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Brad Russell (Bradnc)
Posted on Wednesday, July 03, 2002 - 09:14 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

I'm going to make my own roof rack (I work at a body shop) and i was wondering if anyone has plans drawn up for them already. I want to make a replica of the Land Rover Adventure Rack/Safety Devices Wilderness Rack. This would save me a bit of time. Also, if someone in Charlotte, NC has one that I could come look at and take some measurements on, that would be great as well. Anyone that could help me out, just let me know. It's for a 97 D1. I can do all my own welding and i'll get it powdercoated, and hopefully you won't be able to tell the difference in the end. Oh, does anyone know how thick the tubing is?

Posted on Thursday, July 04, 2002 - 02:35 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Don't duplicate it, Make it Unique. Make a Roll cage that wraps around the whole vehicle, Cut off the roof and back end to make it look like a hummer convertible. That would be bad Ass!

Brad Russell (Bradnc)
Posted on Friday, July 05, 2002 - 12:00 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

haha, but seriously, will anyone in Charlotte let me come look at their roof rack? I really like the look of the adventure rack, so i'll make it like that but i'll use beefier tubing and stuff so it'll be stronger.

Posted on Friday, July 05, 2002 - 12:52 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Brad, there should be a Disco with a roof rack available at your local Land Rover Dealership-
If not, contact one of the guys in the parts dept and ask them to let you come take a look at one(pretend that you are interested in buying it)-

LR Max
Posted on Friday, July 05, 2002 - 01:03 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Land Rover Charlotte!!?? LOL! Last time I was there (Monday) they didn't have a D1 for sale. All they had were Freelanders stacked up like fire wood. Heck, they had already sold four 2003 rangies and they didn't have any on display!! Who came up with that idea?? I don't know if they stock roof racks or not. Considering them, it will be a 50% chance.

Brad, if you would like to see more discos, visit They are having an event at Uhwarrie in the middle of July. There should be plenty of discos there for you to look at.

Max T.

\Mike... (Mpeters)
Posted on Friday, July 05, 2002 - 01:58 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post


Why stronger (and everything that goes with it)? That design/weight seems to hold well.

The LR Rack is 1" tube with crimped/squared joins.

oh, and exo-roll cage - don't laugh.


Brad Russell (Bradnc)
Posted on Friday, July 05, 2002 - 01:57 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

I wasn't planning on building a massive piece of architecture or anything, i just have the capabilites to make the rack a little sturdier with the same appearance. If nobody knows someone in Charlotte with one, would anybody be willing to take some measurements and digital photos of specific things i ask about? This would be a great help. Someone in Charlotte with a rack has to be a discowebber... or at least someone would want to snap a few pics and take a few measurements....

Willie Joubert (Willie)
Posted on Friday, July 05, 2002 - 05:06 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Did that, e-mail me and I can send you some pictures of my rack, better stronger and it hugs the roof not like the factory 16" high rack. The reason I wanted it low on the roof was to get my rooftop tent close as possible to the roof.
[email protected]

Markd1x2 (Markd1x2)
Posted on Friday, July 05, 2002 - 10:56 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Speaking of full-body cages, I happened to see a small Toyota pickup with such a "cage" while I was in Moab,Utah 2 weeks ago. I looked to be about 2" tubular steel and was seeming well placed to protect the whole truck. I'd guess that such a cage is practical/possible on a small/light truck as that Toy but a bit questionable on a 5K+ pound LR D1 with roof rack, etc.

Brad Russell (Bradnc)
Posted on Sunday, July 07, 2002 - 03:56 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

anybody out there with an adventure rack willing to take a few measurements and snap a few pics? Willie, thanks for the pics of your custom creation, very clever idea!


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