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Jay Hobbs (Jayxd)
Posted on Tuesday, July 02, 2002 - 02:07 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Will a check engine light go back off if the fault it was detecting corrects itslef back with normal parameters, if you run through so many ignition on/off cycles, or both?

Posted on Tuesday, July 02, 2002 - 08:05 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

What year truck do you have? I believe its somewhere between 3-5 full temp cycles the light will reset if everything is ok, but not sure.


Posted on Tuesday, July 02, 2002 - 08:32 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Easy to just pull the NEG wire from your battery for 10 seconds, put it back, reset your radio (make sure you have the code BEFORE you do this.) Then see if the light comes back. Of course if you have other reason to believe that something might be triggering it, get it checked out. But a lot of times when your ignition system is getting old, or bad gas, or etc... a small "burp" or glitch will set the light off - they are sensitive. Of course, if the light comes right back on, it probably needs to be checked.

Jay Hobbs (Jayxd)
Posted on Tuesday, July 02, 2002 - 11:15 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

I've got a 97 Disco. The check engine light came on weekend before last pulling a hill. 1st read said multiple engine misfires. Came back on within a day, second read, different shop, same diagnosis. Light stayed on for over a week while I ran a tank with 2 in 1 Restore additive and then while I was in my last 1/4 running a can of BG44K, the light goes off. Hasn't come back on yet but I'm sure it will, vehicle seems to still idle a bit rough. Just curious why it went off? Maybe the snake oil remedy actually works???

Robert Sublett (Rubisco98)
Posted on Wednesday, July 03, 2002 - 02:04 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

I purchased my Disco about 6 or so months ago. The check engine light was on, has been on the whole time with the exception of when it went into the dealership they reset it for me. They said bad O2 sensor, not to worry about it unless I didn't like that light staying on. Anyhow, I just assumed it was on for good, and left it at that. I went out of town for about a week, left the poor Disco sitting outside, and when I got in today, no check engine light. Hopefully not due to it burning out but at least I don't have to look at it anymore:) Peace.. RS

Jay Hobbs (Jayxd)
Posted on Saturday, July 06, 2002 - 10:44 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

O.K. The light came back on late Wed. night, when I went to pick it up from the dealer. Stayed on until today when it went off again. Runs the same as it did so now I'm thinking it might be computer related, not valve issue related?? What else would give multiple misifres codes?

Matthew Seems (Mattdi)
Posted on Sunday, July 07, 2002 - 11:48 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

My check engine light came on about 6 months ago. It came on right after the truck stalled at a light and it was very hard to get it restarted. After letting the truck sit I couldnt find anything wrong with it and it ran fine. Recently I took it to rover to read the codes and the called me up and said it was an emissions fault, and even though the truck is out of warranty there was a 8 year warranty covering the ECM. They replaced my ECM, about a $3000 job, free of charge and now no annoying light.

Posted on Sunday, July 07, 2002 - 12:17 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Jay, I just resently had check engine light come on on my 96 disco1, took it to my local LR expert and he read a misc misfire code. told me if it happens again to replace the plugs and wires. About a week later it came on again, took it back to the guy, read the same code and ordered the plugs and wires, before they came in it happened again, same code. Plugs and wires came in and replaced the old and its been over a month without the check engine light on. (hope I'm not jinxing myself)

Posted on Sunday, July 07, 2002 - 03:21 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Related question-How do I shut off the Service Engine light w/out the key code? Will pulling the battery cable for 10 or 15 seconds do it?

Al Oliveira (Offroaddisco)
Posted on Sunday, July 07, 2002 - 03:27 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

On the Disco II the light will go away if there is no further fault for (I think) 40 start cycles.

Matthew Seems (Mattdi)
Posted on Sunday, July 07, 2002 - 04:21 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

In the tech section there is a write up on how to reset the RED service engine light for a DI. Its very simple. I don't think that pulling the negative will reset it.


Phillip Miller (Owlfamilymaine)
Posted on Tuesday, July 09, 2002 - 09:48 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

If you look in the archives you can read about my trials and tribulations with the CEL on my '98 Disco I. Plugs & Wires were the last thing that I fixed and they did clear up the problem. However, several engine additives, fuel additives, replacement of fuel filter, changing engine oil 2x also probably helped resolve the issue. I used an OBDII code reader with my notebook PC to get to the bottom of the misfires.

Gabriel Guay (Gearhead)
Posted on Sunday, July 14, 2002 - 02:17 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

The check engine light came on yesterday on the way home from Virginia. Stopped at a store on the way home and when I returned, started up as usual only this time the check engine light stayed on. Didn�t find anything wrong and the truck runs fine as normal. Will the light go off or if I disconnect the bat, will that screw the computor and affect the tune of the engine. I wish this truck had the code reader under the seat but I don�t think the 99 D1�s have them. If the ox sensors went bad, wouldn�t it run rich and feel different? I hate to bring it to the dealer this week and have it tide-up now that my warranty ran out and planned to meet at an off road function this upcoming Friday. Lastly, Is the Land Rover dealer the only place I can get the codes read?

The truck is a 1999 D1, bought new and have 85600 miles. Well maintained and the service engine light has never come on. I talked to the service manger a week ago about the 82500 service schedule and he told me to wait for the service engine light to come on since this was only an emissions service replacing the expensive ox sensors.

Thanks in advance for your comments.

