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Todd PHenneger
Posted on Sunday, July 07, 2002 - 02:32 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

I know this post is similar to the other one thats posting right now. But my main issue right now is I cant pull ANY fault codes. Whats wrong with the stupid system. Read below for complete details.
I have developed an interesting misfire in my 94' Discovery 3.9l V8. It started about 75 miles ago when I filled up with gas but has recently gotten much worse. The gas station claims that they have had no complaints of bad gas and have a capture and filter system to contain any water in the tanks.
THe misfire initially only would happen when first depressing the accelerator but after being floored would go away. Tonight about 5 miles from home it got really bad. Dying at the offramp bottom but starting immidiately afterwards. It sort of feels like a lean stumble.
The last fuel tank I ran 2 bottles of Techron through the system (2 because of the large fuel tank size) which seems to have cleared up some erratic Idle issues but then this fill up the stumble appeared. My only Idea is that possible the Techron dislodged some gunk in the tank and lines that has now clogged the Fuel Filter. Does this seem Feasable and probable.
Any other suggestions? The engine starts fine and has idled fine until this stumble got worse a few miles ago. I think I'll have to park it and drive the "unreliable" Audi for a few days. :-)
Also, WHat is WRONG with my stupid Fault Code system. Its blank. Am I doing something wrong. The archives explains how to clear it. To read it is the ignition on or off. I cant get it to display anything. My Audi one is so much easier. How can my engine barely run and throw no fault codes! Grrrr.
Thanks in Advance

Todd Phenneger
Posted on Sunday, July 07, 2002 - 02:57 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Aha! I think I have cornered the culprit. Seems a connection to the COIL has gone bad and was loose causting intermittent misfire. Every problem I have had on this car has been the coils fault. Loose connection, water around it after going through a puddle, I think I need to re-think Lucas's wirin in that area. Hmmm, imagine that. :-)
However, I still want to see something on my LED Display panel when I'm having problems. WHy is my display DARK?....OK..I just unplugged my MAF Sensor and I got a #12 fault which is correct so my LED unit is working. But why does it not show anythign when I'm having a problem like a massive misfire???
Also...whoever runs the TECH section may want to make one small change to the article about dumping Fault Codes. It explains thouroughly how to clear the codes but doesn't say how to actually read them. You have to have ignition on to read them. Maybe Its just to late and didn't make sense to me but I wasn't sure. Also, after I clear them the #12 stays, it never clears unless I fix the problem and re-start the car. I thought if you cleared them and there were no more faults it would go blank before going to the fault number again.
Anyhow, thanks. I'm just glad I fixed it.

Phillip Miller (Owlfamilymaine)
Posted on Tuesday, July 09, 2002 - 09:50 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

On a disco 1 w/OBDII (and this may be the same with OBDI) the fault code will only come up if the error occurs multiple (I believe 3) times under similar driving conditions. In addition, the error will automatically clear if after 3 drives under similar driving conditions the error does not re-occur.

Posted on Tuesday, July 09, 2002 - 09:55 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

On an output like that you probalby wont get any code at all.... There is nothing to check it against...


Posted on Tuesday, July 09, 2002 - 11:40 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post


This sounds an awful lot like the problem I was describing in this post ../2/6041.html"MB">

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