002 - 01:31 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

If you use the penetrating lube correctly you shouldn't break any bolts.

You just have to use common sense on how hard to torque them. A 16" breaker bar on a 12" long 1/2" drive ratchet with all your weight behind it may be excessive.

If you do break a bolt you are in a bad way, as they are attached at one end to the exhaust.

Just jiggle a little bit and use more lube...wait a while then jiggle again. Keep at it until the nut brakes free. (I swear I meant that in a totally clean way lets not make a scene here :)

If it looks like they are too rusted to remove safely, then cut them off with whatever tool you see fit, but they do make a tool for this task, and it works well, I think the proper name is nut splitter.

If you had the resonater replaced, it's possible they didn't replace the gasket correctly, so it's a worthwhile check. If all else fails take it by mineke or another independant exhaust shop to check it out.



Sus (Susannah)
Posted on Tuesday, July 02, 2002 - 01:35 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

I did take it Meineke before having the resonator replaced. They had NO knowledge of LRs..and were talking about 'doing their own thing' with her. I didn't like it, so I had the guy who did the pre-purchase check on her replace the resonator (with genuine parts). Meineke did try to tell me there were more things a leak in the manifold...but then they were also talking about 'a little hole in the center muffler but maybe that is supposed to be there." UGH. I need to purchase a workshop manual so I know what I'm talking about.

Kennith P. Whichard III (Kennith)
Posted on Tuesday, July 02, 2002 - 01:35 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

It's not really that complicated,

I could talk you through checking the exhaust. What you are checking is a plate sandwiched between the two pipes. I live in PA, so it's not like I can stop by and fix it, but if you need further help, don't hesitate to e-mail and weel talk. :)



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