Gabe Guay.
Elizabeth City NC
[email protected]

Jay Hobbs (Jayxd)
Posted on Sunday, July 14, 2002 - 10:41 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

The check engine will not extinguish itself on your vehicle if you unplug the battery, at least mine didn't on my 97. The light could be on for a number of reasons so if the truck is running normally you might be lucky and it not be too bad. You can use any OBD II reader to get the code and reset the light but I'd take it to the dealer to have it read, or someone with a diagnostic computer.

Just my opinion but I'd at least have it read and know what the fault is before I'd venture off-road. No point in it being something that could cause a problem under the stress of off-road driving.

Gabriel Guay (Gearhead)
Posted on Sunday, July 14, 2002 - 11:39 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

I was agonizing about taking the truck to the dealer and decided I would drive it to work on Monday and call the dealer from there so I should gas up tonight. Went to the gas station and went to remove the gas cap and the top of the gas cap came off in my hand. What the hell! here I am with a near empty tank and the gas cap won�t come off. Luckily, I was able to twist of the bottom portion with my hand and gas up. Screwed it back in just finger tight and drove home 1/4 mile away. The gas cap from My Olds fit as a temp and plan to get a new cap from dealer. I�ll bet that�s what set off the check engine light. The bigger question is what the hell broke the cap in the first place? Well anyways, the light is still on and I guess I will have to drive an hour away to VA to pay LRNA to reset the light and a gas cap.

I haven�t spent any money on this truck yet and I�m very happy with it but why on earth would the pressure in the gas tank be monitored by the computer unless there is an issue with the gas tank or cap?

Well this is a new one on me.

More to follow.


Gabriel Guay (Gearhead)
Posted on Monday, July 15, 2002 - 09:29 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Follow-up, Olds gas cap fits, Light went out on it's own. Have new cap on order and the dealer didn't get any of my money.
Sometimes, life is good.

Gabe G

Terry Rudy
Posted on Tuesday, July 16, 2002 - 12:06 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

I tend to notice that I need to replace plugs/wires every 20k miles on my 94 disco. I tend to notice it idling roughly before CEL comes on. Its up to 110k miles and still running strong.

tdixon (Aztimmy)
Posted on Tuesday, July 16, 2002 - 01:49 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Why pay for an expensive gas cap..when you can just goto checker/autozone to get a replacement for 8bucks? Thats what i did!

end the lights!
Posted on Wednesday, July 17, 2002 - 07:02 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

There is simple and permanent way to end you "check engine" and ABS lights woes. I mean forever! First, lower your stearing wheel. Second remove the cover to the guages (two screws directly above Stearing wheel and below the guages). Next, place pod on top of dash without disconnecting anything. Then, with a mirror (or if you windshield is out its easy) locate the back of the guage cluster. The bulbs that illuminate these are removable. It is a pain but with little needle nose pliers and patience, no problem. Then you can either leave them out and put everything back together or take the little bulb and hook it up to an old extention cord or power tool cord and plug it into the wall. woala bulb is burnyout forever. Reinstall the above parts and take off that ugle electrical tape you know you have covering those lights!!
It worked on my '96

Gabriel Guay (Gearhead)
Posted on Wednesday, July 17, 2002 - 09:54 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

End of lights, As frustrating as those lights are, they really do have a purpose. I wouldn�t recommend removing the bulb.

As for a solution, here goes. My light did come back on Wednesday. So after changing the plugs, and oil change, ( planned to do today anyways ) I still had no real idea what the check engine light was on for. So I called the Stealers, err, I mean the Dealer, and they told me it would cost $85 just to read the codes, and then the regular labor from there with parts and could fit me in on Friday. Also, the service manager is basically convinced I will need both O2 sensors changed because of the mileage. Translation, whatever the code is, they will bill me for that and the O2 sensors. That is just too expensive, so I checked around town and found the going rate to read the universal codes to be between $50 and $75. and then if the code is brand specific, they won�t be able to help.

I found an ACTRON OBD2 reader at AutoZone for $149.99. I figured, two code tests and I would have spent more than the cost of the code reader.

I bought the reader and plugged it in. In seconds I knew the fault code is P1448. The reader does not have the Land Rover codes but Spanish Trails web site does. It turns out P1448 = Evaporative system purge valve flow 2 fault. OK, sounds relatively harmless. Checked the electric valve at the charcoal canister and the connector looked like it had been wet and corroded. Cleaned the connector and plugged back in.

Plugged in the OBD2 reader, Cleared the fault code and reset the light. ( Yes this unit will clear fault codes. )
Light still out, and the dealer did not get to empty my wallet changing a bunch of parts that are still good.

If the light comes back on, I will just plug in the reader and see what it is. If the same issue comes up, I can start by replacing that purge valve instead of blindly guessing at what to fix.

I think the OBD2 reader should be in your trail tool box.

Just my opinion.

Gabe G.

Posted on Wednesday, July 17, 2002 - 11:50 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Amen, Gabe. My check engine light and OBD-2 code reader from combined with a laptop has diagnosed my bad o2 sensors for me.

If you already have a laptop or don't mind a long serial cable or lugging the PC to the garage, check it out. It includes the Rover codes in the interface. I paid extra and can also diagnose Chevy, Chrysler, and all imports. Didn't bother with the extra $20 for Ford, doubt I will ever own one. Wait, I think I already do. :)


Greg French
Posted on Friday, July 19, 2002 - 11:38 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

MIne came on today. I went to my local garage. They cleared it and read the code free of charge. That crap about the dealer charging $80.00 just to read it is insane.
They realyy take the "Deal" out of the word "Dealer"

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